Dragon Ball: Shackles of Life

Chapter 236 Sun Wuling’s counterattack

In the ring, there are still five minutes left before the end of the Power Conference!

"Why? We are both our father's children. Why can Qiangwei do it? But I can't? Where am I missing?"

Ryan's steps were unsteady, and Qiangwei's divine state was extremely comfortable, which was a bit difficult for him to accept. At this moment, he seemed to understand something? He now has many questions to ask Zhai Kou and Laila.

"Why, why do I exist? Is this the reason why I exist? Why was I born?"

Ryan clutched his chest, feeling a little difficult to breathe.

It feels very uncomfortable and painful, and I really want to escape from here! It turns out that this is the reason why he was born, and the reason why his mother was disappointed and rejected him.


Ryan calmed down his heart, and he was still fighting. Even though his heart seemed to be broken, his expression remained unchanged, as calm as usual.

"Congratulations, Qiangwei, for reaching the realm of God. At such an age, you must have gone through a lot of practice. How old are you this year?"

"I'm eleven!"

As soon as Qiangwei spoke, Whis, Beerus, Bardos, Xiangpa and many other people in the stands collapsed. Even Kesi and the high priest felt their shoulders sink, feeling speechless at Qiangwei's age.

Caulifla's eyes widened and her jaw almost dropped to the ground. She said, "Ten, eleven years old, no way, so young! Are all people on Earth monsters?"

Gabe also said in disbelief: "Ashamed, when I was eleven years old... don't mention it, what on earth was I doing."

Hit, who has always been cold, also said: "Rose's power is very stable, without that sense of emptiness, and the foundation is solid!"

"That's why it's scary! It's like this now, and it will be better when you grow up. Damn it, why are you in the seventh universe?"

Xiangpa looked at Beerus with anger and jealousy.

Beerus looked proud, looked at Xiangpa triumphantly, and said: "I can't help it, who allowed the seventh universe to have such a wise and powerful God of Destruction like me, hahaha..."

Whis, Piccolo and others didn't know if it was an illusion, but it felt like Beerus's nose turned up in excitement. Apparently Rose's extreme freedom made him so excited that he went to heaven.

"You're only eleven years old!"

In the ring, Ryan was also frightened by Qiangwei's age at this time. He felt so damned, he didn't have this when he was eleven years old.

At this time, Sun Wuling took the opportunity to glance at Vegito, and took the opportunity to taunt: "If you plant flowers with intention, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows with no intention, they will form shade. Because of what I just said, Qiangwei has realized the realm of God that has been bothering her for a long time, and you ,hehehe..."


Vegetto lowered his head in despair. He was so heartbroken at the moment that he really couldn't refute.

Sun Wuling continued to say in a cold voice: "It seems that I can't do it without forcing you. Vegetto, no, Goku, Vegeta, if we are still alive, Qiangwei and I haven't practiced the Demon Sealing Wave for a long time, and we feel a little rusty. .”

"I'll try it right away!"

Vegito's overlapping voice was full of panic when he heard that he was going to practice the Demon Sealing Wave.

Take a deep breath, calm down, and relax yourself. When you defend, you are as silent as the sky, and when you attack, you are faster than the Thunder.

Sun Wuling was standing side by side with Qiangwei at this moment. Qiangwei's petite body was now able to fight side by side with him. He felt in his heart that a daughter had grown up in our family.

"Dad, how about we trap Ryan in the realm of ultimate intention?"

Qiangwei asked Sun Wuling.

Sun Wuling shook his head with a wry smile and said: "If I could do it, I would have done it a long time ago. Haven't you seen how powerful Ryan's space and other moves are? The power gap is too big, and there is no chance to use it against him. , there is no chance to even use the Medama Fusion Technique, otherwise I wouldn’t have risked using the Tapola earrings, and most importantly, Lord Quan Wang.”

"That's right!"

Rose nodded like a chicken, her white hair standing up like a Super Saiyan, looking at Ryan with a pair of blue eyes, and assuming a fighting posture.

"Father, let's go together!"

"Well, I'll take the lead this time!"


There was an excited smile on Rose Girl's face. She was able to stand in front of her father, and she no longer had to watch from a distance.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Qiangwei moved at high speed, followed closely by Sun Wuling, and the power of God in his body attacked Ryan.



Qiangwei and Ryan's fists collided together. Qiangwei took a few steps back and stabilized her figure. Then Sun Wuling condensed Qi Yuan Slash and threw it towards Ryan.

Ryan jumped back, leaned up, and passed through the Qi Yuan Slash. Without wasting any extra energy, he landed smoothly on the ground.

Qiangwei rubbed her numb fist at this time. She had just fought with Ryan, and it felt like it was about to break. It hurt so much.

Ryan glanced at Vegito in the distance, frowned, and felt a little bad. The energy of Ziziyi exploded and blended into the surrounding space.

"Father, in fact, the gap between you and me is not only about strength, but also about vision and knowledge. Break it, my world!"

Formed by the space fragments integrated into the divine power of Ziyijiyi, the silver light rain all over the sky hung on the world of Wu, and densely attacked Sun Wuling, Qiangwei, and Vegito in the distance.

Sun Wuling stopped Qiangwei, looked at Ryan, showed a smile, and said lightly: "Lian, your abilities and moves also inspired me a lot, and made me understand that what the power of God can do is not simple. It’s just firing Qigong waves and Qigong bombs.”

"Absolute zero!"

Sun Wuling raised his palms. As Sun Wuling shouted, the extremely cold breath spread. In the area covered by absolute zero, time and space were also frozen at absolute zero. The space fragments all over the sky shattered instantly. In the distance, just prepared Ryan, who got out of the way, was caught off guard and was enveloped in absolute zero.

Absolute zero is the lowest temperature in thermodynamics. At absolute zero, whether it is particle kinetic energy or quantum mechanics, everything will stop, minus 273.15 degrees.

Ryan's moves require knowledge of their theories and principles. Compared to white holes, black holes, gamma rays, and space debris, Sun Wuling does not understand these principles, but he can understand the moves and developed the move Absolute Zero.

"Okay, great!"

Qiangwei's blue eyes stared at the boss, and she was about to strike, but was stopped by Sun Wuling.

"In absolute zero, everything will stop, including time and space. Your attacks are useless, use this!"

Sun Wulin aimed his palms at Ryan, who was trapped in absolute zero. A fireball was formed, the energy was compressed and controlled, and the hot flames became solid. The temperature was raised by Sun Wulin to a terrifying level, but the heat was not leaked out at all. .


Qiangwei tilted her head and said doubtfully, she felt that the fireball condensed in Sun Wuling's palm was not ordinary at all.

"One trillion fireballs!"

Sun Wuling suddenly thought of something and continued: "It is one trillion degrees in the true sense, and it is also the maximum limit that I can control the temperature."

"One, one trillion degrees!"

Qiangwei was so frightened that she took a step back and distanced herself from Sun Wuling. Her father is still her father. Even if she reaches the ultimate freedom of the legendary Angel of Destruction, she still has a lot to learn. Your father is still your father! She is still far behind!

In the stands, Beerus held his head and cursed in fright, shouting: "Hey, Sun Wuling, are you starting to stop being human? It's over, it's over, Whis, prepare a protective shield quickly, or the fireball will explode. They’re all so damn dead!”

"I told you, I can control it!"

Sun Wuling complained speechlessly, and under the horrified eyes of a group of people in the stands, a one-trillion-degree fireball struck towards Ryan in absolute zero.

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