Dragon Ball: Shackles of Life

Chapter 25 Guidance of Potential

Nailu led everyone to see the Namekian Great Elder. In the cave, the Namekian Great Elder was much larger than the other Namekians, and there was a basketball-sized one-star dragon ball next to him.

The great elder kept his eyes tightly closed, giving people a sense of exhaustion and passage, and he also looked very old.

"Thank you, friends from extraterrestrial places!"

The great elder's voice felt very weak.

"My children were all killed, cough cough cough... I'm really unwilling to accept it."

The great elder's words made Dandy, Piccolo, and Naru clenched their fists in anger.

"They all seem to be here for the Dragon Balls! The Dragon Balls symbolize the wisdom and strength of the Namekians, but I didn't expect that this kind of Pearl of Hope would suffer such a disaster!" the great elder said, with a hint of exhaustion in his voice. have no choice.

"It's okay, Great Elder, you don't need to be sad. On our earth, there are still seven Dragon Balls created by the gods, which are also Namekians. When the time comes, those dead Namekians can be resurrected by the Dragon Balls!"

Sun Wuling took a step forward and said to the great elder.

"Really, really? Everyone, can everyone be resurrected?" Dandi looked at Sun Wuling excitedly and asked.

"That's right..."

Sun Wuling looked at Piccolo and suddenly replied in a cold voice: "But unfortunately, the Dragon Balls on our earth can only make a wish once. Even if everyone is resurrected, they cannot leave here! So, the Dragon Balls on Frieza's side , we still need to take it back, and make a wish for all of us to leave Namek!"

"Ah... But, Uncle Go Ling, we, our strength is so different from Frieza's!" Son Gohan asked nervously. Frieza's anger was so scary that it was clearly imprinted on them. in the mind.

"Yes, so I am also thinking about how to attract Frieza, and... Oops, I almost forgot, Great Elder, wait a moment! It will be useful to you."

Sun Wuling condensed his palms, and the surrounding natural energy condensed in his palms. A natural energy as big as a thumb was formed. He explained: "This energy comes from nature and is full of life energy. Great Elder, I know you already have it." You are determined to die, but you can’t do it now. Let’s consider this when everyone is safe. This energy can help you regain your energy, and it may be more convenient in the future.”

After speaking, Sun Wuling waited for the great elder's answer.

After more than ten seconds of silence, the Great Elder spoke. Because it was about the life and death of the Namekians, he chose to agree, "Okay, please, Earthling!"

call out……

The natural energy in Sun Wuling's hand poured into the body of the great elder, filled with the bloom of life. The aura of the great elder regained some luster, and even stood up directly under the tension of Dandi and Nailu.

"Ha... I didn't expect that I would have a chance to be young again! Thank you, Earthling." The great elder looked at his body and smiled, even his eyes that had been closed were opened.

"My name is Sun Wuling!"

Sun Wukong and others also introduced themselves one by one, and then the great elder looked at Piccolo!

"Sure enough, are you Kadaz's child? It's amazing. You have grown up. Are you sensing that it is difficult to come back to Namek?"

Piccolo lowered his head slightly, looking unnatural, as if a child who had done something bad met his parents!

"Great Elder..."

"But why? Your potential and talent should be more than this! Why can't you have a little evil heart after being divided into two halves and becoming a god? What a pity. If you merge, your talent may not only be this. ”

The great elder stretched out his palm. With Sun Wuling's help, he has now regained some strength, and his palm is facing Piccolo!


Piccolo was about to struggle, but found that he couldn't move.

"You all possess very powerful powers, but there are still many potential powers that have not been unleashed. Sun Wuling, the kind-hearted Saiyan Sun Wukong, and Sun Wuhan, if you unleash your potential powers, maybe you will really Can defeat Frieza."

"Potential power..."

Sun Wuling's memory was vague, but he still remembered that the great elder of Namek and an old Kaioshin both had the ability to develop potential. It seemed that the two were different.

If the potential development of the old Kaioshin is a general transformation, then the great elder has perfectly developed the power that he has not yet exerted, and it does not affect himself.


Suddenly, a very huge aura condensed on Piccolo's body. Piccolo's eyes widened in disbelief, "This, this power is so powerful that I can't believe it!"

Piccolo's sudden burst of aura was also felt by Vegeta, who was running around headlessly on Namek.

"This, this energy belongs to the Namekians on that earth. What happened? How come the power suddenly became so much stronger." Vegeta was so surprised that he couldn't speak. In the end, he gritted his teeth and flew away. past.

Frieza's detector immediately sensed Piccolo's burst of energy.


The latest detector also exploded.

"Impossible, the combat power actually exceeds one million."

Frieza got down from the throne. Piccolo's burst of fighting power made him unable to sit still.

"Ho ho ho... It's really interesting. I didn't expect that there are guys with more than one million combat power, ho ho ho..."

Frieza flew in the direction where the detector had just detected, and the other six Dragon Balls floated behind him, smiling excitedly.

"Oops, Frieza and Vegeta are flying here!"

Sun Wuling looked at Piccolo anxiously. At this time, the great elder was developing the unused power of Bidili.

"Dragon Balls, the remaining six Dragon Balls are here too!" Bulma quickly took out the Dragon Ball Radar and shouted.


Vidili's energy also burst out. Although she was very weak, she was much stronger than Vegeta now, but that wouldn't necessarily be the case in a real fight!

"It seems that Bi Dili still needs to be developed! The training is really hard." Sun Wuling couldn't help but think in his heart that Satan just found someone to take on the role, and it was also very good to teach a disciple with talent. In the end The important thing is that Bidili is an Earthling like him, and she also fulfills his requirements very seriously.

"Frieza, hum, Goku, Goku, Gohan, you wait here, just let me know Frieza for a while!"

Piccolo walked out, showing a war-loving smile. He couldn't wait to fight Frieza. He felt that Frieza was no match for him at all.

"Bidili... I also have a task for you, are you willing?" Sun Wuling said, looking at Bidili who was enjoying his caress like a coquettish kitten.

"Master Wu Ling, tell me! I promise to complete the mission."

Bidili was wearing the same purple martial arts uniform as Sun Wuling, and her sudden surge in power made her eager to prove herself.

"Can you bring the Dragon Balls back while Piccolo is fighting Frieza?"

Seeing that Sun Wuhan had arrived, Sun Wuling continued, "If that doesn't work, wait for Sunwuhan to get better, and you can go there together."

"No, Master Wu Ling, I will definitely complete the mission and definitely bring back the Dragon Ball!" Bidili glanced at Sun Wuhan unconvinced and replied quickly.

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