Dragon Ball: Shackles of Life

Chapter 262 Ke Si’s Troubles


Sun Wuling felt very uncomfortable. Even if his strength was to fight Weiss at the same time, Bados was not inferior at all. However, there was still such a gap between him and Kesi, and he was killed instantly with one move.

Sun Wukong looked at himself, he was transferred directly by Kesi, and he was so surprised that he couldn't believe it.

"I, why am I here suddenly!"

Whis pulled Sun Wukong back to Beerus and Rumsey, and explained: "This is space movement. During the Power Conference, the great priest used this move to move the contestants from various universes to the ring, and also When a player is eliminated and moved to the stands, this is the same move."

"Okay, so powerful. Miss Kesi is so powerful. Who is stronger, her or the great priest?"

Sun Wukong widened his eyes in surprise and asked in disbelief.

Weiss shook his head and said with a smile: "Of course, the Great Priest is more powerful. It takes longer for the Great Priest to reach the closed space loop and he is more skilled."

"Do you still want to fight? Sun Wuling!"

Kesi lowered her head and looked at Sun Wuling, who was trembling and struggling to stand up, and said calmly.

Sun Wuling stood up tremblingly and gave out a very forced smile, "Hehe... I lost, Miss Kesi. I was too arrogant. I thought I had a glimpse of the door, but the gap turned out to be too big. Now I I'm so lucky to know how Rose escaped from Lucifer's hands at that time."

Ke Si spread her hands and let out a light and sweet laugh, saying: "Lucifer is like this, arrogant, and because of his arrogance, he was tricked by Rose and almost overturned."

After saying that, Kesi cured Sun Wuling.

"Thank you, Miss Kess!"

Suddenly, Sun Wulin changed his words and said with a pleading face: "My power prevents us from seeing too much. Miss Kesi, please, can you let us see what your power at this level is like?" of."

Whis, Sun Wukong, and Beerus also looked at her with wide eyes. Only Rumsey was showing off with some lack of interest, and seemed to have given up completely.

"Stay away!"

Kesi's words were very cold, and he was completely different from before. Sun Wuling jumped back, distanced himself from Kesi, opened his spiritual eyes, and looked at Kesi carefully.

The scepter in Kesi's hand dissipated. Under the eyes of everyone, the twisted space around him exploded as Kesi's divine power spread. Under the vision of Sun Wulin, Weiss, and Sun Wukong's spiritual eyes, the spread could no longer be seen. The end.

"Use your free will energy to sense!"

Ke Si's voice caused Sun Wulin and Sun Wukong to close their eyes quickly. Sun Wukong became the state of Zi Zi Ji Yi. With the power of Zi Zi Ji Yi, he could sense the area where Kesi's energy had just spread.

Sun Wukong said in surprise: "This, it's so far, wow, how many kilometers is this! It's hundreds of times bigger than the body of the Super Dragon!"

Sun Wuling thought for a while and estimated: "With the God of Destruction as the center and a radius of at least three million light years, Miss Kesi's divine power and space actually cover such a distance!"

Kesi showed a faint smile, her braid was thrown behind her head, she was confident and indifferent. Under the perception of Sun Wulin and Sun Wukong, she shrank instantly, forming a spherical silver ball of light, which condensed in the palm of Kesi's hand.

Weiss's face was also a little uneasy. The surrounding space with a radius of three million light years was twisted, folded and compressed into a ball of light with a diameter of ten centimeters. It also condensed the divine power of Kesi. This is the power of angelic vision. The gap is also the power at the apex.

Sun Wulin and Sun Wukong were completely dumbfounded and took a few steps back unnaturally. If the folded space in Kesi's hand with a radius of about three million light years suddenly exploded, plus the power of God condensed on it, the aftermath alone would be Can directly crush them to death.

The condensed space in Kesi's hand dissipated, and Sun Wuling's appearance at this time was very useful to her. It really scared him. He was light and indifferent, without any effort.

"How about it, Sun Wuling, is this okay? At this level, attacks of this level are easy."

Sun Wuling nodded mechanically. This is the absolute difference in power between him and Kesi. The gap is too big, as if it is out of reach. Kesi is already like this. There are even more powerful priests like Lucifer than Kesi. What will it be like?

"Wuling, I can't laugh at all! The gap between us is still too big."

The warlike Saiyan blood in Sun Wukong's body could no longer boil. It was as if an icy cold had frozen him. The soles of his feet felt cold. After practicing for so long, he found that he was still far away from his goal.

"Well, I won't hit you too hard, right?"

Kesi was suddenly startled, and later found that she had overthought it. Whether it was Sun Wuling or Sun Wukong, they were full of stubbornness and unyielding, gritting their teeth, clenching their fists, and making up their minds.

"Sun Wuling, you also know Cronus, the Angel of Time, and you know his abilities!"

"Chronos, the Angel of Time!"

Sun Wuling came back to his senses, nodded, and replied: "I learned about it from Ryan, the three supreme angels who were once together with the great priest, Lucifer, but his title is related to time, right?"

Kesi nodded and signaled Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong sat down, pouted, and complained to Sun Wukong with a little emotion: "He is still the three giants of the past. His abilities are very weird. The priesthood of the Angel of Time allows him to Easily travel through parallel time and space, even my father and Lucifer suffered big losses when they joined forces, what should I do if he and I run into each other?"

"Ah, Miss Kesi, you ask me this, but there is nothing I can do. Even Lucifer and the Great Priest have suffered losses, so what can I do to deal with him!"

Sun Wuling's face fell. He really thought he was omnipotent. With his weird time control ability, he could see through the trajectory of time and travel to any parallel world at will. To be honest, after he learned about the ability of Cronus, the Angel of Time, It feels completely incomprehensible, and coupled with the power of Kronos, the Angel of Time, I have no idea how to deal with him.

With a pleading look on her face, her big watery eyes and a coquettish look, Ke Si said: "Please, Sun Wuling, you can always find loopholes in places you don't notice, and my father doesn't have a good way either. I wanted to find the King of Time before, but she was scared away after hearing about the Angel of Time and the Angel of Destruction."

Sun Wuling also twitched the corner of his mouth. He had also heard Beerus say this. He thought he could expect hundreds of chapters of the story of the time-travel war to be revealed, but all of them ran away at once.

"Loopholes, what kind of loopholes can an enemy like that find?"

Sun Wuling began to think about it. If he had a decisive battle with Lucifer, Cronus would also be a huge trouble. In addition to his weird time, he also had that absolutely powerful strength.

"By the way... Miss Kesi, Quan Wang, Quan Wang is a collection of concepts of laws, which means that there will be Quan Wang in any parallel time and space."

A flash of inspiration flashed in Sun Wuling's mind, which really made him find a huge bug, and he continued: "The King of our world will not go out, but the King of other time and space has never said such a thing, right!"

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