Dragon Ball: Shackles of Life

Chapter 294 The Nature of Original Sin

"Damn it, damn it...Kaioshin-sama, did Kaioshin-sama hear this?"

Sun Wuhan's tearing cry rang out. After thinking calmly, he understood the true meaning of Leviathan's words just before his death.

In the Kaiojin Realm, Old Kaiojin and Eastern Kaiojin Xin heard Son Gohan's call and were startled.

East Kaiojin Shin quickly responded: "What's wrong, Mr. Gohan!"

Sun Wuhan quickly responded: "The essence of original sin comes from everything in the world. When the arrogant Lucifer also disappears, those original sins will return to the world itself."

Sun Wuhan covered his head. He just regretted killing Leviathan so directly. He realized that he had done a very serious thing.

"Damn it, bastard, such a thing could happen. Lord Kaiojin, go to the King's Hall and contact the high priest. Don't kill Lucifer!"

Son Gohan's cry made the Kaiojin understand the seriousness of the matter. Although they did not understand the meaning of Son Gohan's words, the East Kaiojin Xin used teleportation to directly come to the All-King Palace.

However, it was already too late. When he arrived at the Quanwang Hall, there was no one outside the hall. The great priest had already gone to the zero universe, and the gods of destruction and angels from the twelve universes were heading towards the seventh universe.

"Too bad, Mr. Weiss, Lord Beerus is not here, and the great priest has also gone to Universe Zero. How are we going to get to Universe Zero!"

East Kaio Shen Xin looked confused and frantic at this time. Son Gohan's words showed how serious the matter was, and now he was panicking.

Located in the tunnel of space, Cronus has been flying forward with the dragon god Salama, and behind him, Kesi and Sun Wukong are chasing after him. Now that the wheel of time has been destroyed by the king, Cronus is afraid of parallelism. The Quan King of the world will take action, so if you run away quickly, as long as you return to the original world, Quan Wang will not take action.

Kesi's staff continued to condense the power of God, forming energy bombs, and continued to attack Cronus.

Cronus' body seemed to be dancing, leading the Dragon God Salama to dodge all of Kesi's attacks.

Sun Wukong, who had been holding Kesi's waist, looked surprised. Such a close contact and seeing such a high-level battle made him stare.

Cronus gritted his teeth, turned his head and looked at Kesi and Sun Wukong behind her, and said angrily: "It's really amazing. I can't believe that he actually used Lord Quan Wang to destroy my Wheel of Time."

"Hmph, but don't get too proud too early, Kesi, we will definitely be the ones to win in the end."

Cronus had been holding on to the unconscious Dragon God Salama at this time. He had no chance to fight back and could only avoid Kesi's attack.


Suddenly, the fallen angel disappeared, causing Cronus to be stunned.

"good chance!"


The power of the soul condensed in the pineal body of Kesi gathered and merged with the power of the ultimate intention, forming an energy wave that hit behind Cronus. He let out a painful scream, and the Dragon God Sha held in his hand Rama sent them all down.

Cronus spurted purple blood from his mouth, condensed a long rope of energy in his hand, grabbed the dragon god Salama, stabilized his body, and continued to fly forward.

"How come all the fallen angels have disappeared!"

Cronus gritted his teeth, paused, jumped, and finally sensed the world he was in. Divine power surged, forming an energy vortex, and returned to the original world.

"Wukong, we're here, hold on to me."

Ke Si followed closely behind, Sun Wukong nodded quickly, and followed Ke Si into the energy vortex, disappearing into the space tunnel together.

In the Zero Universe, in the Supreme God Realm, the great priest arrived at this time through space transfer, held up his chin, and showed a faint smile.

"As expected, Lucifer, your energy clone is hidden here. No wonder there is no trace of it in the twelve universes and the realm of nothingness."

The great priest raised his palms high, and the floating ring behind his head shone with silver light. The power of his free will surged, and the surrounding space compressed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The compressed closed loop of space, mixed with the power of the ultimate intention, blasted towards the Supreme God Realm of Universe Zero. In an instant, the Supreme God Realm was shattered by the Great Priest and completely destroyed.

Lucifer, who was fighting Sun Wuling, was stunned for a moment, and the sudden burst of energy attracted the attention of the two men.

"Supreme God Realm, this energy, Michael is also here!"

Lucifer's eyes narrowed, and the power of extreme freedom surged in his body, full of anger.

"The great priest is finally here!"

With a smile on his handsome face, Sun Wuling moved his hands and gently patted the dust on his body.

"Lucifer, your end has come! After annihilating you, and finally killing Cronus, everything will be over."

call out!

The great priest paused, came to Sun Wuling's side, and met Sun Wuling.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Sun Wuling. Lucifer's energy clones are hidden in the Supreme God Realm, and now they have all been destroyed."

The words of the great priest made Sun Wuling startled. He hid in the Supreme God Realm. He remembered that when he was in the Supreme God Realm before, he wanted to destroy the Supreme God Realm, but was stopped by Lucifer.

The great priest had not only stopped the endless fog before, but also found Lucifer's energy clone.

Lucifer took a deep breath, looked at the high priest, and said, "Michael, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Lucifer, you still have a chance to look back. Your fallen angels have also been destroyed together. You don't have any chance anymore!"

The high priest also looked at Lucifer with some confusion at this time. He has been a friend for many years. He, Lucifer, Cronus, he was also saved by Lucifer at that time. At this point, it is also his last Don't want to see it.

"Michael, you are still talking about this!"

Lucifer's eyes were full of coldness. Even in this situation, he knew his situation and was not afraid at all.

"You don't understand enough, Michael. Our world is just one of the worlds far away. I have seen before that in a certain parallel world, there is a being more powerful than Lord Quan Wang."


Lucifer's words made the great priest Sun Wuling startled!

Sun Wuling asked in disbelief: "What were you just talking about? Lucifer, are you kidding me? King Quan is the embodiment of the rules of the world and the absolute ruler. How can there be someone more powerful than King Quan?"

The high priest's eyes narrowed and he said: "No matter what those parallel worlds are like, Lucifer, for you now, failure is your reality."

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