Dragon Ball: Shackles of Life

Chapter 301 God King Cronus

"It's done, Kesi, Qiangwei, this is our last resort!"

Cronus's image also changed drastically at this time. He was wearing a suit of purple-gold soft armor, with his long purple hair hanging freely, like a supreme demon king from the dark hell.

He held a long black-purple sickle in his hand, which had also evolved from the original Titan's Scythe into a completely new look. The purple lines looked like blood vessels, and a scarlet upright pupil was embedded in the center of the intersection of the sickle, as if it had come alive. , the tail of the sickle has a sharp and small raised edge.

"Destroying Scythe!"

Cronus laughed excitedly, and waved the weapon he called the Extermination Scythe at Kesi and Rose, forming a huge purple slash, mixed with the power of extreme freedom.

"Hahaha... I see, I didn't expect that there are still people who can reach such a level. It's a pity that I can't completely devour the guy named Sun Wuling. After all, he has reached the highest realm, but that's it, Michael and Sun Wuling no longer pose a threat to me, as long as Kesi and Qiangwei are eliminated, everything will be over."

"Get out of the way!"

Ke Si, Qiangwei jumped in an instant, and the huge slash hit behind, forming a huge space crack, which continued to spread to a distance of one light-year, and then began to slowly recover.

"Isn't it good? This power is so powerful that it's unbelievable. Lucifer, don't worry, we will be the ones who win in the end!"

Cronus looked at his hands, and the endless mist merged all the universes into one, forming a new big universe.

Cold sweat formed on the foreheads of Kesi and Qiangwei at this time, especially Qiangwei, because after the sudden increase in strength and reaching the highest level, the fiery and irritable hearts cooled down and returned to their normal appearance.

"This, is this the power of Cronus now?"

Although Rose was surprised by Cronus's burst of power, it didn't mean that she was afraid. She would not admit defeat even if she died.

Kesi slowly calmed down at this time, and stood together with Qiangwei. There was an energy film around her body, which was a protective barrier that Qiangsi had specially put in place to protect her from being swallowed by the endless mist.

In the Kaio Shen Realm, because of the reason why Ryan was devoured, the imprisonment that restrained Laila also disappeared, and Laila regained her freedom.

"Ryan...is he dead?"

Although she regained her freedom, Laila felt very uncomfortable at this time and could not be happy at all. She was obviously dead, and she felt a lot of pain in her heart. The halo on her head also disappeared at this moment, and she was resurrected by Cronus. .


Zhai Kou teleported to Laila's side at this time. He didn't know what to do now. Everything was obviously going well, why so many things happened suddenly.

"How is Ryan? Zhai Kou!"

Laila was covering her head at this time, her voice was trembling, and her mind kept recalling bits and pieces of the past. When she sent Ryan to Universe Zero to practice, she was so worried and frightened that Ryan was like her before. She had an indescribable complex feeling in her heart.

"Ryan was eaten by Lord Cronus!"

Zhai Kou's voice was cold and calm, making Laila feel as if she had fallen into an ice cellar, and her whole body was as cold as ice.

"Lian clearly hasn't cultivated the power of ultimate freedom, why do you want to touch him! Lord Lucifer, Lord Cronus only agreed to us, why do you want to eat him!"

Laila clenched her fists, and her dark eyes seemed to be breathing fire.

"Mother, what should we do!"

Zhai Kou moved his palms at this time. He understood Laila's plan at this time. Although he was asking, he looked very sure.

"Waiting, waiting for the opportunity! Now that I have come back to life, I'm afraid the same goes for that Saiyan Yamosi. Zhai Kou, go kill him and let his soul fly away."

Hearing Laila's words, Zhai Kou showed a bloodthirsty smile on his face and replied: "I know what to do, mother!"

In the starry sky of the universe, Cronus, holding the extermination scythe, stood in front of Kesi and Qiangwei. The height of Kesi and Qiangwei, about 1.6 meters, coupled with their childish and green looks, made him gently Sigh.

"Oh, one is fifteen or sixteen, and the other looks like fifteen or sixteen. It's troublesome. You are both obviously young and full of potential. It would be a pity to kill you. Wouldn't it be great for those weak humans to become servants? Obviously, you are all young and full of potential. I will benefit from it together with you, I really don’t understand why you and Michael are so opposed to it.”

Cronus persuaded Kesi and Rose again.

Kesi replied without hesitation: "You should give up, it's absolutely impossible!"

Qiangwei nodded in agreement, and then continued: "They are also all beings born, but just because they appeared very early, they looked down on the humans who were born later. Who can show you that you are showing off your superiority! Like a nouveau riche All the same, there is no godly state of mind at all.”

"Upstart... nouveau riche!"

Others have not reached the highest level like Sun Wuling and the great priest. When Cronus heard this word, he immediately understood what it meant. He couldn't help but wonder, Qiangwei actually used this to describe them.

"Hmph, I have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. In this case, I won't be polite. You should have a good look at my current power!"

The endless mist became more intense, and the sight was covered. Not only that, but the indescribable and indescribable terrifying aura of the endless mist made it impossible for Kesi and Qiangwei to sense the aura of Cronus.

"Back to back!"

Kesi's cold and childish voice reached Kesi's ears, and the two women quickly left their backs to each other, constantly sensing their surroundings. Under such circumstances, they could only react by sensing danger.

"Miss Kesi, give me three minutes to gather energy, and I will clear these thick endless fogs."

Qiangwei's words made Kesi nodded and quickly responded: "Okay, in that case, you must be careful!"

The rose pineal gland condenses the power of the soul, gathers and distributes the power of the whole body, and merges with the power of ultimate freedom to begin to accumulate strength.

"Miss Kesi, we still have a chance to defeat Cronus!"


Kesi shouted in surprise, turned around, and said in surprise: "Rose, you actually have a way for us to defeat Cronus?"

Qiangwei touched her chest. She kept wearing the thing close to her body, but when she thought about Cronus' current power, she said with some uncertainty: "I'm not sure whether it can be done, but this is indeed our Last chance.”

call out!

Suddenly, the purple phantom of the Extermination Scythe struck towards Kesi and Qiangwei.

"Get out of the way!"

Qiangwei jumped up, accumulating strength and preparing for a big explosion.

Kesi collided with the extermination scythe with purple light and shadow.


A huge repulsive force made Kesi almost lose her grip, and the staff was shattered by Kronos's scythe of extermination.

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