In a dark and closed alien space, the purple flowing light was like blood vessels, moving abnormally.

In the dark alien space, one after another purple cocoon-like things are densely embedded in the alien space, with no end in sight, making people's scalp numb, and patients with trypophobia may die on the spot.

call out! call out!

Suddenly, there were two cocoons, one behind the other, and two beams of light erupted, but they were closely connected to each other, and a gap was broken.

"Damn it, where is this?"

The cocoon was like a small world with no end in sight. Sun Wuling in the cocoon wanted to take the opportunity to fly out, but found that there was no end at all. The gap just made seemed to be close in front of him, but it was also very far away. Flying to the end.

The world in the cocoon was a strange and endless fog. Sun Wuling slowly calmed down, carefully observed the situation around him, and vaguely understood what was happening now.

"Wuling, are you there?"

Suddenly, the telepathy of the great priest came. Just like Sun Wuling, the great priest just broke this alien world.

"Great Priest, great, where are you now?"

Sun Wuling looked happy and responded quickly.

"I am in a claustrophobic time corridor. I am breaking the formation. I sensed your power just now after breaking a gap. Is the situation on your side the same?"

The words of the great priest made Sun Wuling nod quickly, and the power of his free will condensed and spread to the surroundings, and he replied: "Yes, I am also breaking the formation now. Lord great priest, we have all been swallowed by Cronus. Damn it, actually There are still things like this, and I don’t know how everyone is doing outside now.”

"I didn't sense Kesi's aura. Kesi shouldn't have been swallowed."

The words of the great priest made Sun Wuling sense the outside world through the gap.

"Gohan, Goku, No. 18, No. 21, Old Kaioshin, Bados, well, everyone is here, even Satan, Little Cell, and my sister-in-law are here!"

Sun Wuling's expression changed. Did Cronus swallow everything?

"Well, no, not here, the great priest, and Rose is not here either. It seems that the devouring of the endless mist is useless to Rose's power of freedom. I am afraid it is because of Rose that Kesi was not killed by Cronus like us. Devour.”

Sun Wuling was overjoyed, but soon, the smile on his face slowly disappeared. This situation meant that only Kesi and Qiangwei were left outside, and they had to face a person who had already swallowed Cronus of all things in the world.

"Oops, Lord High Priest, so there are only Kesi and Qiangwei left outside now. Damn it, why can't it be cracked? The time corridor seems to have absorbed me."

Sun Wuling looked at the motionless space around him. Even though the cocoon that wrapped him was riddled with holes, he still couldn't get close to those gaps, making it impossible for him to leave this place.

"Original sin is our own original sin that keeps us fixed in this corridor of time. It really doesn't work."

The great priest on the other side also shook his head in disappointment, and conducted a psychological telepathy with Sun Wuling.


Sun Wuling clenched his fists unwillingly. Original sin, this feeling is really uncomfortable. It was only with the power of him and the great priest that he could break the space barrier, but the exit was right in front of him, but he could not leave.

"Well, by the way, Lord Great Priest, wait a minute. I have a way to try. Since we can't break them internally, why don't we try external power? Lord Great Priest, let's use our strongest long-distance weapon." Move, throw it out through the gap and see if you can break other people's time corridors."

Sun Wuling's turtle style qigong bombs are condensed, and the power of the soul and the power of freedom are gathered in the palm of his hand. The surrounding space is continuously compressed, accumulating power in the turtle style qigong bombs.

"Okay! I understand, you can try it."

The Great Priest gathered together on Judgment Day and continued to accumulate energy, constantly accumulating energy on Judgment Day and raising it to the highest level.

Outside, Cronus was completely dumbfounded when he saw the new figure of Kesi and Rose Tapora earrings.

Wearing purple tight underwear, covered with a blue battle robe, a pair of blue flat boots, her skin is whiter than snow, her proud and charming figure evokes charming arcs, thin red lips, regular facial features, and a pair of Her purple eyes were as bright and playful as those of an angel. Her white braid was gently thrown behind her head, and her hair was gently hanging on her forehead.

"Oh, Qiangwei's figure has developed very well? But her shoulders are not as sore as before. Did it shrink after the fusion? Was it balanced by Kesi?"

The girl's voice sounded like the voices of Kesi and Qiangwei overlapping each other. She lowered her head and saw a pair of faintly exposed toes, pouting slightly in disappointment.

"You, Tabola Earrings, you actually fused?"

Cronus glared at the boss, and the pair of purple tabola earrings on his ears made him instantly understand what happened.

The girl jumped up and stopped in front of Cronus. A pair of lavender eyes looked at her hands. She stepped on the plane of space, stepped lightly on her feet, and moved her body.

"Since it's Sun Qiangwei and Kesi who are combined, let's call them Rose. There's nothing creative about the name."

Rose Vex swung her fist forward hard, and a strong energy storm hit Cronus.

"Yeah drink..."

Cronus swung the extermination scythe heavily, forming an energy slash that collided with Rose's fist, making a roaring sound.

A blast of energy blew up Roseix's white braid, and Cronus took several steps back before he stabilized his figure.

Roseweix looked lazy, gently rubbing her shoulders, tilting her head, with an evil smile on her girlish face, and stretched out her palm provocatively towards Cronus.

"I'm really surprised. To be honest, I was also surprised by my power. Cronus, you are facing the strongest beautiful girl in the world now."

Rosevex's words caused an unknown fire to surge into Cronus's heart. The power in his body exploded with the breath, and the extermination scythe in his hand was aimed at Rosevex.

"Hahaha... The most powerful beautiful girl in the world is so ridiculous. It's just a fusion of Kaiojin's tabola earrings. What kind of method did you think it was? Hahaha... "

Cronus made a sarcastic sound to Rose, stretched out his palm, and showed a confident smile.

"Five seconds, only five seconds, I can finish you off!"

"Hey, are you so confident?"

Rosecrossed her arms to protect her chest, her girlish face was full of disbelief, and her confident and arrogant look made Cronus feel very unhappy.

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