Sun Wuling, who was in the dreamland at this time, was sitting cross-legged in the air, and his pineal gland was flashing with a silvery breath like flowing water.

"I have never had such a refreshing feeling. This feeling was just before I met Bulma. There was no pressure or worries. The speed of condensing the natural energy was accelerated. After half a month, it was I can open up the middle Dantian."

Sun Wukong couldn't help but secretly thought that he himself traveled to this world and his body turned into the appearance of a baby. He was picked up by his grandfather and became Sun Wukong's half-brother. However, more often than not, Sun Wukong behaved more like a younger brother. .

"But why did grandpa give me the name Sun Wulin! It sounds too difficult to pronounce, Wu Ling, Wu Ling, this name is so strange. Does it have any special meaning to grandpa? With grandpa's character, it is impossible It’s the word Qi Ling!”

Sun Wuling opened his eyes at this time, slowly fell down, and lay on the lawn, enjoying the tranquility and tranquility, and began to think about it. If his name was in the previous life, he probably would have been complained about somehow.

"Forget it, never mind, it's better than Sun Wukong. There's already a mistake in this world. No, even if it doesn't happen, I won't become a pig. Absolutely not!"

Sun Wuling's voice rose a bit. Even though the person with this name was very powerful, he just didn't want it and refused from the bottom of his heart! He believed that he knew what Wu Neng was, and he definitely had the same idea as him.

"Speaking of which, how is Cell? Goku's viral heart disease has disappeared. Gohan has now reached the full power level of a Super Saiyan in his memory. He is only one chance away from becoming a Super Saiyan. Man, he has become Super Saiyan 2, so there should be no problem...probably!"

Sun Wuling thought of the inexplicable uneasy palpitations he had felt before! He shook his head quickly, and suddenly, a familiar tune entered his mind.

In the outside world, Sun Wukong and Sun Wufan have returned home, while Tianjin Fan and Yamu Cha have stayed in the martial arts hall under the arrangement of Lan Fang and Xiao Wu!

Bidili was yawning at this time as she brought No. 16, No. 17, and No. 18 to Sun Wuling's home.

In the living room on the first floor, Bidili explained: "Master Wu Ling has a lot of gadgets, including game consoles and computers, as well as KTV singing, which can also accompany the rhythm, as well as various leisure and entertainment facilities. Where are the books? There is a room with all kinds of books, as well as Master Wu Ling’s private cinema..."

Bidili told No. 17, No. 18, and No. 16 about the situation on the first floor of Sun Wuling's house. No. 17 and No. 18 stared at it, looking like they couldn't believe it.

While pursuing martial arts, Sun Wuling will naturally practice hard, and he will also enjoy it, so that he can get some life regulators, relax and have strength. This is the balance of yin and yang, so that he will not become tense, especially for him The three places of the private cinema, library, and comic book room, Oolong, Kame Sennin was almost buried here every time he came, and he was carried out bleeding every time.

"You artificial beings will not be tired or tired. Basically, you should have the entertainment you need. In addition to things like zoos and amusement parks, Master Wu Ling almost has them in his home. The second floor is the lounge, and Master Wu Ling is there. Go to sleep, but don’t worry, Master Wukong said that Master Wu Ling won’t wake up if he’s too tired in about ten days, so don’t worry about disturbing him.”

After saying that, Bidili yawned and left Sun Wuling's house, returned to the martial arts hall, and safely put Sun Wuling and No. 16, No. 17, and No. 18 together.

The reason for this is that besides No. 16, the most important thing is her future master wife No. 18. In addition, these androids are not the big bad guys like Trunks' world, which makes her completely reassured and returns to the Budokan. , went to sleep and rest.

Sun Wuling’s home!

At this time, No. 16 went straight to Sun Wuling's green plant room. There were flowers and plants planted by Sun Wuling. These flowers and plants had been carefully taken care of by Sun Wuling. No. 16 could feel that he had never expected that a person like Sun Wuling could actually care for nature. ah!

In the hall, No. 18 and No. 17 looked left and right, almost dazzled!

"Sun Wuling has everything. He feels so rich. Are my two hundred sets of clothes going to be missing? Number 17!!! Uh..."

No. 18 had not looked at Sun Wuling's home carefully before. Looking at No. 17, who was already silent on the game console, she was speechless.

"No. 17, did you hear what I said?"

No. 18's voice rose a bit, and he said with some dissatisfaction.

No. 17 controlled the handle with both hands and replied without looking back: "No. 18, enjoying life quietly is also a pleasure. As for clothes, No. 18, if you marry Sun Wuling, you will not want as many clothes as you want. How many clothes are there, as well as the game console, and the games on the computer are all ours."

"Wha...what, you!"

No. 18 had always been cold-blooded, but after hearing what No. 17 said, he could no longer maintain it! His cheeks flushed with anger for a moment, his right fist was clenched, and his blue eyes looked at No. 17.

"No. 17, what are you talking about? You guy, didn't you say at the beginning that the androids should have a goal? Didn't we want to destroy Sun Wulin and Sun Wukong? You, what did you just say?"

No. 17 pressed the handle flexibly with his fingers and kept his eyes fixed on the screen. He replied: "We can't defeat Sun Wulin. Even No. 16 has given up on killing Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong's plan. No. 18, what's the matter? I’ll say it again, I’m in BOOS, I’ll be able to pass the first level right away, ah, BOOS’s damage is so high, but don’t be complacent, I’m Android No. 17, ahhh…”


No. 18 looked at No. 17, who was already silent in the game, and snorted angrily. She looked around, not wanting to talk to No. 17 anymore. Suddenly, she noticed the KTV room and walked in curiously.

"Hey, can that guy Sun Wuling still sing?"

On the 18th, I noticed the musical instruments placed in the KTV room, including guzheng, flute, saxophone, suona, piano, guitar, and electronic drums. All kinds of musical instruments that can be called are basically available in this KTV room.

Suddenly, No. 18 noticed an accompaniment sound plate on the table.

"Gradually attracted to you?"

On the 18th, I opened the display screen, searched for the song title, and saw the video of Sun Wuling singing at the wedding scene.

"Sun Wuling, no this sung by Sun Wuling himself?"

At this moment, in his sleep, Sun Wuling clearly heard this familiar piece of music he sang.

"No, someone tampered with my KTV room. Forget about listening to music, why didn't you close the door! Even I heard it!"

Sun Wuling complained speechlessly.

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