The last time we talked about the energy required for a teleportation, it was just 1 million combat power qi!

At least it is not much for Sun Wukong!

The [unlimited physical strength] that the [mysterious magic pot] brings to Sun Wukong is not just to restore physical strength!

Physical strength, qi, mental strength, as long as it can be consumed and Sun Wukong can restore it by himself when not using this [mysterious magic pot], it will be restored in one second!

Sun Wukong doesn't know if there is an upper limit to the recovery of the [mysterious magic pot], at least he hasn't encountered it yet!

Let's not talk about the [mysterious magic pot], let's talk about the black ring!

After the combat power reaches 1 million, each teleportation requires 1 million combat power qi!

Does this mean that users can drain their own Qi directly?

Of course not!

Sun Wukong is very humane!

[Infinite Shield], let's learn about it!

Installment payment, let's learn about it!

If you inject 1 combat power of Qi into [Infinite Shield] in 1 second, it only takes 1 million seconds, or about 11 and a half days, to fill it up once for teleportation!

To put it another way, didn't Sun Wukong leave three free chances?

After knowing that the future teleportation energy needs to be provided by oneself, anyone who understands long-term development will use these three opportunities to improve themselves as much as possible!

And after the combat power reaches 1 million, the permission of [Infinite Shield] in the black ring will be open to users!

That is, users can get a shield that can be stored in it as long as there is excess energy for defense!

Sun Wukong is not a nanny, there is only so much he can do!

"Satan! Stand there!"

"Monsare! Stand there!"

"Kerenli! Stand there!"

Because it is not difficult to refine black rings, the materials used are relatively simple, and Sun Wukong has a lot of stock!

Sun Wukong refined twelve black rings at once!

After choosing a few of the top 16 people who liked the rings and gave them to them, the remaining rings were randomly distributed to a few lucky audiences who had a little strength and wanted to become stronger!

Sun Wukong's "Talent Training Program" this time officially ended!

This was also what he thought of temporarily!

He did it when he thought of it!

He forgot it after he finished it!


"Master! Where are we going next?" The little monk asked the handsome monk next to him!

"Next stop! Wolong Mountain!" The handsome monk took out an old map and looked at it, and then determined the destination of the next stop!

"Wow! This name sounds awesome!" the young monk exclaimed!

"Let's go! Run towards the sunset..." The handsome monk turned around, pointed at the setting sun, and suddenly stopped talking!

"Where are we going?" Sun Wukong stood under the setting sun and asked the handsome monk with a smile!

"Krillin! This map is for you! Go in that direction first! Master has something to do! I'll find you when I'm done! I'll give you this whisk too! When you're in danger, wave it and say "Get out of here, monsters!" You can get out of danger!" The young monk forced the map and whisk in his hand into the arms of the young monk, and then disappeared in a flash!

Sun Wukong in the distance also disappeared on the spot!

But from beginning to end, the young monk seemed to have never discovered Sun Wukong, and just looked at the place where the handsome monk disappeared in confusion!


"Sun Er, Sun Er! I asked you to look after Qiqi's restaurant, what are you doing? Why are you role-playing?" Sun Wukong kept scolding the young monk!

The handsome monk smiled awkwardly, and his body shape changed, and finally became exactly the same as Sun Wukong!

This handsome monk was transformed by Sun Er using his bloodline magic [Ten Thousand Changes]!

Sun Wukong recognized him at the first sight during the morning competition!

He had been waiting for Sun Er to come to him to explain, but he never waited!

So he came in person!

"This! This! There is a reason for this!" Sun Er stretched out two fingers and poked at it, "Look for yourself! It's really not my fault!"

After that, Sun Er squeezed Sun Wukong's body, and turned invisible and merged into Sun Wukong's body!

Sun Wukong closed his eyes and began to carefully read Sun Er's memory after they left!


(Flashback moment)

(I have a feeling that this is definitely the longest flashback moment so far!)

"There are still many good people in this world! I feel bored being left here by my original body to look after the store, so I come to find something to do! Great!" Sun Er smiled and flew in the sky, flying towards the city where the Bi Hai Martial Arts School was located!

As for the senior brother and lackeys of the Bi Hai Martial Arts School just now, Sun Er was naturally grateful for letting them be astronauts for a while!

And now, Sun Er couldn't bear that they were too lonely down there, so he prepared to send more people down to accompany them!

"This is the Bi Hai Martial Arts School!" Sun Er was looking down at a huge building complex below from above a city!

It was an area surrounded by a wall, and it could be said that although the sparrow was small, it had everything!

In a large area outside, various buildings are densely built together, including canteens, dormitories, toilets, iron houses, pharmacies, martial arts fields, training grounds...

And in a small area inside, there are independent courtyards, each with a backyard like a small garden!

In the center, a five-story building stands there, which is very conspicuous!

Just look at the above scenes, because all these things turned into gray under Sun Er's gas bomb!

After all, he finally found an excuse for himself, so that he doesn't have to look after the restaurant, but comes out to wander around the world!

Naturally, it is impossible to waste time on this group of little Karami who are likely to say something unpleasant!

So Sun Er chose the most permanent solution, which is to skip all the steps in the middle and fast forward to the last step: Emperor Escape. Nine Clans Stripping Technique!

After he did all this, he wanted to leave!

But think about it, what if he accidentally killed a good person?

So he used a move that Sun Wukong had developed in the previous [Earth Floating People Educational Activity]!

The name of this move is:

[Illusion. Let's find the difference! ]

Its function is to pull a bunch of people into the same virtual world, and then simulate the event after a simple memory mask!

Sun Er intercepted many souls that were about to enter the underworld, and then used [Illusion. Let's find the difference! ] on all the souls!

In the virtual world!

The Bi Hai Martial Arts School complex that was originally turned into ashes by the gas bomb and the 1,256 people inside reappeared!

All the people continued to do what they did before they turned into ashes, and had no idea that they had died!

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