"Is this the Shenlong?"

Looking at the figure in the sky, Xiaofang was shocked.

This was the first time she saw the Shenlong, and she was shocked.

"Shenlong! You finally showed up!" Sun Wukong said excitedly.

Now he felt that Shenlong was particularly kind, and this pure sacred power made him feel very comfortable.


Shenlong nodded his head and continued, "Wukong, I'm here to say goodbye to you!"

"Ah? Goodbye?"

"Isn't this normal? Why are you saying goodbye suddenly? What's going on? What happened?" Sun Wukong said puzzledly.

Trunks, Vegeta and others were also puzzled, "What does Shenlong mean?"

"Could it be? Shenlong is going to disappear?" Vegeta thought to himself.

The dragon's loud voice sounded again in the sky: "This is the last time I appear."

"The gods created me. People can summon me by collecting seven dragon balls, and I will fulfill their wishes."

"You summoned me many times, and I also successfully fulfilled your wishes: the girl's underwear that Wu Long wanted, people resurrected from the dead, restored to youth... These are all things that violate the laws of nature, and such things are not allowed to exist."

"Every time I help you fulfill a wish, a negative energy source will be generated. You have also seen that the black smoke dragon is a negative energy source that reaches its extreme. The product of the Black Smoke Dragon, the Black Smoke Dragon possesses the ultimate evil. His existence will threaten the earth and even the entire universe! "

"Although you have solved the Black Smoke Dragon, if you continue to use the Dragon Balls, the next Black Smoke Dragon will only be more powerful, and then it will have destructive power, and no one can stop it!"

"So for you, you can no longer use the Dragon Balls!"

"And you can no longer rely on the energy of the Dragon. You have to rely on yourself. Your own is the most trustworthy existence!"

The words of the Dragon struck the hearts of Sun Wukong and others.

Yes! They really rely on the Dragon. They have realized many wishes through the Dragon.

Krillin, Tien Shinhan, Yamcha...including Sun Wukong himself, have all died.

And they all relied on the power of the Dragon Balls to come back to life!

The Dragon Balls really helped them too much!

And they have also seen the consequences of over-reliance on the Dragon.

The negative energy source enveloped the earth, and the evil dragon had a powerful force that made them unable to resist.

If it weren't for Wu Fei, it would be very difficult for them to defeat the evil dragon.

Although the thought of losing the dragon ball in the future life would make everyone feel very uncomfortable, they still accepted this ending.

"Okay! Shenlong, I understand!"

"In the future, I will rely on my own strength to make myself stronger and protect the earth!"

"Thank you for your time with us!" Sun Wukong said with a smile.

He is an optimistic person by nature. For him, losing Shenlong is not an unacceptable thing, but a calm face.

"Okay! Before leaving, I will help you realize your wish again!"

"Swish!" Shenlong's eyes suddenly glowed.

The next moment, the earth, which had experienced many battles and vicissitudes, burst into vitality again.

Those destroyed cities have been restored to their original state, the humans affected by the battle have been resurrected, and the environment has been repaired...

And Sun Wukong's original injuries have been completely healed, and he can now feel that his body is full of strength.

"So amazing!" Xiaofang said with emotion.

It was the first time for her to see Shenlong show his power, and she was shocked.

"Finally! Goodbye, Wukong!"


After saying goodbye to everyone, Shenlong roared and flew among the clouds.

This time, Shenlong did not turn into seven dragon balls after fulfilling his wish like before, but remained in the posture of a dragon.

Perhaps everyone really could not collect seven dragon balls and summon Shenlong.

"Goodbye! Shenlong!"

Sun Wukong shouted, waving his right arm.

"Thank you, Shenlong!" Sun Wukong thought to himself.

At this time, he still kept smiling.

Optimism is Wukong's most prominent feature.

Although Shenlong disappeared, it does not mean that life cannot go on.

He now has to rely on his own strength to face life again.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Sun Wukong suddenly became serious, Xiaofang asked in confusion.

"Grandpa, I remember my previous experience. It was really a wonderful journey!" Sun Wukong responded.

"Grandpa, tell me quickly, I'm so curious!" Xiaofang said excitedly.


Sun Wukong nodded,His life can be said to have started with Dragon Ball.

Because of the four-star star left by his grandfather, he met Bulma, a genius girl from the city, and he also started this wonderful journey with Bulma.

During this journey, he met new partners.

Bald little Krillin without a nose, Yamcha who blushes when he sees a woman, lustful old Kame, kitten Karin, mysterious Mr. Popo...

In this journey, there are not only partners, but also enemies.

Red Ribbon Army, killer Tao Pai Pai, three-eyed Tien Shinhan, green Piccolo, arrogant Vegeta, evil Frieza, Cell, Buu...

He saw Shenlong and Krillin for the first time in the castle, Yamcha participated in the world's first martial arts tournament, drank the super holy water just to defeat the big devil old Piccolo, fought with Saiyan Prince Vegeta and both were injured, defeated Saiyan enemy Frieza...

All kinds of experiences clearly emerged in Sun Wukong's mind at this moment.

It can be said that Dragon Ball had a great impact on his life.

If it weren't for Dragon Ball, he wouldn't have met Bulma, and maybe he would have been just a "savage" in the mountains and forests all his life!

Sun Wukong also cherishes this journey that started with Dragon Ball.

And now he is going to start a new journey!


The journey of GT time and space has ended, and Wu Fei has successfully defeated Baby, Super 17, and Super One-Star Dragon, and completed the task perfectly.

After completing the task, Wu Fei also received a great gift from the system: Perfect Freedom (Enhanced Version)!

Wu Fei was also very excited. In the Dragon Ball world, Perfect Freedom is definitely a great skill.

After entering the state of Freedom, the body and consciousness are separated, and the various parts of the body no longer rely on the brain to think and make judgments before acting, but transcend instinct to perceive the dangers around and react.

After obtaining the Perfect Freedom, his strength will undoubtedly reach a new height.

Moreover, the strength of the enhanced version of Perfect Ultra Instinct is that Wu Fei can use Ultra Instinct in Super Saiyan form!

This reward is extremely generous!

Wu Fei suddenly felt that it was worth it to come to GT to complete the mission!

Now that the mission has been successfully completed, he said goodbye to Sun Wukong and others.

With the help of the system, Wu Fei left GT and returned to the main space.

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