
The battle stopped, and Wu Fei appeared in front of everyone with the unconscious Beerus.

Now Beerus was beaten black and blue, where was the majesty of the God of Destruction?

At this moment, he was just an unconscious kitten!

"Too strong! Mr. Wu Fei even beat the God of Destruction!"

"It's incredible, that's the God of Destruction who is high above!"

"The God of Destruction is just like this! He was easily knocked away by Mr. Wu Fei."

"Dare to ruin my birthday party, you cat is finally punished!"

"Damn! Why is he so strong? He can even beat the God of Destruction!"


Shocked, relieved, unwilling... Everyone was in different moods.

But at this time they were relieved.

Beerus was defeated, and the crisis of the earth was resolved.

"Mr. Wu Fei, you are still as strong as ever!" Sun Wukong couldn't help but sighed.

He gathered the power of five Saiyans and became a Super Saiyan God, but he still had no way to face Beerus.

However, Wu Fei defeated Beerus by himself, which was extremely powerful.

"Give your kitten back to you!"

Wu Fei threw Beerus to Whis directly.

Whis stretched out his hand and lifted Beerus up directly.

And looking at the unconscious Beerus, he even showed a smile on his face.

This made everyone even more confused, "It's okay if he's not angry, but why is he smiling?"

Whis and Beerus came together, so they are naturally in the same group.

In the eyes of everyone, the dignified God of Destruction was beaten so badly by Wu Fei, and it stands to reason that Whis should vent Beerus' anger.

But looking at Whis's appearance, he doesn't seem to intend to do so.

And it seems that Whis is more willing to see Beerus being beaten.

"Mr. Wu Fei defeated Lord Beerus, so you don't have to worry about the Earth being destroyed by Lord Beerus."

"Mr. Wu Fei, you are very strong. But you can't slack off! Lord Beerus will come back to settle accounts with you at any time."

"Also, the food on Earth is delicious. Thank you for your hospitality. I will come to Earth often."

"Bye, see you next time!"

After Whis finished speaking, he carried Beerus and disappeared directly on the spot.

These two uninvited guests came and went quickly.

"Is this... the end?"

Krillin scratched his head, his face full of confusion.

He thought Whis would also take action, but he didn't expect the latter to go back directly!

This was also beyond everyone's expectations.

But it seems that Mr. Whis's temper is much better than that of the God of Destruction.

He has a gentle personality, which is completely different from the grumpy God of Destruction.

He also told everyone how to create a Super Saiyan God, set up a barrier to protect the earth, and cleared everyone's doubts...

Now everyone has no ill will towards Whis, they just think he is just a simple foodie.

Outer space.

Whis is traveling quickly with the God of Destruction Beerus.


His cane emits a white light that shines on Beerus' face.

The scars on Beerus' body disappeared, and he woke up.

"Where is that damn human? I must teach him a lesson!"

The first thing Beerus did after waking up was to settle accounts with Wu Fei.

He looked around and could only see the vast universe, and no other figures.

"Wis, go back to Earth quickly, I want to defeat that damn human and show what the majesty of the God of Destruction is!" Beerus shouted.

However, Whis was unmoved.

"Wis, dare you not listen to this God of Destruction?" Beerus roared.

"Lord Beerus, there is no point in you going back!" Whis said.

Even when facing the furious Beerus, his expression was still quite calm, after all, he was not afraid of Beerus.

Although he was nominally Beerus' servant, he was also Beerus' martial arts master, and he had the responsibility to supervise the God of Destruction to prevent the God of Destruction from doing anything out of line.

His real strength was far stronger than Beerus.

Even if Beerus was angry, he was not at all weak.

"Even if you go back to find Mr. Wu Fei now, you can't beat him, you will only be beaten more badly by him."

"You'd better practice well and improve your strength first!"

Whis's two words directly made the God of Destruction speechless.

He was also pulled back from the edge of rage and regained his calm.

"Damn human, I must beat you hard next time!" Beerus thought to himself.

He couldn't stand the fact that the dignified God of Destruction was defeated by a human.

He thought to himself that he must practice hard when he returns to improve his strength and defeat Wu Fei.

BeerusThe originally cynical face raised his fighting spirit.

Looking at Beerus's expression, Whis also smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

In his opinion, it was a good thing that Beerus was defeated by Wu Fei.

After all, this could spur Beerus.

As the God of Destruction of the 7th universe, Beerus has a very high talent.

However, he is lazy by nature and does not like to practice. Compared with boring practice, he is more keen on sleeping and food.

Even so, his combat power is one of the best among the 12 Gods of Destruction, which shows the horror of his talent.

Strong combat power has become the reason for Beerus' laziness.

"I'm already so strong! Why do I still practice so hard?"

This is the most common excuse for Whis when he urges Beerus to practice.

And this time Beerus was defeated by Wu Fei, which must be a blow to Beerus.

With Beerus's temperament, he will naturally practice seriously and enhance his strength.

Now Whis feels that he should thank Wu Fei.

Wu Fei made the God of Destruction feel a sense of crisis: even the God of Destruction can be surpassed!

After Whis and Beerus left, the earth returned to peace.

And Bulma's birthday party was able to continue.

All the unpleasantness was forgotten, and everyone had a good time.

Wu Fei stayed in GT time and space for several months to carry out the mission. Just after returning to the main time and space, he had another battle with the God of Destruction Beerus.

Although his physical problem was not serious, his mind was very tired.

Now he can also rest and relax.

And the best way to relax is to accompany his wife and daughter.

Xiaorou hasn't seen Wu Fei for several months, and she also asked Wu Fei to take her to the amusement park all day long.

Wu Fei naturally agreed.

With Lazili and Xiaorou, the family of three had a happy day in the amusement park.

On leisure days, Wu Fei would also come to the beach and pick up his old business - fishing.

In short, the earth returned to peace again.

Everyone also got out of the tense atmosphere and continued to live their own lives and enjoy the good times.

Of course, there are also "practice maniacs" who can't sit still.

Vegeta "eats soft rice and hard", doesn't pay attention to other things at all, and devotes himself to practice.

Although Sun Wukong also wants to practice, he has to be a "vegetable farmer" again because Chi-Chi is supervising him.

Beerus returned to the Destroyer Planet, and instead of sleeping soundly, he chose to practice in seclusion.

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