"Here they come!"

Son Gohan stared at the sky with a serious expression.


Everyone saw a huge black shadow coming.

"Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle~"

The spaceship rubbed against the air violently, and sparks kept coming out.

The spaceship did not land, but suddenly stopped in the air.

At this moment, Son Gohan and others also felt a great pressure.

The spaceship opened, and countless figures poured out.

There were all kinds of aliens, and the number reached thousands.

These were soldiers of Frieza's army.

Then two figures flew out, and the soldiers looked very respectful.


"It was really them!"

Son Gohan and others were very familiar with the two brothers Frieza and Cooler, and now they recognized them at a glance.

The two were still as evil as ever!

They really came for revenge!

Now Krillin looked at Cooler in horror, and he now remembered the painful experience of being killed.

He also wanted revenge, but when he thought of the huge gap in strength between him and his opponent, he backed off.

After all, there was no possibility for him to defeat Cooler!

Frieza and Cooler looked at everyone arrogantly, with disdain on their faces.

"Hey! So many people! Are you all here to die?"

"You actually came to me on your own initiative, which saved me a lot of effort!"


Frieza pointed at Piccolo and said slowly: "I remember you, you are the Namekian!"

"Oh! Little bald head, I remember you too!"

Frieza laughed, and suddenly his face changed.

"What? Why is that hateful Wu Fei not here? Where did he hide?"

"Is he afraid of me?"

Frieza looked around and found that there was no sign of Wu Fei, and he came here to seek revenge on Wu Fei.

And he found several figures he had never seen before.

"Namek, I want to ask you: where did that damned Wu Fei hide?" Frieza said.

"No comment!" Piccolo said coldly.

"What a coward! He must be afraid because he knows I'm coming to seek revenge!"

"He doesn't even dare to show up, but lets you weak guys come out. How ridiculous!"

"Ho ho ho!"

Frieza laughed loudly.

"You're talking nonsense. My dad is not a coward!"

When Xiaorou heard Frieza say bad things about Wu Fei, she was the first to disagree.

Now Lazili was angry and puzzled: "He came to seek revenge on Wu Fei? What happened between them?"

At this time, Son Gohan took the initiative to explain for Lazili, and Lazili knew the whole story.

It turned out that these two guys came to seek revenge.

"Oh? You said Wu Fei is your father?"

Frieza was stunned and looked at Xiaorou with a puzzled face.

That damned Saiyan actually has a child?

"I didn't expect it! That guy already has a child."

"Since I can't find Wu Fei, I just need to kill you. I don't believe he won't show up!"

"Ho ho ho!"

Frieza's weird laughter sounded again, his face was very ferocious.

"You guy, what's the point of bullying a child?" Son Gohan said loudly.

"Hmph! I don't care who she is, as long as I can lure Wu Fei out, it's enough!"

"And she is Wu Fei's daughter, Wu Fei is my enemy, I naturally can't let go of my enemy's child!"

"Also, I remember you, you are also a Saiyan! I didn't expect that the young boy at the time has grown so big!"

"Don't even think about living!"

"Go ahead, kill them all, I'll see how long Wu Fei can hide!"

After Frieza spoke, the people of Frieza's army rushed forward.

More than a thousand people, a black mass, attacked the Z fighters together.

"Let's go!"

Gohan shouted and rushed forward.

All the Z fighters attacked.

Piccolo, Tien Shinhan, Yamcha...

Even Master Roshi attacked.

"Goten, you can fight now!" Trunks laughed.

"Yes! Trunks!" Goten was also very excited.

"Then let's use our special moves together!"



The two of them merged directly and became a combined warrior - Gotenks.

"Hahaha! Let me destroy you all!"

Gotenks rushed forward.

"Mom, I want to go too!"

After Xiaorou learned that this group of people was seeking revenge for her father, she decisively chose to attack.

And she hadn't fought for a long time, so it would be nice to beat them up.

"Xiaorou, be careful!"

Lazili did not hesitate and decisivelyRushed forward.

Krillin stood there, looking at Coola with horror on his face.

He felt timid when he thought of the painful experience of being beaten to death by Coola.

And now he found that even Xiaorou had joined the battle!

"Xiaorou has already joined the battle, why should I retreat!"

Krillin finally overcame his inner fear and also stepped forward to meet the enemy.


A round disc appeared in Krillin's hand, and he threw it directly at his opponent.


Screams were heard everywhere, and the bodies of many soldiers were directly cut by the Ki-en-zan.

It must be said that Krillin's strength is still quite strong.

Everyone went to the battle, and Bulma, whose combat power was less than 5, could cheer for everyone.

The Z fighters fought fiercely with the Frieza Army.

Although the Frieza Army had thousands of people, and there were only 10 Z fighters, but each Z fighter was one against a hundred, occupying a huge advantage.

The soldiers of Frieza's army were not bad, and they were numerous, but the Z warriors were stronger.


"Magic Flash!"

"Kigong Cannon!"

Son Gohan and others fired their Qigong waves, and the people of Frieza's army could not resist them at all.


Explosions were heard everywhere.

Screams were heard continuously.

Frieza's army had suffered heavy casualties.


Seeing this scene, Frieza was shocked.

In the entire universe, Frieza's army had extremely strong combat power and ruled countless planets.

However, now they were crushed!

Thousands of people were beaten by ten people!

"Damn! Why are these people so strong?"

At first, he only remembered that Wu Fei was very strong, but except for Wu Fei, the others were very weak, and he didn't take them seriously at all.

However, now he found that everyone had shown super combat power.

That Namekian has become so much stronger.

And the young boy back then can now face the enemy with ease.

He also found that the strange combined child was just playing tricks on his soldiers.

What shocked him even more was that Wu Fei's daughter was so strong.

The soldiers of the legion couldn't hurt her at all, but suffered heavy losses.

"What is going on?"

Frieza was shocked and angry.

If the situation continues like this, his Frieza Legion will be wiped out, and he will become a commander without troops!

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