Wu Fei smiled slightly, as if everything was under control.

He was not surprised by Vegeta's actions.

After all, if Vegeta really chose to retreat, he would not be the proud Saiyan prince!


In outer space, five round spaceships dragged long tail flames and rushed directly into Namek.

"Lord Frieza!"

"The Ginyu Force is here!"

A strange-looking "lizard man" said excitedly.

Now Frieza also discovered the five round spaceships that were attacking the ground.


"Finally here!"

Frieza laughed grimly, feeling very happy.

Five small spaceships cut through the sky and rushed to the ground.

"Bang bang bang~"

The spaceships landed one after another, generating a huge impact.

Suddenly, dust flew and smoke filled the air.

When the smoke dissipated, large pits appeared on the originally flat ground.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh~"

Five figures jumped out afterwards.

One was short, with green skin and four eyes, and looked extremely ugly.

The second was tall, with blue skin.

The third had a pineapple head, yellow skin, and a simple temperament.

The fourth had red skin, long white hair, and a relatively normal appearance.

The last had lavender skin, two horns on his head, and a devilish smile on his face.

After the five people landed, they did not line up immediately.

Instead, they kept dancing in strange steps, and their faces exuded mysterious confidence.

Frieza and his men looked at the performance of the Ginyu Force helplessly.

Accompanied by the unique BGM, the few people danced very happily.






After the five finished dancing, they all made strange poses.

Then they gathered together to discuss.

"Our appearance this time was so cool!"

"Yes! This was a perfect appearance!"

"My pose was the finishing touch!"

"All this is mainly due to my captain"


The five members of the Ginyu Special Forces were extremely excited, and the scene was filled with an awkward atmosphere.

Frieza's men were filled with horror on their faces, and they lowered their heads at the same time, trying not to laugh.

The Emperor of the Universe Frieza also lost his dignity at this moment. He held his forehead with his right hand, and a faint blush appeared on his face, full of resistance and helplessness.

As if to say: "I don't know these people, I have nothing to do with them!"

Frieza said impatiently: "Ginyu!"

"Line up!"


Hearing Frieza's words, the people who were discussing fiercely immediately stood up obediently.

"Lord Frieza, is our appearance posture cool?"

After a while, Ginyu said excitedly.

"Come again?"

Now Frieza also felt helpless: I actually have a bunch of stupid subordinates!

Frieza said impatiently: "Your appearance posture, forget it next time!"

But Ginyu didn't notice that Frieza's face was not right, and continued: "Lord Frieza, this is not okay!"

"Our Ginyu Special Forces must have a handsome appearance posture, which is in line with our style!"


Now Frieza was speechless, and he didn't want to continue this topic.

"These people have good fighting ability, but why are they so shameless?" Frieza thought to himself.

The Ginyu Force is an elite force carefully selected by Frieza from countless space warriors.

The five of them can be said to be the elite among the elites, and each of them has very strong strength.

Either they have extremely high combat effectiveness, or they have magical superpowers.

They are the strongest in Frieza's army except Frieza.

Even Frieza's "Heng Ha Two Generals" Sabo and Dodoria are far inferior to them.

However, although they are very strong, they also have many problems.

The most serious point is that every time they appear, they will dance a weird dance and then make weird poses.

The most important thing is that others feel extremely embarrassed, but they feel good about themselves!

No matter what Frieza says, they still can't change this problem.

In Frieza's view, this is simply unbelievable!

How thick-skinned are the Ginyu Force to make such a funny appearance?

Their weird and awkward appearance is totally inconsistent with the image of the Frieza Army!

The Frieza Army is majestic and serious, not funny or funny!

The arrogant and cold-blooded FriezaFrieza felt ashamed to have such a weird subordinate.

"If I didn't think you were still useful, I would kill you for your weird posture!" Frieza said coldly in his heart.

He calmed down and said coldly: "I ordered you to come here to collect dragon balls!"

"Now I only need two dragon balls to complete the collection, and this task is handed over to you."

"I hope you won't let me down!"

Frieza's tone became majestic, and now the Ginyu Force also had a serious expression.

"Lord Frieza! We promise to complete the task!"

The five people responded in unison.

"Wow! That's the best!"

Frieza was in a very happy mood now.

Although the Ginyu Force was a little weird, Frieza was still willing to trust them. After all, they were quite reliable when doing things.

They had helped Frieza complete one big thing after another before.

Collecting the remaining two dragon balls is a very easy task, and Frieza also believes that the Ginyu Force can complete the task perfectly.

"Ding ding ding~"

At this time, Ginyu and others were surprised.

Just as they were about to take action, the detectors they were wearing kept ringing.

"Lord Frieza, several combat forces appeared in front, and they are approaching us quickly!"

"But they should be here to die!"

Ginyu said disdainfully.

He learned from the detector that the combat power of these fluctuations was quite low and did not pose any threat to them at all!

If this is not coming to die, what is it?

At this time, Frieza opened the detector and found several combat forces in front.


"There are little bugs coming to the door!"

"Ginyu, get rid of them! Then collect the dragon balls as soon as possible!"

Frieza looked sinister, and he didn't care who came.

After all, in his opinion, no matter who it was, there was only one possibility: death!

Moreover, these people had very low combat power, so he didn't need to take action at all. The Ginyu Force could easily deal with them.

"Swish, swish, swish~"

Not long after, Wu Fei and his group appeared in front of Frieza and others.

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