
Wu Fei sneered and looked at Frieza coldly.

He was also injured now, but it was not serious.

Compared with Frieza, Wu Fei's condition was obviously much better.

"Frieza, just using 50% of your strength is far from enough!"

"It's futile for you to slowly improve your strength. You are not my opponent at all!"

"Don't hide it. Show all your strength!"

Listening to Wu Fei's words, Frieza's face kept changing, from anger to confusion, and finally full of disdain.

Let me use 100% of my strength, this guy is so stupid!

"Ha ha ha!"

His eerie and weird laughter sounded again.

"You are such an arrogant guy!"

"I haven't shown my true strength for a long time. When I tried my best, even I couldn't control the terrifying power!"

"When I use 100% of my strength, you will face an endless abyss."

"Since you want to die so much, I will grant your wish!"


Frieza gathered his strength again, and his aura surged further.


With his feet as the origin, the ground continued to crack.

Cracks spread to the surroundings, and Namek caused another major earthquake!

And Frieza's muscles began to show veins, and finally continued to swell.

His originally petite body slowly became stronger.

And his power seemed endless and continued to rise.

"So... so strong!" Krillin was already sweating coldly.

Frieza's terrifying aura alone had frightened Krillin's legs weak.

"Is this the real universe emperor Frieza?"

Picco's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his expression was quite nervous. Now he was scared to the point of his face turning "green"!

"What a terrifying power!"

Frieza's rising aura shocked Sun Wukong.

The power he showed before was already strong enough, but he didn't expect it to be soaring rapidly now!

And his power seemed to have opened the gates and was pouring out endlessly!

"Damn it!"

Feeling Frieza's rapidly rising aura, Vegeta was quite unwilling.

He is the prince of the Saiyans and a natural warrior.

And his ultimate goal is to become the strongest in the universe with his strong competitive spirit.

However, he found that there was such a clear gap in strength between him and Frieza, and he felt full of frustration.

"Uncle Wu Fei will definitely be able to defeat Frieza!" Sun Wuhan murmured.

He looked at Wu Fei's calm face and became more determined in his inner thoughts.

"No matter how strong Frieza becomes, Uncle Wu Fei can definitely defeat him!"


Frieza is still accumulating energy, and his strength is constantly increasing.

And now the entire Namek is already covered with dark clouds.


Suddenly, a flash of lightning streaked across the sky, and the roar resounded through the clouds.

At the same time, Frieza's shouting stopped.


A strong wind blew, and thick smoke rose.

Now Namek has become unusually calm.

Compared to the earth-shaking situation just now, it is completely different!

The smoke slowly dissipated, and Frieza's figure slowly emerged.

Now Frieza's muscles are very exaggerated.

Especially the strong muscles on his shoulders, which make his head look very small.

Frieza opened his arms and looked at Wu Fei confidently.

"Ho ho ho!"

His weird and sinister smile is always so disgusting.

"This is me at 100% full power!"

"Even I can't control the violent aura in my body well. Wait, don't blame me for being too heavy-handed!"

"Go to hell! Stupid guy!"

"Ho ho ho!"

Frieza chose to take the initiative.

His body became unusually strong, his strength increased, and his weight increased, but it did not mean that his speed decreased.

On the contrary, Frieza's speed attribute is now full.


In an instant, Frieza was in front of Wu Fei.

Now Sun Wukong and others didn't react. How did Frieza suddenly get close to Wu Fei?

"Yo ha!"

Frieza punched hard.

Now Wu Fei still maintains the state of 15 times Kaio-ken.

He stretched out his arms in front of his chest to resist Frieza's attack.


Then, after being attacked by Frieza, Wu Fei flew backwards directly.


Frieza continued to chase.

"Just now you grabbed my tail and threw me away twice. Now I will let you feel the real power of my tail!"

Frieza swungThe tail, the tail whipped Wu Fei like a whip.

The tail was wrapped with a strong wind, as if it was going to tear the air apart.

And the tail came very fast, and Wu Fei, who had not yet maintained his balance, did not have time to defend himself.


A crisp sound rang out, and Frieza's tail hit Wu Fei's lower abdomen fiercely.


Frieza's tail does contain quite terrifying power.

After being hit hard, Wu Fei continued to fly backwards.

"Bang bang bang!"

After crashing into three mountains in a row, Wu Fei fell at the foot of the fourth mountain.

The mountain collapsed, rocks flew, and smoke filled the air...

Now Wu Fei's body has been submerged in a ruin.

"Mr. Wu Fei!"

"Damn! Frieza is so strong! Even Mr. Wu Fei is not his opponent!"

"Is Uncle Wu Fei still alive?"


Now Sun Wukong and others are extremely worried about Wu Fei's safety.

They never thought that the situation would turn out like this.

Wu Fei could beat Frieza many times before, how could it turn out like this now?

Frieza's strength is quite terrifying now. If Wu Fei is not Frieza's opponent, then they have no chance!

"Are we going to be wiped out?" Krillin is quite pessimistic now.

"But I'm not married yet! I don't want to die!" Krillin remembered a big regret in his life.

"Humph! What a stupid guy!"

Vegeta was quite disdainful of Krillin's words.

"As a warrior, how can you think about these things all day long?"

"Women will only affect the speed of my training!" Vegeta thought to himself.


Sun Wukong patted Krillin on the shoulder and said, "It's too early to draw a conclusion now, maybe there is still a chance!"

"If something unexpected happens to Mr. Wu Fei, then it's my turn to take action!"

"It's exciting to think about fighting such a strong opponent!"

Now Sun Wukong is full of fighting spirit and has no pessimism.

"Uncle Wu Fei, please don't be in trouble!" Sun Wuhan is praying for Wu Fei devoutly.



Frieza stared at the smoke in front of him and laughed wildly.

"Now you feel the horror of this king, you arrogant guy!"

Now Frieza can be said to be quite excited, and the frustration of being hit by Wu Fei before has been swept away.

When he uses 100% of his full power, he only needs one punch and a sweep of his tail to knock down Wu Fei.

"You were beaten down so easily by me, what can you do to defeat me?"

"But I won't kill you so quickly, I will torture you severely."

"I will make you want to live but not die!"

"I will make you realize how serious the consequences of angering this king will be!"

"Ho ho ho!"

Frieza looked like he was sure of victory, and now he was thinking about how to torture Wu Fei.

"Oh? Really?"

Just as Frieza was laughing arrogantly, a voice came from the smoke.

"It's Uncle Wu Fei! Uncle Wu Fei is still alive!" Son Gohan said excitedly.

"Yes! And now Wu Fei's aura has been further strengthened!" Son Goku is also very excited now.

Not only was Wu Fei not defeated, but he became stronger, and things have taken a turn for the better.

"Great!" Krillin said excitedly.

"Strange, why is this aura so familiar?" Vegeta was puzzled.

"Da Da Da..."

A figure slowly walked out of the smoke.

Everyone noticed that Wu Fei had changed. His expression became quite cold.

"Swish, swish!"

A golden light emanated from his whole body.

And his hair stood up, and his originally black hair turned golden.

At the same time, his eyebrows also turned golden, and his pupils turned light green.

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