"Vegeta is so strong!"

Krillin and the others were stunned.

They didn't expect that Vegeta's strength had grown to this level after two years!

During this period, Vegeta's strength had been suppressed by Sun Wukong.

And the crushing momentum that Vegeta showed just now seemed to be stronger than Sun Wukong before the heart attack!

"Saiyans are such a terrible race!" Piccolo couldn't help but sigh.

He had to admit that Vegeta's strength was far stronger than his.

"Humph! It's so boring to be solved so easily!"

"I haven't had enough fun yet?"

"Next, it's your turn, old man!"

Vegeta crossed his arms in front of him, his tone full of disdain.

However, his face suddenly changed and became incredible.

Dr. Gero's figure had disappeared!

"Damn it!"

"Old man, why did you hide?"

"What a coward!"

Vegeta said angrily.


"The other android is really gone!"

At this time, Krillin and others also reacted.

They looked around, but could not see the figure of the other android.

"Damn it!"

"We must find that old man!"

"Dare to tease this prince, this prince must crush his chip!"

Vegeta was furious.

As he burst out of breath, the whole island shook.

Vegeta, Krillin and others began to search for Dr. Gro's trace.

However, they found a problem, they could not detect Dr. Gro's breath!

"Damn it!"

"Artificial people have no breath!" Clinton felt a headache.

They had no way to find Dr. Gro's location directly through breath, so they could only find it through their eyes.

And this will undoubtedly greatly increase the difficulty of the search!


"Da Da Da!"

In a valley with complex terrain, Dr. Gero was moving forward quickly.

"We must get to the research institute as soon as possible!" Dr. Gero thought to himself.

He had already seen that the situation was not good. Vegeta's strength was far beyond his imagination and he could not compete with him at all.

In this situation, Dr. Gero also decisively came up with the idea of ​​escaping.

Just when Android 19 exploded, Dr. Gero took advantage of everyone's inattention to leave the battle site.

He had already detected all the terrain features of the island, and at this moment he had already formulated a perfect escape route in his mind.

He must be able to avoid the search of Vegeta and others and escape successfully!

"Wait until I return to the laboratory, release No. 17 and No. 18, and I must kill you all!" Dr. Gero's eyes showed a sinister look.

He had already calculated Vegeta's strength. The latter's strength was indeed very strong, but in front of No. 17 and No. 18, it was not worth mentioning at all.

But then Dr. Gero showed a trace of worry.

No. 17 and No. 18 have much stronger energy than No. 19, but they are not as obedient as No. 19.

They betrayed him before!

This is why he has been reluctant to release them.


Dr. Gero took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind.

"Although No. 17 and No. 18 are not perfect works yet, they can only be released now!"

In order to completely kill Vegeta and others, he had to take this risk.

The complex terrain made Vegeta and others unable to find Dr. Gero's trace.

As time passed, Dr. Gero successfully avoided Vegeta and others' pursuit and returned to the laboratory.


"Damn it!"

Vegeta in the air roared loudly, and light flashed around him.


The violent breath he released made the whole island vibrate.

He was actually teased by an old man, which made him very angry.

As for Krillin, Piccolo and the others, they were at a loss.

Out of nowhere, another android escaped!

But they were not too worried. It seemed that the androids were not very strong.

They just had to wait until he appeared again and then destroy him.

With Vegeta's strength, it was easy to beat him!


At this moment, a light flashed above them.

The space seemed to be torn open, and a strange machine with a tripod suddenly emerged.

There was a boy sitting in the machine, it was Trunks!

"It's him!"

"The boy who can become a Super Saiyan!"

Now Trunks also saw Krillin and the others.

He turned his head and sawIn the distance, Bulma was holding a baby, who was exactly herself when she was little!


Trunks finally felt relieved.

"It seems that Mr. Goku didn't let slip my life story."

Now Trunks has no worries, and he decisively confesses his identity to Krillin and others.


"You are the son of Bulma and Vegeta?"

Krillin and Yajirobe were very shocked.

Krillin looked at Vegeta, then at Bulma, and said it was incredible.

"If you look at me again, I'll dig out your eyes!" Vegeta said coldly.

Krillin was still very afraid of Vegeta, and didn't say anything else.

"Oh! So you are Trunks when you grow up."

"Trunks, you will be a handsome boy in the future!"

Bulma held the young Trunks and said with a smile on her face.

The young Trunks kept turning his big eyes, looking at the future Trunks, with a very curious look.


Future Trunks mustered up his courage and went forward to greet Vegeta.


Vegeta tilted his head to the side, looking very indifferent.

However, he admired Trunks in his heart: "You are worthy of being the son of this prince. You became a Super Saiyan at a young age and successfully inherited the excellent bloodline of this prince!"

Then Trunks became solemn: "Have the androids appeared?"

"They have appeared a long time ago, but they are not as scary as you said, Trunks."

"One of the fat guys has been killed by Vegeta, but it's a pity that the other old man ran away?" Krillin said with a relaxed look.

However, Trunks became very horrified.

"What? Mr. Krillin, what did you say?"

"Are those two androids a fat man and an old man?"

Trunks' face was full of disbelief, and his tone was slightly trembling.

"Yes! Is there any problem?"

Krillin didn't understand why Trunks had such a big reaction.

"This is a big problem!"

"The androids in the future world are a boy and a girl, not a fat man and an old man!"

Trunks' face became more and more serious: "Oh no, my appearance has changed the course of history in this time and space!"

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