Dragon Ball Strongest Son Gohan

Chapter 108 Videl learns Flying Technique (for subscription)

Early the next morning, Son Gohan took the 18th to the back mountain of Baozi.

The place agreed with Videl yesterday.

It's not that Son Gohan wants to bring the 18th, but she must come. According to: Her statement is: on the one hand, to check for Son Gohan, on the other hand, you must always stare at Son Gohan. "bully"


Son Gohan had to roll her eyes, admiring her heart is really big.

Son Gohan and the 18th actually arrived more than half an hour earlier than the agreed time, but Videl had already been waiting at the agreed place for a long time.

The moment Son Gohan saw Videl, his jaw almost dropped.

Because behind Videl, there are four 44 all-in-one guys standing unexpectedly.

One by one, the burly figures stood behind Videl, looking very respectful.

"This... it seems that my worry is unnecessary!"

The 18th also looked at Videl and the four big men behind him speechlessly.

A wordless sweat was left on his forehead.

Videl, on the other hand, hugged his arms very proudly and looked at Son Gohan as he walked towards him.

I thought, stinky rascal, now look at 28, dare you still bully me.

"You... are you sure you are here to learn, not to fight"

Son Gohan looked at Videl speechlessly and smugly, this Nizi, did he treat herself as a bad person, although, she did a little bit bad to her yesterday.

"Hmm...I'm not afraid of you when fighting!"

Videl glared at Son Gohan, seeming to have regained his former domineering nature.

After that, he inadvertently swept his gaze to the 18th behind Son Gohan.

His eyes were dumbfounded.

Today, on the 18th, I wear a white short sleeve with a base, and a light blue tight denim half sleeve on the top.

Paired with a creamy white casual trousers, the cold temperament makes her more gorgeous and moving.

"Ok... so beautiful!"

Videl stared at Number 18 blankly, and murmured.

It's the first time she has seen such a cool woman when she grows up like this.

Is this the wife in Son Gohan's mouth? Videl suddenly remembered two stories, namely: the story of flowers and cow dung and the story of good cabbage and pigs! "This... won't it be your wife?"

Videl finally turned his gaze away from the 18th and looked at Son Gohan.

"Of course it is! Why, do you feel inferior in front of my wife?"

Son Gohan asked with a smirk at the corner of his mouth.

"Who...who said I am inferior!"

Videl put his hands in his waist and straightened his chest, but it wilted in an instant.

Because it seems like this "point"

, She seems to be not at all dominant.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Son Gohan looked at Videl who was embarrassed, and quickly stepped forward to make a round.

After all, a woman's comparability is not... he can understand.

In case it can’t end for a while, it’s troublesome! "Alright, let’s get back to the subject! Now, I’ll teach you how to control your breath first!"

On the 18th, she looked at Videl and smiled.This sister-in-law is very cute.

Given the steps, Videl naturally asked for it.

After all, the 18th is so beautiful, so beautiful that she is a little jealous.

Videl expressed his full agreement.

I ran here early in the morning just to learn Flying Technique.

of course.

If you have the chance, I can't teach this nasty little one.

"First of all, before learning Flying Technique, what I want to tell you is that there is qi in each of us.

The principle of learning Flying Technique is that we have to learn how to freely control this qi. When you learn to control the qi in your body, Flying Technique, you will naturally learn."

"Qi...what is that thing in everyone's body"

Videl asked suspiciously.

Why has he never felt that there is such a thing in his body? "This... it is not easy to explain to you, such as this..."

Before Son Gohan's voice fell, he hit a small hill not far away with the palm of his hand.

Boom! The small hill exploded and turned into pieces of rubble.

Concise, simple and rude! "Ah...ah..."

The jaws of Videl and the four big guys were all dropped and their eyeballs protruded.

This...Is this doing magic. How could there be such a thing?Son Gohan ignored the expressions of Videl, which was completely in his expectation.

"Well, next, I will teach you how to control your anger."

Son Gohan's expression became serious, and he sat cross-legged on the ground.

Open your hands, put them on your knees, and place them in front of your abdomen.A gleaming yellow halo is condensed from the palm of Son Gohan.

"Did you see it, this is Qi..."

When Son Gohan looked up, he saw Videl staring at him with a idiot.

The appearance of him getting serious does not seem to be that annoying, it seems that he is a little handsome.

Videl stared at Son Gohan sitting on the ground in a daze, thinking inwardly.

"Hey, have you seen it clearly?"

Son Gohan stood up, waved to Videl, and asked.

"Um...I didn't see it clearly, can you show it again"

Videl is not lying, he really didn't see it clearly.

Because I patronized Son Gohan's face just now, and didn't care what he said and what he did.

Fainted! After a long time, I was busy working in vain.

"It seems that this little girl has completely fallen!"

The 18th was attached to Son Gohan's ear, a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and he whispered.

Uh... she has fallen, do you want to be so happy, Son Gohan thought.

This time, Son Gohan began to teach very seriously, and Videl also began to study seriously.

7 It's just that it's not easy to control Qi, and learning Flying Technique is even more difficult.

Especially for ordinary people like Videl who have never been exposed to qi.

...The setting sun fell west, and half of the sky was dyed red by the setting sun.

Seeing that night is about to fall, Son Gohan and Videl are still sitting where they are, feeling the breath.

"Miss Videl, you are not going home so late, are you sure you are okay?"

Son Gohan wanted to go home a long time ago, but Videl stayed alive and had to learn to control his breath before leaving.

This makes Son Gohan and the 18th uncomfortable.

The four big guys were also sitting on the grass with tired faces.

This wave of flower-protecting messengers is really a bit of a loss.

"It's okay, it's more important to learn Flying Technique than to go home."

Videl's eyebrows frowned slightly, it's been a day, she can't even control her anger, which makes her very annoyed.

After a few more hours, a white halo finally appeared in Videl's palm.

"I succeeded, I can successfully control my gas!"

Videl jumped up excitedly and said loudly to Son Gohan.

"Oh! Got it, go home if you succeed!"

Son Gohan opened his eyes, and replied perfunctorily with a tired look in his eyes.

At this time, he was really tired.

In the previous chapter, I drove a wave of cars with one gear, and the result turned over. It is very uncomfortable. I have already rectified and waited for the review of the responsible editor! Sorry.. Everyone, write well in the future, don't drive casually! Please download the novel without underline Feilu Novels

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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