Chapter 209 Fangbra's Super Three Transformation

"Transformed?" Kinho frowned.

Super Saiyan gave him a very bad memory.

Although Fangbra's super-one status is much weaker than him, but now that he is further transformed on this basis, Jinu's face suddenly becomes serious.

Of course, he has only increased his vigilance, and there is no sense of crisis.

After all, his opponent is the little fat girl who looks dumb and ugly.

boom! !

"I want to get rid of you who ruined girls' faces!"

Fangbula exploded with a powerful aura. In the super-two state, her combat effectiveness was doubled.

However, the combat strength is only about 20 billion, and there is still a gap with Jinyu.

Coupled with the clumsy movements brought about by her chubby figure, there is no threat to Jinyu at all. Even if he uses all the strength of breastfeeding, he is still easily suppressed by Jinyu.

However, the difference in strength between the two sides is not as big as it was at the beginning.

But what made him unacceptable was that after Fangbra's attack failed, his anger exploded again.

"Damn, I will never let you go, you guys who don't know how to pity Xiangxiyu are destined to be killed by me!" Fangbra roared, his breath exploded again.

In the bang, Fangbra's upside-down blond hair stretched out quickly and spread all the way to the ground.

Her golden eyebrows disappeared, her eyebrow bones were lowered, and her entire face became sharp and angular, as if it were a knife.

The golden flames all over her body turned into golden light and were fixed, and the blue arc that had flickered from time to time became denser.

Super Saiyan three!

Fangbula set another record of Saiyan's transformation. Just because he couldn't beat the opponent, he was promoted in anger.

Although she is still a chubby girl, after entering the super three state, her movements have obviously become much smoother, which is not so awkward compared to before.

The most important thing is that her combat power has directly exploded from 20 billion to 80 billion, which is a lot more than Jinyu's 30 billion combat power.

With such a huge gap, even if the action is still as clumsy as before, Keanu has no chance.


Seeing Fangbra's appearance, and then sensing her aura, Kinho's whole body is not good, and his face is horrified: "Who are you...what the hell are you?"

Is this little fat girl a big wit? Or do you deliberately pretend to be such a stupid and cute look to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

"Didn't you already say it? My name is Fangbra!!"

Super Sanfangbra slammed into front of Jinyu and hit him hard. Even though Jinyu tried his best, he still couldn't stop him, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball.

With a bang, Jinou directly smashed a building on the planet, and his whole person was buried in the ruins.

"Yeah!" Super San Fangbra made a triumphant gesture, and said with a smug expression: "Sure enough, I am the best. This kind of beam jumping clown is really easy to deal with, and I can't hold it if I am a little serious."

When Vegett saw this scene in the distance, the corners of his mouth twitched.

It seems that every Fusion fighter has a strange character, especially the products of Fusion failure.

However, even though Fangbra is a failure, it is quite remarkable to be able to enter the super three state.

Under her punch, Kinho was already seriously injured, and he couldn't climb out at all. In the end, he was dug out by the Galaxy Patrol and handcuffed away.

And Fangbra didn't linger for long. It was Fusion that failed. With the use of Super Three's power, the time for Fusion soon arrived, and they were separated into Xiaofang and Bra.

The second woman glanced at each other, although they both felt a breath after defeating a powerful enemy.

But when they think of the little fat girls after Fusion before, the two of them can't help but have a hot face, which is too shameful!

"You must practice hard when you go back. This situation will never happen next time." Xiaofang whispered to Bra.

Bula nodded in agreement, and then said: "But after Fusion just now, I succeeded in becoming Super Saiyan II and Super Saiyan III. I feel that if I practice a little bit, I can become Super Saiyan II, even Super Saiyan III. It shouldn't take too long."

"Do you feel this way too?" Xiaofang glanced at Bra and said a little depressed: "I thought it was only me who felt this way, oh, what a pity!"

"What are you so sorry for?" Bula gave her a sideways glance.

Xiaofang spit out her pink tongue and chuckled, "I just thought I could get a bigger distance from you, but I didn't expect that I would still be unable to get rid of you."

"Hmph, I will definitely surpass you, it will definitely not take too long." Bula grunted.

"Alright, alright, you have said this hundreds of times." Xiaofang said nonchalantly.

The two of them quarreled and walked back. By this time they had returned to Vegett.

Blah immediately complained to Vegeta: "Beget, Xiaofang is bullying me again. You have to be the master for me."

With that, she threw herself into Vegeta's arms for comfort.

"Ah, you are so cunning!" Xiaofang immediately yelled, and ran over to try to pull Bula away, taking Vegeta's arms by herself.

Vegett pushed them all away, put his arms around their shoulders, and said, "Okay, be quiet for a while. After the fight, you will have a good sense of experience, and then take a closer look at how Lagus fought."

When Vegeta said so, the second daughter was quiet, and obediently did what Vegeta said.

The battle lasted not long, but it was indeed a good experience for them.

At this time, the battle between Lagus and Golden Frieza is not over yet, but Lagus has fully gained the upper hand.

The strength of the two is not much different, but Lagusi has always maintained a good rhythm, advances and retreats in an orderly manner, and his mentality is also very stable.

On the contrary, Frieza, from the very beginning, was irritated by the double contempt of Vegett and Lagus. He lost his steady state of mind, and his strength was naturally not perfect.

Moreover, Frieza's golden transformation consumes a lot of energy and physical strength and cannot be maintained for a long time.

After fighting for a while, now he has begun to appear weak.

"Damn, you damn woman, I will definitely kill you!"

Gold Frieza's eyes were red, and the anger burst out in her eyes.

At this time he had forgotten that there was Vegeta, and only Lagus was left in his eyes.

The strength has improved to this level, even surpassing Gods of Destruction Beerus. Frieza's self-confidence has already swelled a lot. How can he expect to be defeated by a woman like Laguse who looks weak and weak. This is for him. It is totally unacceptable.

"Unfortunately, you don't have this ability, it's almost time to end it!"

Lagus didn't pay much attention to Frieza's attitude. She raised her hand, and another large piece of glass formed around Frieza, trapping him in it. *

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