Chapter 216 Trunks being abused

No matter how unhappy Xiaofang and Bula were, Son Goku and Vegeta knew that Xiaofang and Bula were their descendants in another time and space, so they had no objection, and instead wanted to train them.

Throwing all four of them into Vados' staff space and handing them over to Vados' supervision, Vegett ignored them.

"Master Vegett, can I practice with them too?" Trunks was a little moved.

I have had the prison star and his party, Trunks knows exactly what the real high-end combat power is, so he has been working very hard so that the combat power can be doubled in a short period of time.

"Do you want to practice with them?" Vegett raised his brows and said, "I want to train you myself. Since you want to practice with them, let you go to the staff space?"

"Huh?" Trunks was taken aback for a moment, and quickly changed his words: "If Master Vegett trained me personally, of course I couldn't ask for it. I just didn't expect Master Vegett to spend energy for me."

Vegett smiled and said: "Your strength has improved, and I will be able to relax a little later, which is naturally good for me."

"Master Veget, please rest assured, as long as I can do things, I will do my best!" Trunks immediately assured.

"Then you have to be mentally prepared, let me train you, you will feel the pain of hell." Vegett grinned suddenly, revealing a gloomy expression.

Trunks couldn't help but shudder, and subconsciously flinched.

But after all, he came out of the last days alone, with extraordinary perseverance and courage, and soon he gritted his teeth and calmed down.

"As long as my strength can be improved, no matter how much suffering or pain I suffer, I will stick to it!" Trunks said with a firm face.

"Very good! I like your character." Vegett snapped his fingers: "So... are you ready?"

"Guru!" Trunks swallowed subconsciously, looking a little nervous.

However, he stood there firmly, drew out the sword of time and space behind him, and put on a fighting posture.

Since it is training, it must be a battle.

Trunks now has a vision, but the basic combat effectiveness is too low.

In fact, as long as he was given time, he would soon be able to cultivate to a certain height, at least it was enough to meet Vegett's needs.

But now that there is just time, Vegeta will exercise a little bit. By the way, it is also very good to promote the strength of Trunks.

"Next I will attack you, you should pay attention!"

The corner of Vegett's mouth twitched slightly, and he appeared in front of Trunks in a flash of stature.

"So fast!" Trunks' eyelids twitched, and hurriedly put the sword in front of him.

Vegete punched the sword without any fancy, a huge force came, Trunks' figure was shaken, his whole body was instantly dissipated, and the whole person flew out.

"Teach you the first lesson today. In the face of absolute power, any technique is useless." Vegett continued to follow.

Bang bang bang bang...

One punch after another fell on Trunks like rain. Although Vegett had already controlled his power to an extremely weak level, Trunks was obviously worse than Beerus, and he couldn't even make any movements.

After being beaten and flying by Vegett's first punch, the strength on his body was no longer condensed, and he could only be completely passively beaten behind, unable to even defend.

Moreover, this series of attacks was extremely swift and violent, Trunks was completely dumbfounded at this time, and his brain did not react at all.

Every punch that fell on him was an extremely severe pain, just in response to what Vegett said at the beginning, he had already felt the hellish pain, the pain was so extreme that he didn't even have the strength to scream.

"Master Vegett, what is this doing?" Not far away Lagus was puzzled.

If you want to train Trunks, you don’t need to be so cruel, right? If he casts a psychological shadow, won't Trunks be abandoned?

Vados next to him thoughtfully said: "Master Vegeta should be trying to force the potential of Trunks. Saiyan has always been stronger in the Vietnam War. Master Veget uses a power slightly stronger than Trunks, but completely unable to resist. Reach the limit of Trunks."

"As long as the Trunks can withstand these blows, their energy and stamina will be greatly improved after they are relieved. And most importantly, Saiyan will be resurrected from death, and the basic combat effectiveness will also have a qualitative leap."

Lagus didn't have a long time following Vegett and didn't know much about Saiyan's physique.

Hearing Vados’s guess at this time, his face was surprised and said: "There is such a race in the universe? No wonder Vegeta-sama is so strong, it really makes sense."

Vados smiled slightly, and said, "Master Vegett is an exception. He is naturally talented, but he has never practiced in that way."

Veget has been extremely powerful since his birth, after all, he is a fit fighter.

Moreover, at this point, he relied more on prophecy and foresight, as well as a strong talent, and had not experienced much penance.

Lagus couldn't help but admire, there is really only one Vegett in this world.

At this time, under Vegett's series of fierce attacks, Trunks had reached their limit without persisting for too long.

Vegett took care of almost every muscle in his body with his fists, and these fists looked ordinary, but actually contained the power of the origin of the rules, which greatly helped Trunks temper his body.

Don't look at it for only a few minutes, in fact, he has already punched tens of thousands.

At this time, Trunks was completely exhausted in physical strength and energy, except for the tearing pain of the whole body, and even the vitality had reached the point where it was exhausted.


Vegett threw Trunks, whose soul was about to be separated, to Vados.

"Vados, give him a treatment."

"Yes, Lord Vegeta!" Vados could already see from Vegett's movements, so when Trunks just came to her, she had already waved the Angel staff in her hand.

Angel can not only heal injuries, but even resurrect, which is unmatched by Fairy Bean.

Of course, this requires the power of Vados' Angel, which is essentially the power of detachment.

Soon, under the treatment of Vados, Trunks gradually recovered.

At this moment, his head was still dumbfounded, and he didn't react at all.

Vados and Lagus had already understood Vegett's purpose, but Trunks hadn't understood. They were completely caught off guard just now.

After recovering at this time, the first reaction was to pull off his posture and look at Vegett with alert and fear. *

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