Chapter 254 Zeno is actually bound

Boom boom boom boom...

With the defeat of Mech Capra, the long river of time affected by his Darkness Swallow began to collapse piece by piece, and time and space one after another also collapsed with it.

Bear the brunt of the brunt, the area where Vegett was collapsing the most, almost instantly turning into nothingness.

Even in this state, Vegett's complexion changed drastically and almost suffered a severe blow.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and immediately activated the energy shield, leaving the area quickly.

Just seeing those creatures in time and space seem to have encountered the end of the world, and they kept wailing one by one, and Vegett felt a little heavy in his heart.

He didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of him, and he died of countless creatures in time and space at once. It was because of Vegett's strong temperament that he almost collapsed.

After all, it is still a human being, as long as it is human, it is impossible not to have the heart to hide.

These time and space were only affected by the battle between him and Mech Capra, and suffered an extinction for no reason. Vegeta must bear this responsibility.


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared beside Vegett.

He is short in stature, with white hair, light blue skin, cyan-blue clothes, and a big "big" waist badge on his belt.

It's the Grand Priest!

Grand Priest looked solemnly at the time and space that was constantly collapsing and disintegrating. He didn't care to talk to Vegeta, but kept waving the staff in his hand, trying to stabilize the time and space on his own.

However, Grand Priest is strong, but these time and space are caused by the battle between Vegeta and Mechcapura. In the end, Mechcapura drew a large amount of time and space energy. Grand Priest wants to stabilize them. It's still very difficult to get down.

Not to mention that he came hastily, and he couldn't do it without any preparation.

"Something is in trouble!" Grand Priest's expression turned a little ugly.

When he moved, the energy surged, and the specific strength had almost been found out by Vegett.

With a secret voice in Vegett's heart, it was true that Grand Priest and Mech Capra were in the same state, but their strength was much weaker.

Perhaps because Grand Priest is biased towards support, it may not be very good at combat, so the gap will appear to be very large.

In other words, with Vegett's current strength, he has completely surpassed the Grand Priest, and it is easy to kill him.

Of course, Vegett just thinks about it.

At least so far, Grand Priest has no intention of being an enemy of him, and even takes care of him, otherwise Vegett could not have gone so smoothly to this day.

You should know that Vegett has actually done a little overstepping in many things, and he really needs to be held accountable. I don't know how many times he has been suppressed.

Given this situation, Vegett also thinks that peaceful coexistence would be better.

Anyway, with his current strength, no one can restrain him, and he has no conflict of interest with Zeno or Grand Priest.

After all, Vegett had never thought of controlling the universe, and even he himself was able to develop the universe, there was no need to dominate the magpie's nest.

At this time, realizing that the Grand Priest could not stabilize the time and space, Vegete naturally wanted to take the lead. In any case, the destruction of time and space was also related to him.

Vegett waved his hands, and the energy surged, and he began to continuously replenish energy to the Grand Priest.

His ability is biased towards destruction. If he takes the lead in the stability of time and space, the consumption will be much greater than that of the Grand Priest, so he still serves as a support silently.

Grand Priest is biased towards creation, as long as there is enough energy, even if the entire river of time and space collapses, he can handle it.

With Vegett's energy support, the Grand Priest soon stabilized time and space again.

Of course, at the location where Mechkapura exploded, those time and space had been completely annihilated.

If you want to fully return to the way it was before the war, you still need to repair time and space.

Now they are just stabilizing the time and space that is on the verge of collapse, but has not yet collapsed.


Seeing the danger has passed, the Grand Priest let out a long sigh.

He turned around and looked at Vegett with complicated eyes: "I didn't expect to see you for a while. You have grown to this point. Even Mech Capra's demon state can't help you. Nowadays. It seems that your strength is worthy of being the first in the universe."

"The Grand Priest is ridiculous." Vegett is still very well-trained, and he saluted the Grand Priest and said with a little guilt: "This time, it is all because of me. Fixing the things of time and space, I will take care of it. responsible."

Modest to modest, Vegett did not call Master Grand Priest again.

With his current strength, he can already be on par with Zeno, there is no need to be willing to be in the hands of others, there is still some pride that he should have.

The Grand Priest naturally doesn't care about these, and even feels very pleased that Vegeta can maintain a humble attitude now.

If Vegett is like Mech Capra and the others, he has ambitions that he shouldn't have when he is strong, and that would be a disaster for the Universe.

Anyway, the universe here was developed by Zeno. Others want to occupy the magpie's nest, which is very harmful to the universe.

This has nothing to do with strength, but the will of the world itself does not allow it.

In fact, it is for this reason that Zeno is firmly locked in the universe, otherwise the character of Zeno would have slipped away, and it would not be enough to guard these universes.

This can be seen from the fact that Zeno must try to erase some universes from time to time.

Of course, this is also Grand Priest's own understanding. As for the truth, only Zeno knows.

However, Grand Priest has been with Zeno for so many years, and he is very clear about Zeno's character, so his guess is almost always correct.

In other words, if someone can receive these universes intact and receive the position of Zeno, Zeno will definitely give up the position without saying a word.

For this reason, when Hazy jumped out to challenge Zeno, the Grand Priest didn't take any action and chose to leave it alone.

Haz is already the most qualified person after Mech Capra, but unfortunately he failed in the end.

Even the natives in the universe cannot be conquered. How can they be qualified to take the position of Zeno?

As for Mech Capra, a person of this kind of temperament, even if he is qualified, it is impossible for him to succeed.

If it is not defeated by Vegett, the Grand Priest will eventually come forward.

Looking at the performance of Vegeta at this time, Grand Priest felt that if Vegeta was to act as the challenger, there might still be a possibility of success.

Unfortunately, looking at Vegeta's appearance, he has no intention of encroaching on the position of Zeno, and Grand Priest can only secretly sigh for Zeno.

"Since you have this responsibility, I won't say anything."

Grand Priest retracted his thoughts, nodded to Beiji Trait, and said: "As long as you can repair time and space, it is a great achievement. I will reward Zeno for you."

After speaking, he didn't stay too much, and confirmed the situation of time and space again, and then dashed away. *

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