Chapter 320 Huaguoshan Monkey King

"Huh? Companion spirit treasure?"

A hint of surprise flashed in Hongjun's eyes, and he stretched out his hand and grabbed the bracelet that Vegett had left in place after he disappeared.

"What is this? I can't even see through it?"

After Hongjun felt it, he was even more surprised.

This thing looks like a bracelet, the material is not very good.

Let alone him, anyone who has practiced can easily destroy it.

But it was such a thing, with the eyes of his ancestor Hongjun, he couldn't even see the secret.

But he had a faint feeling again, this was definitely not an ordinary thing.

If it's just an ordinary thing, it can't survive under the mighty power of heaven and earth.

You must know that even its owner is already gone, and his body is gone.

"Finally, just do whatever you want!"

Hongjun couldn't see it through, and had no attachments, just put it away.

Perhaps when it is predestined, its function will naturally become clear.

In fact, he certainly couldn't see through it, because this was the game watch that Vegett had exchanged from Ah Quan, and there was a world hidden in it.

This thing has no other purpose except entering and leaving the Dragon Ball world, and the key to entering and leaving is to use the power of the soul to stimulate.

Of course, the entrance has been blocked by Vegett in advance, so even if someone uses the power of the soul to probe, they will never be able to find it.

Although Hongjun moved to Tiandi Weili, he suppressed him with the power of the whole heaven.

But Vegett is the character who controls the entire Dragon Ball world after all, and he is no weaker than Hongjun in terms of level.

Even if you are suppressed on someone else's territory, you can still escape the battlefield if you want to get rid of the predicament.

After the adjustments are made, one more battle will be unpredictable.

But Vegete knew that even if he did it again, he had a greater chance of losing.

So at that time, he had an idea and directly abandoned his body. The soul has entered the Dragon Ball world and blocked the entrance.

As for the game watch, I just need to keep it for Hongjun for a while, and I will definitely get it back in the future.

Anyway, that thing is an ornament in Hongjun's hands, and it's useless.

Of course, Vegett didn't trap himself in the Dragon Ball world.

When he exploded his body and his soul returned to the Dragon Ball world, he had already split a ray of soul power and went to the distant continent.

The body soul goes to the Dragon Ball world to repair the body. Naturally, it does not take long. Just use the Dragon Ball to make a wish.

However, he won't come out right away. If he wants to defeat Hongjun, he mainly has to rely on the power of the soul that has been split out.

The function of this ray of soul power is to go deep into that continent, cultivate the power of this world, and then come back to merge with the body after mastering the power of the world's origin.

At that time, not only will Vegett's strength be even higher, but he also knows himself and the enemy, so he doesn't have to be afraid of being bound by the way of heaven.

It is not difficult for him to defeat Hongjun.

With the concealment of self-destruction, Veget's soul power is very subtle, plus Vegett's own attainments, it is still possible to hide from Hongjun's perception.

At this time, the power of the soul had already arrived on that continent, and it had smoothly entered the scope of the heavenly path.

At first, Vegeta was a little cautious, worried that Hongjun would perceive it as soon as he entered.

But in the end it proved that his worries were superfluous, and Hongjun had no such ability at all.

Even if Hongjun is in harmony, he is only a manager of the heavens, and cannot replace the heavens, so it is impossible to perceive all the nuances under the whole heaven.

With regard to this ray of soul power, Vegeta was already very small, like one of many practitioners, shuddering in the sea.

Even if the power of the soul is somewhat different from the native aboriginals, it will not be discovered all at once.

But Vegett didn't dare to go to the sky, where most of the powerful people were.

Although if he could grab the body of a powerful person, it would be of great help to his research on local abilities, he might have achieved his goal directly.

But the danger is indeed too great. The key is that his little soul power can hardly deal with those powerful people who are nine days high.

So he chose to enter the mainland, that is, the human world, looking for a relatively weak practitioner, and just practice it again by himself.

Anyway, with his vision and talent, it won't take long to fully analyze the power system here.

What only made him stunned was that this continent was divided into three plates: the southeast, the northwest and the northwest.

"Could it be... Journey to the West?" Vegeta guessed at the first thought.

If it's just Journey to the West, why would there be a curse to Hongjun? Shouldn't that guy belong to the Conferred God Kingdom?

Or is it the setting of the torrential stream? Or is it just a projection of the world?

But these are difficult to find the answer in a short time, and Vegeta didn't want to.

It's just that if this is the world of Journey to the West, I don't know what timeline has arrived.

Vegett subconsciously flew to the east plate.

The protagonist of Journey to the West is Monkey Sun, and Monkey Sun was born in Dongsheng Shenzhou, where Huaguo Mountain is.

Since this is probably a Journey to the West, let's look for Huaguoshan first.

Vegett’s purpose is self-evident. If he has the opportunity, he will directly possess the monkey and take his grandson with his own vision. With the talent of the monkey, is this world not directly penetrated?

The process of finding Huaguoshan was not tortuous, and it was exceptionally smooth.

After all, with a name, as long as you perceive a mortal's thoughts a little, you can easily find your way.

When Veget found the Shuilian Cave of Huaguoshan, he also found Monkey King.

And the monkey grandson really deserves the title of the Monkey King, at least Vegett is quite satisfied with his appearance.

Of course, this is purely from the perspective of a cultivator. If it is an ordinary person, it can only be a Maolian Lei Gong mouth.

But at this moment, it seems that the monkey has not yet gone out to find a fairyland, and is still the demon king in the mountains.

This timeline is a bit early.

If you seize the grandson monkey now, do you have to walk the road to find immortals for him?

And the ghost knows how long it will take him to go to sea to visit immortals now?

You know, after Sun Monkey was born, he has been a demon king in the mountains, but he has lived for more than three hundred years.

Just when Vegeta hesitated, the Monkey King and the monkeys were having a banquet, and at this time the Monkey King burst into tears.

"My lord, why are you bothering about it?" The monkeys were a little surprised and hurriedly bowed.

The monkey sighed and said, "Although I am happy, I also have some foresight, so I am troubled."

"The king is so unsatisfied." The monkeys suddenly laughed: "I am waiting for the happy meeting every day, in the fairy mountain blessed land, the ancient cave divine continent, not under the jurisdiction of the unicorn, not under the control of the phoenix, and not under the restraint of the king, free and unlimited. The blessing, why do you worry about it for a long time?"

The Monkey King said: "Although it is not subject to the laws of the King of Humans today, and is not afraid of the prestige of the beasts, in the future, the old and the blood will decline, and the King of Hades will be secretly in charge. "

Upon hearing this, the monkeys hid their faces and wailed.

But Vegett's heart moved, and then he was stunned.

This is so special, is this the rhythm of going to sea to visit immortals? *

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