Chapter 331 Forced Reasons for Punishment

"Zhen Zhiping, you guys are so brave, you dare to attack Master Uncle!" Subhuti cried coldly to the four young disciples.

The four of them hurriedly knelt to the ground, and Zhen Zhiping cried aggrievedly: "Patriarch Mingjian, they were the first to attack us. Don't just see the injuries on them, not the wounds on us!"

All four of them also had injuries, but the monkey was scratched by the gravel when he fell down the stone steps. As for Vegett, he was able to protect himself.

And the four of them were beaten by Sun Monkey with their fists at first, and they didn't dare to fight back. Even if they used Dao Fa to increase their defense, they just kept themselves from being seriously injured. There was still physical pain, and they would swell up.

Of course, they were nothing compared to the wounds on the monkeys.

Subhuti was not commenting on this, and turned to look at the two of Vegeta and asked, "Why do you want to deal with your nephew?"

When Vegett heard the words, he could not help but secretly puckered his lips. With the patience of the Bodhi ancestor, I was afraid that he had seen the end from beginning to end, and he did not intervene until the last moment. Instead, he asked this question.

Vegeta didn't want to answer this kind of question like a fool, but Sun Monkey looked upset and described the matter from beginning to end.

But he didn't add any fuel and jealousy, just added some more subjective emotions.

This is understandable, so in the whole process, Zhen Zhiping tried to open his mouth to refute several times, but he had nothing to say.

When Monkey King finished speaking, the Bodhi ancestor came to a conclusion: "This matter, both of you are at fault. Zhen Zhiping, you are narrow-minded, jealous, and committing a crime of ignoring your respect and inferiority, and ridiculing your uncle. This is the mountain gate. Big bogey. Later, it was the next slaughter, wanting to kill the two uncles, really bold!"

"Son Goku, Vegett, you two are a generation higher than them, why can't you be able to tolerate others? It's just a verbal conflict, but you take the lead in disregarding your identity. The temper is too strong and you need to calm down."

In fact, Vegeta wanted to roll his eyes very much. The amount of tolerance does not mean that some fleas can be allowed to jump around in front of him. The other party is deliberately picking things up. Would he have to smile to welcome him?

"If you have merit, you must be punished if you have done it. Zhen Zhiping, you are so bad that you almost killed two elders. You are hereby fined for ten years in claustrophobia and copied the Rhubarb Court 100,000 times. The remaining accomplices, in claustrophobia, copied the Rhubarb Court 30,000 times. ."

"Beget, you are too wild and have no qualitative nature, so you are sentenced to cleaning the mountain road for seven years. You must clean up every corner and copy the mercy scripture 50,000 times to remove the wildness."

"And Son Goku, took the lead in beating fellow juniors and punished you to clean the Buddhist scripture pavilion every day. Also, you are not allowed to meet Vegeta without permission!"

The ancestor Bodhi punished all of them, but Vegett became more and more confused as he listened.

Own temperament is too wild, not qualitative? Although there was indeed a suspicion of fanning the flames, I can't use such words to describe himself, Vegett always felt a little bit ridiculous.

Although the reason for this is far-fetched, it is a bit intriguing to go to Son Goku, the last sentence of not being allowed to meet with Vegeta without permission.

Monkey Sun immediately protested loudly: "Master, I admit punishment for the cleaning work, but why can't I meet Vegeta? I refuse to accept this punishment method!"

Since he came out of Huaguoshan, he has stayed with Vegett every day, and he has formed a habit a long time ago.

And many times, the thoughts in his heart would be shared with Vegett, and it was almost an instinct to seek Vegett's advice on any matter.

Now that Bodhi Patriarch wants them not to meet, and there is no time limit, Sun Monkey has no bottom in his heart.

The ancestor Bodhi said with no expression: "One of you is out of character, the other is untamable, and it is easy to cause trouble when you stay together, so I will separate you, and you will not see each other for at least seven years!"

This time he added a deadline, but he didn't explain why it was seven years.

Monkey Sun was of course unacceptable. He opened his mouth and wanted to say more, but Vegett stopped him.

"Enough monkeys, the Patriarch must have his reason for this arrangement. We only need to listen to his old man's instructions. It's only seven years, and there is no Jiazi in the mountains. Seven years will be over in the blink of an eye. We practice separately, and maybe see each other later, We can still discuss which one is strong and which is weak."

As soon as the seven-year time limit came out, Vegett almost understood the mind of the Bodhi Patriarch.

He was worried that Sun Monkey would be affected by his character and style of behavior if he stayed by his side for a long time, so he had to separate the two. Today this matter just gave Bodhi ancestors an excuse.

Vegeter even suspected that Bodhi Patriarch might still be secretly contributing to the flames.

Otherwise, even if Zhen Zhiping no longer cares about the consequences, he shouldn't directly kill them on Fangcun Mountain.

Of course, he only thought about these words in his own heart, saying that it was impossible to say them.

Journey to the West itself is a big pit, and no matter who gets caught in it, there will be countless karma results.

Before Vegeta didn't have enough strength, he still didn't want to get involved too early.

Hearing what Vegett said, although Sun Monkey was still reluctant, he still reluctantly recognized it.

Soon, everyone left one after another according to the arrangement of the Bodhi ancestor, but Vegett was left behind.

"The tricks you used before are very extraordinary. Have you ever been in contact with practice before?" Bodhi Patriarch asked Vegett.

A trace of surprise flashed in Vegett's eyes, not because he was surprised why the ancestor Bodhi asked such a question, but because the other party did not hide it and showed that he knew the situation of the fight just now.

Since you even know the fighting situation, how can you not know the cause and effect?

The ancestor of Bodhi smiled slightly and said: "As a teacher, I know that you are smart, and you can guess something without me. Naturally, there is no need to hide it from you."

Beget immediately understood, but he was still half pretending to be stupid: "Master really has eyes like a torch, and you can understand it at a glance. The disciple feels that with Master’s magical powers, Fang Cunshan is still under your control even though it is big. You can't hide from the wind and grass. There is no reason for you to be ignorant of what happened before."

"More than that, right?" Bodhi ancestor said with a smile, "I'm afraid you also guessed why I let Goku not meet you?"

Beckett said ‘sincerely and fearfully’: "Master Mingjian, the disciple did see some ways, but didn’t figure out the truth. But since the master made such a decision, the disciple should follow suit."

"Don't be nervous!" The ancestor Bodhi didn't notice the strangeness, and naturally felt that Vegeta should not know it, so he said: "I can't tell you the truth, but in the future... maybe you can see it by yourself. Understood."

The ancestor of Bodhi sighed slightly and looked into the distance. He didn't know whether he was sighing the monkey's fate or feeling other things. *

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