Chapter 349

"It's blooming! It's blooming!"

When the flowers bloomed, someone in the crowd exclaimed in joy.

More people are dull and silent, even forgetting to breathe.

"How could this happen, how could it be!"

Zhen Zhiping clenched his fists, his body trembling constantly, and roared in a low voice.

Yan Shanhe closed his eyes, not wanting to look at the complicated expressions of the people around him.

Vegett put the porcelain bottle away and turned to look at Bodhi Patriarch: "Master..."

The ancestor of Bodhi recovered from the shock, was silent for a moment, and whispered softly: "Good luck, good luck!"

Vegett didn't say much, and asked, "Now, can we start the assessment of fire in the water?"

Subhuti retracted the iron tree with his hand, pointed at the ground in front of him, and a huge black tank appeared here, filled with clear water.

"A fluke, just a fluke."

Zhen Zhiping took a deep breath of the air, murmured nervously: "The iron tree blossomed, but it is impossible to make a fire in the water. Two things that are completely opposed, you die and you die, how can they converge together?"

Monkey Sun stared at the clear water in the tank and whispered, "Can water and fire really coexist?"

In fact, this task is even simpler for Vegett. He from later generations knows very well that as long as the ignition point is reached, any substance can be burned in the presence of air, including water of course.

It’s just that if you want water to burn, you need a high ignition point, which is naturally impossible to achieve with today’s technology.

But as long as you add some combustion aids to it, it is not too easy to burn it.

Vegett shook his hand and took out a clay pot from time and space, about the size of his head.

Many people have noticed this movement of Vegeta taking things out of thin air. Although they have doubts in their hearts, they can't think about it at this time, just staring directly at the movement of Vegeta's hands.

Fire in the water!

Most people don't believe in success, but they also want to see how Vegeta can accomplish it.

Vegett glanced around, then chuckled, uncovering the seal of the earthen jar.

In an instant, an unpleasant smell spread from inside.

"Smelly, what is this?"

"I've never smelled it before, it smells so bad."

The disciples who were close to each other covered their noses and turned away, shouting that they couldn't bear it.

Even the ancestor of Bodhi frowned after his nose moved.

In fact, it's not smelly, it's just a bit pungent. People who have never smelled this kind of smell can't stand it.

Vegett didn't explain, he poured the contents of the clay pot into the water tank, then took out the flint and rubbed it against the water.


A sudden explosion sounded, everyone was petrified, and their heads went blank under the light of the fire.

What exactly did he pour into the water? Why can water be ignited? Must I be dreaming?

"Ha ha!"

Monkey Sun couldn't hold back this time, he turned his head on the spot and laughed wildly: "It's a success, it's a success! Beget, I know you can do it!"

Vegeta smiled, pointed to the flames still burning on the water, and said to the ancestor Bodhi: "Is this a pass, right?"

The ancestor Bodhi looked at him with a trace of surprise, nodded and said: "It's over!"

Beiji nodded and pointed at the water tank. The water at the bottom surged up under the control of his spiritual power, extinguishing the flames.

The method used by Vegett to make the water burn is very simple. It is to send someone to extract some oil and make it into simple kerosene.

What was in the crock just now is naturally this kerosene.

Things that modern people understand, no one knows yet in this era.

So at this time, everyone around looked at Vegett's gaze, faintly with a trace of awe.

Regardless of whether the iron tree blooms or makes a fire in the water, this is not what they can do.

Regardless of whether Vegeta used foreign objects, at least he did it, better than everyone on the scene.

For the strong, there will naturally be a trace of awe.

This is also what Vegett wants to achieve.

I bought gifts from people before, just to make those people have a better impression of him and to prefer him psychologically.

After he shows these methods, people will soon admire him and fear him from the bottom of their hearts, so as to truly let him complete the task of the Bodhi Patriarch.

"Then next, it will be the stone psychic. This task shouldn't need to prepare for the teacher?" Bodhi Patriarch suppressed the curiosity and doubts in his heart and asked.

"No need!" Vegett shook his head, waved his hand to take out the jade statue in the space of time, and gently placed it on the cloud platform.

The appearance of this statue made of ling spar is the same as that of Vegett. The height and facial features are all carved exactly in accordance with his appearance.

Seeing this statue, many people's eyes flashed with surprise, but they didn't know why.

To make jade psychic, why do you want to carve it into your own appearance?

But this thought did not last long, and soon they understood why.

When Beijit thought about it, the jade statue suddenly dazzled with golden light, and a subtle but true breath of life radiated from it.

"Jade is psychic, success!" Sun Monkey jumped up and down with joy, grinning with a grin.

Zhen Zhiping, Yan Shanhe, Zhou Xingyu and others had gloomy faces, even if they knew the result before they came, but when this scene happened, they were still a little unacceptable.

"This wild monkey, where does such a great luck come from!" Zhen Zhiping roared in his heart.

Yan Shanhe sighed slightly and looked up at Vegett: "Could he really be promoted from a named disciple to an inmate disciple? For so many years, no such thing has happened. He was able to create such a brilliant history. ?"

Vegett turned around and said to Bodhi Patriarch: "This jade body is worshipped by the people of Qingxia Kingdom and enshrined in psychics. In other words, I also completed the third task at the same time."

"It's impossible!" Zhen Zhiping said sharply: "It's only a few months, and this is only a few months. How can you gain the faith of the people?"

"Even if this level is reached, you must have used despicable means! For example, deliberately find robbers to plunder civilians, and then you will jump out to act and punish the robbers!"

In fact, he already knew something about it from Yan Shanhe's intelligence, but he didn't believe that Vegeta had such a great ability.

Zhen Zhiping thought from the bottom of his heart that Vegeta definitely used some shameless means.

"Belly sinister heart of a gentleman."

Vegett didn't bother to talk with him, but said coldly: "Zhen Zhiping, do you know what the accusation is for framing Master Uncle?"

"Framework?" Zhen Zhiping sneered: "Ask all the disciples present, who believes that someone can use formal means to make worship in less than a year?"*

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