Chapter 351

"Master, how should we implement this second task?" Vegett asked with his hand.

The content of the second task is to make more than half of the disciples on Fangcun Mountain respect and love him.

It's easy to love him, and Vegett prescribes the right medicine. Those gifts alone are enough to make them feel good about him.

Regarding him, the task on the other side was brushed down, and now except for Zhen Zhiping a few, which disciple looked at him without awe?

Therefore, Vegett thinks that the task has been completed, and now it is up to Bodhi Patriarch to judge.

"The human heart is unpredictable." Bodhi ancestor said lightly: "Besides, the senses may be different at every moment. Therefore, we use a show of hands to vote."

"If you agree with Vegeta and respect Vegeta, you can raise your right hand and help him become a disciple of Sanxingdong. Otherwise, just stand there."

As soon as Bodhi Patriarch finished speaking, one person immediately shouted: "Patriarch, I have different opinions!"

Zhen Zhiping, who had just been punished by the Bodhi ancestor, once again gritted his teeth and stood up.

Vegett frowned, and this guy was like brown sugar, and ran out to make trouble again.

From the beginning to the end, Vegett did not take the initiative to provoke him, and even after the ancestor Bodhi had punished him, he did not pay attention to him, which was regarded as letting go of grudges.

How can I think that this guy is so narrow-minded, he has been proactively picking things up all the time.

At this time, Vegett was already thinking about it, whether to find an opportunity to kill the other party, so as not to jump out if there is nothing wrong, and look anxious.

The ancestor Bodhi glanced at him, and before he could speak, Zhen Zhiping said loudly: "The disciple believes that this voting method has a big loophole, and it is impossible to tell whether the fellow students really embrace Beijit... After all. It's a matter of great importance, and a show of hands is too trivial."

"Therefore, there is a better way for the disciple, perhaps for the ancestor to refer to one or two. The disciple feels..."

"Enough!" Beget interrupted him suddenly with a loud shout, and said with a blank expression: "Patriarch speaks, where is your interruption? I also want to give advice to Patriarch, think about your identity first."

"Beget... Uncle Shi! Are you scared?" Zhen Zhiping sneered, biting the word'Uncle Shi' extremely hard, clearly laughing at him.

Naturally, Beijit would not be subjected to his agitation, but just said in a condescending manner: "Remember what the Patriarch said to you just now? The following crimes, without respect and humiliation! You have refuted the Patriarch once, and now Do you still want to question Patriarch's decision?"

"Now that you haven't gone back to accept the punishment, you still dare to go your own way. Do you think the punishment of the Patriarch is too light, or do you think the Majesty of the Patriarch is not enough?"

A big hat was buttoned down, and Zhen Zhi's plane was as black as the bottom of a pot, and the cold sweat also fell.

He only wanted to stumble upon Beiji's envoy, but he forgot that it is Bodhi Patriarch who is in charge of the overall situation now.

As Vegett said, he had already refuted Bodhi once, and now he has made a suggestion again, which is obviously questioning the ancestor of Bodhi.

If Vegett didn't say it, perhaps no one had thought of it, but now that he was pointed out, it would be impossible for him to continue.

"You don't want to spit people, deliberately misinterpreting my meaning!"

In any case, Zhen Zhiping still has to be hard-headed, otherwise he will be committed to the crime.

Just before he could continue speaking, Bodhi Patriarch also spoke: "Don't shut up yet! Zhen Zhiping, do you want to be expelled from Fang Cunshan?"

Zhen Zhi's face changed, and she immediately knelt on her knees, bowing down in fear and fear: "Patriarch forgive me, my disciple knows what I am wrong!"

"Don't mess around anymore, remember that regardless of whether Vegeta can become a disciple, he will always be your uncle!" Bodhi ancestor reminded.

Zhen Zhiping felt as uncomfortable as eating shit, but on the face he could only say respectfully: "Yes! My disciple remembered."

"Retreat!" Bodhi ancestor waved Zhen Zhiping to retreat, then looked at the surrounding disciples again, and said: "Now the voting begins!"

More than five hundred people looked at each other, but they couldn't react to this scene just now.

Although Zhen Zhiping's approach was indeed a bit overdone, the Bodhi Patriarch was obviously favoring Vegeta, which everyone can see.

After all, no matter how distinguished between inferior and inferior, Zhen Zhiping would not even be sentenced to death without letting people finish the sentence.

The Bodhi ancestor has already spoken, Zhen Zhiping can only be reduced to the role of a clown, and his prestige has dropped drastically among his disciples.

Except for a few diehards who are sad to death, most people still love to see and gloat.

But now is not the time to care about this. As Zhao Zhishan, who had received a doll before, took the lead in raising his hand to vote, his sparse palms began to be raised.

Although the process is slow, a small part of them are still entangled in their hearts, but the disciples who have received gifts before have already raised their right hands one after another.

The rest of the tangled people followed the trend and raised their right hands one after another.

In the end, there were more than four hundred and fifty people raising their hands, and only a handful of people remained, either still hesitating or prejudiced.

After all, Beijit is not gold, and it is impossible for everyone to like him.

Zhen Zhiping had told his disciples about him in the past, and coupled with the threat of suspicion today, in the eyes of those people, perhaps Vegeta was a little bit invincible.

It’s normal to have a bad impression of him and not to vote for him.

Zhen Zhiping was right before saying that Bodhi Patriarch asked people to vote with a show of hands, and there was indeed a big loophole.

People who didn't plan to support Vegeta also raised their hands because most of them raised their hands.

But what he didn't know was that Bodhi ancestor saw that Vegeta basically completed the task, and the vote by raising his hand was just a procedure. It was dispensable at all and could not affect the overall situation. This was done deliberately.

Zhen Zhiping jumped out to object, except to show that he was narrow-minded, but also did not have the slightest vision.

After only half a tea time, the vote by raising their hands was over. In the end, fewer than 20 people did not raise their hands.

This also shows that Vegett has passed all the examinations.

Zhen Zhiping stared at the scene in front of him with a little dumbfoundedness, like a bereaved concubine, completely unable to believe that it was true.

Even if his proposal was rejected at the beginning, he did not think that Vegett would pass the vote.

Unexpectedly, he could actually make Fang Cunshan change his mind in just one day.

Anyway, before Beijit returned to the mountain, most people had promised not to support Beijit.

Zhen Zhiping really didn't understand what happened in it.

But he also knows that he lost this round, and that Vegeta became a disciple of the room, and it was a foregone conclusion! *

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