Chapter 360

Facing this situation, Patriarch Bodhi didn't panic at all, and didn't mean to stop it at all.

He believes that his two disciples will not be defeated in this so-called moral controversy.

On the contrary, it is Erlang Shen who is the most flustered and nervous.

In the chaos of the dojo, the two groups of people wrangled each other, and he seemed to have seen the scene that he couldn't stop.

When the controversy reached its fiercest, Bodhi Patriarch, whose eyes were half-opened and half-closed, suddenly opened his eyes and looked up to the sky outside the cave.

I saw the purple qi spreading for ninety thousand miles above the eastern sky.

A golden light emerged from the purple qi and turned into a golden bridge.

An old man wearing a green jade crown, hair tied in a bun, silver beard and white hair, fairy-style road bones, wearing a moon-white robe, walking slowly with a cane.

One step is countless miles.

Within three steps, he stepped into the Sanxing Cave and came to the top of the dojo.

"Meet the old man."

Seeing this person, all the people present were shocked.

Except for the ancestor Chobodhi, everyone stood up.

Or arched hands, or bent over, or bowed down and saluted.

Vegett followed the trend and said in his heart:

I am afraid that the technique of changing the heavens and the earth will not be able to be kept today.

In the future, the monsters on the westward road, I don't know how many of them will be able to cultivate this fairy Scripture because of this good opportunity.

For example, Ox-King.

The ancestor Bodhi stretched out his hand, and a Sendai made of glazed celestial jade appeared, the height of which was equal to the Sendai under his seat.

The old gentleman smiled slightly and asked the creatures present to stand up, walk to the Liuli Xiantai and sit down, and said softly to the ancestor Bodhi: "Taoists are polite."

"Brother Dao is too polite, poor Dao dare not be ashamed." Bodhi ancestor said with his hand.

The old man smiled and said: "I didn't make any announcements. I took the liberty to come. Etiquette is indispensable. What's more, I still have something to ask for when I visit this time."

The ancestor of Bodhi paused and said sincerely: "The old gentleman and I can also be regarded as knowing the roots and knowing the bottom. When we know the changes of the heavens and the earth, the secrets are not passed on to me, and definitely cannot be passed on to outsiders."

"If, if I exchange the magical powers of one qi and three clears with you, what do you think?" Lao Jun nodded.

The calm voice was like a thunder, exploding in the hearts of the people in the dojo, dazzling countless people.

One qi transforms three clears, it is a peerless supernatural power that is too high at the bottom of the box.

When the heaven and earth were being enshrined, the leader of Tongtian placed a large array of Zhuxian under Jiepaiguan to block Zhou Bing.

Taking his brothers as the prototype, Taishang differentiated into three gods, Taiqing, Yuqing, and Shangqing, and assisted him to break the Zhuxian array, which shocked the world with the prestige of this work.

In the hearts of the people of the world, if only the combat power is considered, then the value of one gasification and three cleansing is still above the supernatural powers of heaven and earth.

After all, the strength of the three deities that were transformed into one innate spirit is not weaker than the deity, which can be called terrifying.

Hearing Taishang's words, Bodhi Patriarch was also a little shocked.

Without his level, it is difficult to realize how difficult each breakthrough is.

And once one qi transforms into three cleansing, it is not only an increase in combat effectiveness, every god bred in one qi is equivalent to a self, which is equivalent to a process of re-cultivation.

If there is any insight in this process, then the benefits will be unimaginable.

"Lao Jun, are you serious?" The ancestor Bodhi regained his calm in a very short time, and asked in a deep voice.

The old gentleman nodded slightly and took out a jade dish from his cuff: "When we reach our state, we will follow the law and the holy words will become the law. Naturally, there will be no lie. The magical powers of the three clears are in this jade. In the dish, Bodhi, would you like to exchange?"

"I don't dare to ask my ears." Bodhi ancestor smiled faintly.

Open the palm of his hand, the immeasurable golden light exploded in his hand, transformed into countless talisman records, combined into a jade talisman.

The jade plate and the jade amulet exchanged each other, and the old man stood up from Sendai and bid farewell to Bodhi.

He said to Erlang God: "Yang Jian, you follow me."

Watching the two set foot on the golden bridge and leave the Samsung small world.

The ancestor of Bodhi sighed and said, "As a result, there are many creatures in the Three Realms that will change magical powers."

Vegett looked a little eagerly, looking at the jade disc in the hands of Bodhi Patriarch, and said, "Master, can you lend me this jade disc for a few days, and then return it to you after you get over the addiction."

A floating dust slipped from the cuffs of the ancestor Bodhi, and knocked on his head: "Cultivate your own celestial scriptures, and don't be too high."

After speaking, the old man turned into a spot of light and dissipated. He wanted to watch the method in the jade disc.

A disappointment flashed in Beijit's eyes, he sighed slightly, and turned around and smiled at the tens of thousands of creatures: "Don't worry, you can eat and drink. You can leave after you are full of food and drink. Forgive the immortal for not being able to accompany him. ."

"Shangxian don't need to be polite, please do it yourself."

Thousands of creatures responded with laughter, and more chose to bid farewell.

At the same time, in Bajing Palace.

Lao Jun copied a copy of the supernatural power of Tiangangdisha change and handed it to Erlangshen.

"Don’t practice the Eighty-Nine Profound Art for now. Specialize in the transformation of the Earth Shaman. After the seventy-two alterations of the Earth Shaman are completed, turn to the Thirty-six Change of Tiangang. Remember, your body is injured for a long time. , Practice slowly."

Yang Jian clenched the jade talisman in his hand, knelt to the ground, and gave a big gift: "The grace of the old gentleman is unforgettable, but there are dispatches, and they are all obedient."

Lao Jun said with a chuckle: "Don't tell me, there is really one thing you need to do now."

"Lao Jun, just give your orders."

The jade pendant in the hands of Taishang Laojun flickered, and countless characters flew out of it and turned into a jade pendant, slowly falling from mid-air towards the god Erlang.

"This is the formula of the Thirty-Six Transformation of Tiangang. You will take a trip to Tianhe for me, meet with Marshal Tianpeng, give him this formula, and ask him a word."

Erlang Shen looked slightly surprised, took Yu Pei over, and said, "What is it?"

Too much smile: "Just ask him, do you still remember the ninth revolution?"


Ten thousand miles of Tianhe hangs in the starry sky, companions with the heavenly palace, and neighbors with the stars, the waves are turbulent, better than the Milky Way.

In the daytime, the smoke above the Tianhe River is rippling, and the golden brilliance of the sun falls on the surface of the river, like broken gold flowing in the water.

At three quarters Chen, a handsome man in a white robe came in the wind and looked at the sparkling river with a solemn face: "Guanjiangkou Erlang God, please see Marshal Tianpeng."

Manifestation of the sage, the true monarch, speaks and speaks, like the wind spreads, wrinkles the river, and penetrates into the palace in the river.

In a moment, large spiral nests appeared from the river surface. Tens of thousands of Tianhe soldiers, wearing silver armor and armed with silver guns, emerged from the spiral nests, arranged in two rows, and greeted each other in costumes.

A middle-aged man wearing a gold armor and scarlet cloak, a burly figure and a rugged face, stepped out of the water.

After passing by the two extraordinary Tianhe troops, they came to Erlangshen, clasped their fists and smiled: "Shenzhen, the true monarch came from afar, but are you here to give gifts?"*

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