Chapter 362 Sun Monkey Finally Get Out

Vegett took the jade medal and gave a serious gift: "Thank you for the gift, the disciple will never disappoint your expectations."

The ancestor of Bodhi nodded and said: "Divine powers are not like fairy scriptures. They have clear strengths and weaknesses. They are used in different places, and even the smallest magical powers can have a huge effect. The number of seventy-two variations of the evil spirits seems to be huge. Although there are many, its quality is not weaker than 36 changes. In other words, it is indeed the right choice to choose the one with more quantity."

Vegett played with the jade pendant in his hand and said with a hug, "Then I will lose out? Thirty-six and seventy-two, the difference is twice the number."

The ancestor of Bodhi snapped his fingers, shot a burst of energy, hit Veget's forehead, and slapped his head slightly back: "Don't get cheap and sell well, unless you can promise not to watch Goku's jade brand. "

Vegett glanced at the old man in melancholy, and thought that he was careless, and it was not good to joke with anyone, and to play with this guy whose force far exceeded him.

Isn't this purely looking for abuse?

"Master, do you have any other exercises to teach? For example, one qi transforms three clears?" Vegett took a breath and asked as if to change the subject.

Perhaps in the Dragon Ball world, he has always been fighting alone, and the process has been extremely smooth, causing Vegett to be far inferior to the Bodhi ancestor in terms of xinxing.

In addition, after being here for so long, the ancestor Bodhi took photos of him, and he was indeed like an elder.

So no matter whether he admits it or not, Vegeta has forged a deep relationship with him, and subconsciously regards him as a real master.

The ancestor Bodhi looked at him with gleaming eyes: "I answered your question before, and I won’t reply at this time. Now that the exercises that should be taught have been passed on to you, then it’s up to your own good fortune, you go. stop!"

Vegeta sighed himself.

Although it is indeed greedy to chew, but the key is that there are not too many good things.

Regardless of whether you need it for the time being, what you can hold in your arms is truly yours.

It is a pity that Bodhi Patriarch did not fulfill his wishes, and Vegeta had no choice but to leave.

When he returned to his home, Vegett immediately took out the jade plate of the Thirty-Six Changes of Tiangang and began to study it.

After entering this world, the most uncomfortable part of Vegeta was not that he was weak, but that it was too cumbersome to rush and it took too long.

So after checking the Thirty-Six Changes of Tiangang, he quickly chose the first spell he wanted to practice.

Longitudinal golden light technique!

This is a land-based magic technique that can only be used on land.

Once it works, the body turns into golden light, which can reach thousands of miles away in an instant.

For ordinary gods and gods, each of them has to be learned for hundreds or even thousands of years, and the aptitude and understanding are almost inferior, and it may even take a lifetime to practice.

But for Vegett, this kind of supernatural power is not difficult to practice, and many essentials can be digested well.

The only shortcoming is that it will waste a little time.

Since then, Vegeta has been diligent in repairing, and his magical skills have progressed at a rapid pace.

It didn't take long for him to make his first change.

One day, Beget, with his eyes closed, opened his eyes suddenly, and his whole person turned into a golden light, which disappeared in the room in an instant.

After a while, the golden light flashed again, revealing Vegett's figure.

"Well, the peaches in Houshan still taste good, and they really deserve to be the land of Xianjiafu."

At this time, he had an extra fairy peach in his hand, and he was chewing it in his mouth.

I usually go to the back mountain, and I will have tea time soon, but now, it almost comes in the blink of an eye.

In other words, the golden light technique was cultivated successfully!

From this day on, Fang Cunshan began a peaceful life, and Vegett has maintained a boring practice.

The doors of the Dapin Tianxian Jue were opened one after another, and Vegett's cultivation base was steadily improving.

However, the Thirty-Six changes in Tiangang, it takes a lot of time to cultivate, which delays the progress of cultivation.

Except when he was more enthusiastic when he first came into contact, after finishing the vertical golden light technique in one breath, Vegett always fished for three days and dried the net for two days.

Of course, this is only relative.

The thirty-six changes in Tiangang were divided into seven years to practice, and only a small part was performed each time.

Anyway, as long as the training is completed before Son Goku graduates and becomes a teacher.

Magical spells have always been just means, and they really rely on realm and hard power.

And there is still a long time before the general trend begins. If you finish learning everything now, isn't it going to be even more boring and boring in the future?

After all, there are very few magical powers in the world that can make him attractive.

After learning, only the realm of water mill Kungfu is left.

Not to mention that he couldn't bear this loneliness because of his original physical character, even Vegett's own thinking could not continue to cultivate in this way.

In the seventh year that they came to Fangcunshan, Son Goku finally got ahead.

In a preaching by the Bodhi ancestor, he was knocked on his forehead three times by the ruler, and realized the mystery in the disk. At the time of the third watch, he secretly ran to see the Bodhi ancestor, and learned the great grade Tianxian tactic.

This is a stage that Son Goku must go through. Vegeta looked very interesting, but he didn't get involved.

Anyway, he had already got what he wanted, and he couldn't get more if he went.

From that day on, Son Goku no longer restricted meeting with Vegeta.

But seeing Vegett's strength in these years, he is also very anxious.

Therefore, there is no such thing as Beijit imagined that he has endless topics to talk about.

On the contrary, the monkey temperament was reduced, and he was completely absorbed in the cultivation.

Of course, Sun Monkey moved to Vegett because of what he learned.

In his words, it is convenient for him to ask Vegett when he doesn't understand.

At this moment, Son Goku is no longer the Monkey King in front of Vegeta, but more like a little brother.

Sometimes even when thinking about things after returning to Huaguo Mountain, Son Goku also said that he would let Vegett be the king, and he would retreat to the second king.

In this regard, Vegett didn't say anything, and I'll talk about it later.

Of course, Vegett didn't hang around with Sun Monkey all day.

In contrast, he prefers to play with Xiao Mingyue.

Mingyue is the boy under the seat of Bodhi ancestors. He is not very young and has no qualifications to practice the great-grade Tianxian Jue.

However, her position in the hearts of Bodhi ancestors is not weaker than that of Vegett and Son Goku.

When the time comes, Sanxingdong will be hidden in the Three Realms, and Mingyue will definitely leave with Bodhi Patriarch.

So now I can live a day, and Mingyue seems to have known these things a long time ago, and cherish the time with Vegett very much.

Time passed by in silence and calm.

One day, the ancestor of Bodhi called Vegett and Son Goku to a white misty cloud cliff, carrying their hands on their backs, and asked calmly: "Goku, how many achievements have you made?"*

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