Chapter 440 Returning to the Qingqiu Fox Clan

At noon, the golden sun was hot.

Vegett pushed open the door of the stone room and walked out of the water curtain hole.

I saw a touch of greenery on the originally barren mountain peak, obviously Ox-King sent a wave of star power.

Stretching towards the sun, he summoned a group of demon soldiers passing by.

He asked, "Where is the Monkey King?"

"I'm in the sea, the great sage is looking for the old dragon king to have a drink." The demon leader replied.

Vegett said: "You guys go find Marshal Ma and tell him that after the monkey comes back, tell him that I have gone to the ancient country of Qingqiu, so that he doesn't have to worry."

The demon soldier took the order to leave, and Vegett did not stay at all.

Qingqiu Country, in the sacred mountain.

The sun is reflected in the pine forest, white clouds are lingering, and the birds and worms sing joyfully.

The cliffs are verdant, and there are many orchids and peach blossoms in the mountains.

White, red, gold, silver, blue...

With different hairs, foxes the size of their forearms are all over the mountain.

Dressed in colorful clothes and adorned with beautiful jade, girls gathered under the tree with peach blossoms on their faces.

When Vegeta came to the rainbow, seeing this beautiful scene, his eyes felt comfortable, and his heart was slightly refreshed, as if he had relieved a lot of pressure in an instant.

"Meet the head teacher!"

Among the group of girls reading under the tree, a girl in soap clothes inadvertently glanced into the distance and saw the figure in the midair beyond the mountain. Her heart suddenly shuddered, stood up, bowed and said.

"Meet the Supreme Master."

From then on, with countless lights converging on Vegett.

The sound of kowtow rang into one, shaking the entire holy mountain.

The deputy head teacher Yu Ji, the holy woman Yu Yu, the patriarch, the elders, the walkers, and a large number of high-level officials came out to welcome them.

The fox tribe has many beautiful women, and the higher the cultivation level, the more beautiful the fox girl will be.

This is not deliberately done by the fox girl herself, but a natural attribute.

Therefore, none of the high-levels who greeted us, Yingying Yanyan, were vulgar fans.

Surrounded by beauty and smelling the refreshing fragrance, Vegett was greeted into the valley shrine.

Inside the shrine, gold and jade are colorful.

Several female foxes held golden banners, held wishful things, played pu fans, and burned green smoke.

The treasure tent is Jinhua, the jade carved auspicious beast, the agarwood throne, the silver candle and marigold, the green smoke curls into the sky, the smell is refreshing, and the mind is clear and peaceful.

Vegete climbed onto the jade platform, walked step by step to the throne of agarwood, turned around and sat down, staring at the demons.

The demons saluted again, finished the ceremony, and got up.

No one lowered their eyebrows and looked at him, all of them straightened their chests, and looked at Vegett calmly and submissively.

This is what Vegett likes to see.

He never lacks flattery, and he doesn't want to be a godless slave.

"To make a long story short, Yu Ji, do you remember what I said to you when I left?" Beget asked in a deep voice.

Yu Ji went out and said in a clear voice: "The palm teaches Jin Yan, and I dare not forget it."

"Since you left, I have personally taught the children in the mountains to practice. Among the girls who are now transformed into the mountains, there are 37 in the human fairyland, 512 in the earth fairyland, and 57 in the heavenly fairyland."

After Vegeta learned about it, Yu Ji asked: "The head teaches you to come back this time, but what's your order?"

Vegeta pondered for a moment, and said: "There are several things. First of all, are you in contact with the Long Live Fox King? I know that he has a flower-like daughter named Jade-faced Fox."

Yuji said earnestly: "The world of foxes has many veins. My Qingqiu is the main vein of the fox family. I have a relationship with all the demon foxes in the Three Realms. I have heard of the long live fox king. According to seniority, he will call the old man aunt."

Vegett's eyes were slightly surprised, but there was no response, and he calmly said, "Do you know where the Long Live Fox King is currently?"

"Qingqiu has fallen for a long time, and the spy has almost disappeared. We have no eyes and ears in the Three Realms, and we can't find out his specific location." Yu Ji said in a deep voice.

Beijit said: "You send someone to see the Moyun Cave in Jilei Mountain. If the old fox is there, ask him if he is willing to join the Qingqiu main line. Originally, it should have been my past, but unfortunately I have other things. Things to do, it’s really useless."

Yu Ji was stunned, and couldn't help but say, "Teacher and think twice. If the Long live Fox King refuses, my Qing Qiu's face will be damaged. If the Long Live Fox King is willing, my Qing Qiu will have an extra burden. No matter how you look at it, this is a loss-making business."

"Don't care about face so much. If the person you send can't touch him, I will go there in person. If this little old man doesn't know what is good or bad, just show him some color. In addition, you can rest assured that he is not only a burden, but a Great blessing." The white bone spirit said in his mouth, but he was thinking of another thing in his heart.

In the original book, after the start of Journey to the West, this old fox should have died.

When he was dying, he asked his daughter, the jade-faced fox, to find a man as soon as possible after he died.

But this man must have two conditions, one is to have the ability to protect her.

The second is loyal and honest, so as not to deceive her because of coveting her wealth.

Now the Westward Journey is about to start in more than a hundred years, this old guy, I don't know how old he will live.

"Well then, I'll send someone to Jilei Mountain."

Yu Ji nodded and said, "Besides, let me take the liberty to ask, what do you mean by other things?"

Vegett said: "I'm just about to say this, you come to select me the three most powerful fox girls, let me take them away, I have great use."

Yu Ji turned her eyes and looked at a group of Yingying and Yanyan: "Yubing, Yuquan, and Yushuang, please stand out."

Three young women walked out of the crowd, facing Beijit Nabai, and said in unison: "Venerable Apologetic Yubing (Yuquan, Yushuang) pays homage to the head teacher."

Vegett's eyes were shining, and he looked at the three demons for a while: "Report your respective cultivation skills."

Yu Bing said: "The concubine body is the middle stage of the earth immortal."

Yuquan said: "The concubine body is the late stage of the earth fairy."

Yushuang said, "The concubine is in the middle stage of the earth fairy."

"It's a bit low." Vegett sighed slightly, grinning bitterly that there are too few people who can use it in his hands.

There are many things that I want to do, and there are many bureaus that I want to do, but persevering, clever women can hardly drink without rice.

The background is really not enough.

"Even if the cultivation is not good, we are willing to die for the head teacher." The three young fox girls shouted in unison, kneeling on both knees.

Vegett waved a celestial spirit, held up the three women, stood up and said: "It's so good, let me go, Yuji, take care of Qingqiu Holy Mountain and Qingqiu Ancient Country."

The four of them had just walked out of the palace and had not yet vacated, and a sudden call sounded: "The Master of the Master, please go slowly."

Vegett turned his head and looked around, only to see a heroic woman in a blue samurai costume, riding a tall demon horse with ribs and double wings, coming swiftly.

"Tuo Ba Yingxin?" Vegeta was particularly impressed with the girl. *

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