Chapter 470 The so-called rules of the saints

Walking on the obviously boiling Chang'an Avenue, Vegett thought to himself: The fire is almost over. As long as the Jade Emperor doesn't make a mistake, he should be able to harvest a small part of the virtues of heaven after five days.

It's a pity that the virtues of this heaven will not be lowered until the westward journey is over, otherwise, many things will become clearer!

In Wei Xiang's mansion, a hundred flowers bloom in the garden.

Vegeta was dressed in white, elegant and clean.

Occasionally, the broken petals of peach blossoms were torn off by the wind and fell on his head and shoulders, adding a lot of dusty flavor to it.

Opposite it is Chen Guangrui, also dressed in white.

The color is much worse than that of him, and the half-bow waist greatly dampens his own temperament.

"Tomorrow, Yin Wenjiao, the daughter of the prime minister of the country, will throw hydrangea in front of the mansion, choose a husband and son, go there and wait and see if the other party can match your color."

"Lord, God does not understand,"

Chen Guangrui said in a puzzled way: "Human principles say that parents’ orders, matchmakers’ words, in this era, there are few girls who can choose their own husbands and sons. Why do you want me and Yin Wenjiao to be together in such a big circle? How to throw hydrangea?"

Beijit said: "Yin Kaishan is my disciple."

Chen Guangrui was stunned and looked even more confused: "What is the connection among these?"

"Yin Wenjiao is Yin Kaishan's daughter. She wants to call me a master when talking about seniority."

Vegett said calmly: "Because of this, I give her the right to choose. If you two are really destined, and you look good at each other, you will be happy. If she doesn't look down on you, she chooses someone else, I can only trouble a little bit more at best, just make a way to subdue that person."

"This is not like you at all." Chen Guangrui murmured.

Vegett stood with his hands: "How do you look like me? Ruthlessly calculate your children and grandchildren and use them as a bargaining chip in exchange for your own interests?"

"As a last resort, when there is a life-threatening situation, I will definitely do it, but if it hasn't reached this point, I will definitely not do this kind of bereavement."

Chen Guangrui was speechless.

Xitian, Daxiong Hall.

Tathagata sits on the golden lotus, Guanyin stands tall, and Amitabha is cross-legged above the void.

When guests arrive, the celestial cranes are humming, the sound of bulls are bursting, and the outside of the hall is brilliant and splendid.

The Buddhas lined up on both sides of the incense road, clasped their hands together, and looked respectful.

Outside the gate of the temple, the old gentleman lays down the cow, Yuanshi falls to the ground, the sword light turns into the sky, and the big Tianzun leaves the seat of the jade.

Wa Huang Lian moved lightly, stepping on the void, and finally stepped out of the carved car.

Sacred entry, both parties see the ceremony.

The Tathagata said: "You all come from afar, and you must be tired of nonsense. Let's spread everything out. We will not let out the Buddha's identity in any case. Not only because of righteousness, but also because of Buddhism. face."

Datianzun said: "We understand. We did a little bit too much before, ignoring the self-esteem of Buddhism. But now, we figured it out. No longer fighting for the identity of the Buddha mother for our own side, just seeking justice."

The secret path of the Three Saints in the West is not good, Guan Shiyin said: "What is the so-called justice in your mouth?"

"The protagonist of the catastrophe is the golden cicada, and Buddhism itself has taken a big advantage. If the Buddha mother is a Buddhism person, how unfair to us? Of course, if you take away your candidates, you will feel unfair. "

"No, how about we leave it to Heaven to make a decision?"

"When Jin Chanzi was reborn, no one, including himself, could secretly use means to interfere with the operation of reincarnation. Whose child he puts into the womb is his child, and how he wins over the Buddha will depend on each of us. Ability."

Avalokitesvara said in a cold voice: "It sounds good. This way, it will be fair to you, but my Buddhism has suffered a big loss."

Tai Shang said lightly: "If you want the game to continue, everyone must abide by the rules of the game. The so-called rules are to be generally fair."

"You said that it is unrighteous that we want to occupy the position of the Buddha mother. Then, if you set the position of the Buddha mother, is it not selfish? This is an act against the rules of the game. If the Buddhist school insists on this, don't blame us for not Play cards according to common sense."

Avalokitesvara looked around the saints, his heart was slightly cool, and he fell silent.

Tathagata took a deep look at the Jade Emperor and said: "Since you have made up your mind and moved out of the rescuer of the Heavenly Dao, we have agreed to this request. As for the means of crossing the Huaren, your Daoists are farther away than we are. Far from it."

Li Tang Dynasty, April 15th.

On this day, the sky is not yet clear, and the city of Chang'an is full of people, rubbing shoulders, and flocking to Yin Xiangfu, wanting to occupy a good position.

It's a pity that when they came not far away, they found a mighty and extraordinary general, leading three hundred powerful soldiers armed with giant crossbows, standing in the alley of Xiangfu, squinting, like a dozing tiger.

"General Cheng, Yin Xiangye's daughter is going to throw hydrangea to choose her husband-in-law today. What are you doing in the alley?"

A young scholar wearing a blue shirt and holding a cyan jade mountain and water fan, relied on the crowd behind him, and asked loudly.

Cheng Yaojin smiled: "Do you think I want to do this drudgery? This was originally requested by the Yin Xiangye, and he brought his family soldiers here to review candidates who want to seek beauty and fame. He said yes. Throwing hydrangea is correct, but not everyone can catch this hydrangea."

As soon as the voice fell, most of the people in the crowd were cold, and they all smiled bitterly when they looked at each other.

You Na asked unwillingly and said: "Dare to ask the general, what are the requirements for you to pass this level?"

Cheng Yaojin read the book and said: "Family wealth and family history are not worth mentioning to Mr. Yin. What he values ​​is learning and character."

"All living beings listen carefully, poems, songs, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, national policies, and those with unclear internal and external situations are not allowed to enter the alley. People who are guilty of stealing, robbery and killing, and who do not honor their parents are not allowed to enter the alley."

"Please don't hold on to opportunistic thoughts. Once you find out, you will be regarded as deceiving officials and put in the prison of the Ministry of Justice!"

Between two sentences, most of the onlookers in front of him were eliminated, and only a small number of people entered the alley.

"The champion is here, the champion is here..."

At this moment, the crowd burst out and flashed out a road.

Chen Guangrui, dressed in a white robe and fluttering long sleeves, walked out of the crowd and came to the front of the army to salute Cheng Yaojin earnestly.

This is not a play, but the most real state.

Chen Guangrui is very clear about his position as a vassal, or a vassal, of the Great Sage.

When facing these disciples, we need to pay more respect.

Even though, in their own eyes, they are so weak and vulnerable.

"Since you are the champion in person, you don't have to ask anything, go in."

Cheng Yaojin is not familiar with him, but after receiving the news from Vegeta, knowing the identity of the other party, he waved his hand and let it go. *

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