Chapter 503

Vegett nodded and said, "I have brought people who can uncover the six-character mantra talisman."

Since stepping on the Wuzhi Mountain, San Zang, who didn't have much sense of existence, said at the right time: "That...can you ask my opinion?"

Vegett turned his head and said coldly, "Do you have an opinion?"

Under the opponent's blade-like gaze, Sanzang touched his nose helplessly, and said softly, "That's what I said."

Vegett chuckled, and then bid farewell to Zhang Daoling and the heavenly teacher Qunying, the third prince and the soldiers of the Santan Haihui.

To Sanzang said: "Let's go, take you to the westbound road, your greatest guardian."

After a while, I came to the front of the mountain wall.

Sanzang asked, "Great Sage Monkey, what is the current situation?"

Vegett stretched his hand across the mountain wall, and the thick mountain wall gradually faded, revealing a cave.

In the cave, a monkey with dim hair sat silently on a boulder, silent.

"How do you feel, you don't seem to wake up at all?"

Sanzang asked puzzledly: "When are we going to wait for him? Can we take off the talisman first, and then go on and on, waiting for him to catch up?"

"When will the monkey wake up, when will we set off again." Vegett said lightly.

"This may delay for a long time, and even affect the progress of the westbound journey. Many people cannot tolerate this situation."

No one can guarantee how long it takes for a practitioner to retreat at a time.

Vegett's voice was slightly cold: "I can't tolerate the sacredness of this situation, and I can't change anything in the end."

"After all, the monkey becoming a member of the westbound team is a rule of heaven, and it is also a decision made by all the saints. How can it be possible to allow others to point fingers?"

Sanzang sighed slightly, and said in his heart: "The six people traveling westward, and only this monkey, are the purest people chosen? The rest, including themselves, more or less have the causal conditions for the great power game."

Son Goku failed to leave the customs in a timely manner, and San Zang was threatened by Vegeta and stayed in the Wuzhi Mountain, causing the originally fast-paced westward road to suddenly slow down.

A little bit of time passed, and the words Sanzang said in the Hunyuan Jindouzhen also began to circulate on a large scale.

Many of the ancient gods who were eager to try, have temporarily slowed their pace.

It is not that there is no Ronaldo among them, and it is not that they lack confidence in themselves, but the current situation is extremely scary.

Their hesitation, to a large extent, saved their lives.

Similarly, Vegett and Sanzang were given a respite.

After resting for a full fifteen days, one day early in the morning, golden radiance, countless golden runes flew out of the Wuzhi Mountain, intertwined in the high air, and combined into a sacred chapter.

"This is the magical secret technique on the door of the avenue in the Dapin Tianxian Judgment."

Vegett stood in the void, with warm purple light shining in his eyes, and the masterpiece Tianxianjue was running in his soul, reflecting the practice and insights of Son Goku one by one, feeling the specific situation of the other party.

Sanzang looked like a torch, watching those gorgeous chapters.

He knows very well that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he can appreciate and figure out the experience of Son Goku, a pioneer in spiritual practice, and have many insights and magical effects.

It's a pity that he doesn't know how to produce Tianxianjue himself. Many words seem to be in the cloud, without knowing the meaning, and gaining little.

In the Three Realms, there are countless eyes and ears on Wuzhi Mountain.

Like San Zang, they couldn't crack the code lock of these sentiments, and they couldn't see this great opportunity.

Even, most of the eyes and ears, far from Sanzang's wisdom, did not even gain a bit of fur, but saw a magical and spectacular scene.

"It seems that these days of retreat have completely stabilized his previously unstable state after he was promoted to Da Luo."

At a certain moment, Vegeta stopped the operation of the Great Grade Heavenly Immortal Jue, the purple light in his eyes dissipated, and he silently looked at the mountain wall in front of him.


At this moment, in the high sky, dark clouds suddenly gathered, covering the day, and killing a piece of heaven and earth.

The boundless purple light thunder sea bred in the dark clouds, thunder dragon, thunder tiger, thunder phoenix...wandering in the thunder sea.

The tragic atmosphere of the Great Tribulation spread all over the world, a scene of extinction, and countless creatures fled at a rapid speed.

Sanzang was swaying left and right by the strong wind, and his body was swaying, making it difficult to control himself.

He panicked and shouted: "Beget, what's the situation? I have never heard of it. I have a solid state, and I have to endure the thunder and tribulation of the world."

However, Vegeta looked calm, and slowly said, "The great-quality heavenly destiny, the destiny of heaven and earth, the mystery of invading the sun and the moon, and the path of heaven is unbearable. It will bring down the three plagues and destroy its avenue."

"These three plagues and Taoist three plagues have the same work in different songs, but their power is countless times stronger."

"Respectively, the sky descends to destroy the world, the gods of thunder, the sky descends to destroy the body and the fire, and the sky descends to eliminate the soul and wind disaster."

"This is the head of the monkey's three plagues, the world-destroying thunder."

Da Luo Jinxian is completely stable. After this catastrophe, Son Goku's combat power will soar again.

Sanzang said in horror: "Such three plagues are really horrible, how to survive?"

"Master said that thunder disasters can be avoided, the thirty-six changes in Tiangang and the seventy-two changes in earth evil are all unworldly ways to avoid the three plagues. However, the monkey is currently sealed in the Wuzhi Mountain, and there is no way to hide."

"Then what to do?"

Vegett turned his head and looked at him: "Go, before the thunderstorm strikes down, reveal the six-character mantra talisman for me."

Looking at the thunder that would come down in the dark clouds at any time, and listening to the deafening thunder, San Zang's cheeks turned white.

Being fearless does not mean not being afraid of death, not being afraid of death does not mean daring to face all dangers, and daring to face all dangers does not mean being able to fear all horrors.

Sanzang has a fearless heart. Although it is not a big word now, he dares to face life and death.

In other words, there is no fear of death.

However, all of this must have a premise.

That is, being able to die well.

If you are dragged down by others and you are unclear about your death, your ideals, ambitions, and aspirations will all become nothingness.

This method of death is really wrong.

San Zang didn't want to be so wronged, so he didn't want to be like a fool, stepping forward against the vast thunder, holding his life as a bet, and saving an unfamiliar stranger.

However, with his current self-proclaimed mana supernatural powers, it was obvious that he could not refuse certain decisions of Vegeta, and was blown by a gust of wind before the six-character mantra talisman.

Looking at the talisman that was close at hand, Sanzang took a deep breath, put his hands together, closed his eyes, and started chanting.

The sacred and majestic, deafening, but haunting sound of scriptures amidst the raging wind and thunder sounded here, making the six-character mantra rune gleam slightly, and making the thunder in the sky even more violent.

At a certain moment, a huge Thunder Dragon flew out of the clouds and rushed towards Sanzang with its teeth and claws. *

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