Chapter 509


The three learned about each other's illusion.

The six desires transformed by the way of heaven are to attack with the dead spots in their hearts.

What Vegett cares about most in this world is Fang Cunshan and Son Goku, so he has always stayed there to guard Fang Cunshan in his subconscious mind.

Son Goku's death hole is Vegett's only life-and-death friend, so in his illusion, he and Vegett are in the Three Realms.

In other words, his mind is relatively straight, not so many twists and turns.

Although he couldn't get out on his own, with the help of San Zang, he was out of the illusion all at once.

As for Tang Sanzang, he was originally a mortal.

But among these three, he is the one who really has great wisdom, even Vegett can't compare it.

So the final result is this.

Vegett, who is usually the best performer, was dragged down by this difficulty, making him depressed.

The three re-started on the road and marched westward all the way.

As the winter gradually deepened, the temperature was freezing cold, and the wind was as cold as a knife. Sanzang, who was blown into the flesh, had a crimson face.

One evening, the team came to a narrow mountain range.

Son Goku summoned a golden hoop, and on a mountain wall, he smashed out a cave to withstand the wind and cold at night.

Sanzang took out a futon from his suitcase and put it on the ground, put a brocade robe that could keep out the cold, and chanted softly.

The soft sound of scripture echoed in the cave, so that Son Goku and Beigett stopped talking and listened silently.

After a while, sleepiness arose in the hearts of the two, and soon they fell into a false sleep.

In the early hours of the morning, after finishing a volume of the Tripitaka, he took out a blanket from his suitcase and spread it on the ground, and began to fall asleep.

"Sanzo, Sanzo..."

While sleeping in a daze, Sanzang suddenly heard the call.

After opening his eyes, he was surprised to find that he had actually appeared in front of the Eight Treasure Glazed Glass Pond.

A young Bodhisattva in a white dress with a beautiful face, holding a jade bottle in her hand, standing on a white lotus, smiling at each other.

"Bodhisattva?" When meeting the deceased, Sanzang's expression is plain and confused.

Avalokitesvara frowned, and hesitated: "Sanzo, how do I feel that you have suddenly changed a lot? It's a bit... strange."

"Walking the road of life again will naturally bring out a lot of insights and change a lot." San Zang said quietly: "By the way, what's your order for you to find me at this time?"

Avalokitesvara stretched her eyebrows, stepped down from the white lotus, and stepped on the green water, with layers of ripples.

Coming to him, he reached out and summoned two caps, one big and one small.

"At the beginning of the Westward Journey, the Buddha gave me three golden hoops, saying that he could enslave him."

"These two hats, the big one is a tight band, and the small one is a forbidden band. You can trick Son Goku and Vegeta into wearing them, and you've been slaves to them ever since."

Sanzang stared at the two hats in a daze, with a long smile on his face.

"I asked why Vegeta calculated that I promised not to help Xitian deal with the two of them. It turned out that he had expected this kind of thing to happen. From the perspective of grasping the future and the hearts of the people, he can be called everyone."

Guanyin's face changed slightly, and he shouted, "San Zang, what do you mean by this?"

"It doesn't mean anything, this thing itself is very boring." San Zang gradually reduced the smile on his face, and said with a serious expression: "Send me back, I haven't been here today."

Avalokitesvara pondered for a long time, and said softly: "What if this is what the Buddha meant?"

Chief Sanzang took a breath: "You still don't understand. The reason why I refused is not because of who meant it, but because I feel that you have all gone astray. If you try to control others by such despicable means, are you still Buddhas? ?"

"We are not, who is? You are?" Guanyin's face was slightly cold: "You stand under the big tree to enjoy the cold, and you don't realize the pain of the big tree facing the severe cold. Judging others, it looks calm and calm."

"From the time immemorial to the end of the Shang dynasty, Buddhism has been struggling in the cracks. Even I, under the pseudonym of Ci Hang, went to the school of Chan Sect and suffered all the hardships for the rise of Buddhism."

"Sanzo, we are the real Buddha, and you are just the flowers in the greenhouse."

Sanzang shook his head: "The Tao is different, and it's no different to say more."

"The way is different?" Guanshiyin's eyes were slightly cold, and he shouted coldly: "Sanzo, I don't care why you became the way you are now, but I sincerely advise you not to betray your past self. You are always a member of Buddhism. "

When the voice fell, the brilliant brilliance condensed out of thin air, wrapped Sanzang, and took him away from here.

In the flashing fire cave, San Zang slowly opened his eyes.

Sitting up, with a bitterness at the corner of his mouth, he pulled down the jade Buddha beads on his wrists and started chanting.

This sutra was not created by any Buddha and did not exist in the world before.

It is Sanzang's own Tao, and it may become the classic of Mahayana Buddhism in the future.

"Beget, have you noticed anything?" Son Goku wakes up from his false sleep, and speaks.

"The scriptures read by the Tripitaka have great magic power, which can increase the aura of wisdom and wipe the dust on the spiritual platform. The ignorant can get rid of ignorance by hearing it. The foolish person can become wise by hearing it. It is a miraculous existence, I don't know this. Where does the power come from."

Son Goku nodded and said: "You were right to say that the road to the west is a road to heaven. The six desires of the heart thief have added thousands of years of insights for you and me, and it has also made Sanzang more mysterious and powerful. Even in that disaster, he was the biggest gainer."

Vegett smiled slightly, looked across the stone walls, looked at the fading stars, and whispered, "It's dawn."

After a while, Sanzang stood up from the ground, put away the futon and mattress, took off the robes, and put on a navy blue cotton jacket. The whole person was instantly bloated.

"The robes can be cold, why don't you wear them?" Beget asked.

"There will be trouble."

"With us here, what are you afraid of?"

San Zang twitched his cheeks and wanted to scold him shamelessly.

From the beginning of the westbound journey to the present, has he pitted him less often?

As long as it's not a mortal crisis, just sitting on the sidelines is Vegett's normal state.

"It's because you know that you are great, that's why I find it troublesome. It's really tired and annoying to watch too much of fighting and killing."

Vegeter recalled what he had said in Fahua Temple, and he was silent and explained it to Son Goku in secret.

Even though both of them are stronger than Sanzang, they do not have as many wars as Sanzang.

That period of endless battles among demons, demons, witches, gods, and human races is an epic picture scroll that only exists in legends.


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