Chapter 568

As Qingfeng said, sheep eating grass, wolves eating sheep, tigers and leopards eating monsters and wolves are all normal things.

Even if it is finally confirmed that ginseng fruit is wise, what is the difference between wolf eating sheep?

"In fact, besides the weak and the strong, there is another thing called justice."

After a long silence, Vegett slowly raised his eyes, with a serious expression: "Perhaps, you might think that justice is absurd in my capacity, but is there any rule that the wicked cannot have a sense of justice?"

"Don't do to others what you don't want to do. That's the idea advocated by the Confucian school. My demons never care."

Sanzang's eyes were gleaming, and he glanced at him with great appreciation: "Beget, I have to say that you now make me admire me. I think there is no absolute fairness and justice in this world, only different positions."

"The hungry tiger wants to eat a woman. From a human point of view, this is evil. The killing of the tiger is a delightful thing."

"But from the standpoint of the tiger, cannibalism is a matter of course. Why should I say that I am evil?"

"Similarly, the standard of justice in everyone's heart is different. This involves a tolerance issue. So to put everything bluntly, it's just what you want and move."

"Only by self-will, can you do things that harm others? Where have you learned the Dharma of the master over the years?" Not only did Mingyue not be satisfied with this answer, but he was extremely dissatisfied with it.

"I'm very curious, if there are no ghosts in this, what are you afraid of?" Tianpeng asked seriously.

Qingfeng said coldly: "I now suspect that all of you have no intentions. If you are frank, you can let me perform the soul search mystery and spy on the soul? If you are open-minded, would you agree to this behavior?"

"Needless to say, the standpoint is different, the angle of view of the problem is naturally different." Vegett waved his arm, and countless magical runes condensed out of thin air, locking the bodies of the two girls.

The vast and delicate spirits flew out overwhelmingly, rushing in all directions.

Within the Little Thousand World, Zhen Yuanzi's eyes were cold.

Mind moved slightly, and there were countless golden chains of order extending above the five mountain peaks, twisting and dancing wildly, defeating the vast spirit.

A golden flame rose in Son Goku's eyes, and his gaze searched for the heavens.

In the end, across countless time and space, he looked into the world of Xiaoqian: "It turns out that you never left, very good, the ancestor of the earth immortal, the great immortal Zhenyuan!"

Zhen Yuanzi stood up, tore the void with his bare hands, from the world of Xiaoqian to the world of Daqian: "As I expected, there are two of you monsters, and Sanzang's trip to the five villages will give rise to twists and turns."

Son Goku summoned a golden cudgel and lay heavily on the ground: "When I was the Demon King before, I heard a lot of your deeds indirectly."

"It is said that you regard humanity as your guiding principle, and you regard demons as thieves. It is said that your methods are so cruel. When you were young, you traveled the world and killed countless demons in town."

"It is said that the infamous Demon Hunter League has a lot to do with you... The rumors are mixed, but without exception, it proves that you are very hostile to the demon race."

"I thought that the identity of me and Vegett would make you change your attitude. Monster...hehe, it seems that I think too much."

Zhen Yuanzi looked at him calmly, without showing any signs of emotion, which made people feel chills.

"Demons, live too freely, if no one takes action to stop it, it would be a catastrophe for humans."

"Everyone living in the same world must abide by certain rules. First of all, we must be strict with ourselves, self-denial and obedience. In this regard, both of you are extremely prominent negative teaching materials!"

Vegeta thoroughly understood his thoughts.

To make a very vivid metaphor, this Zhen Yuanzi is a very old-fashioned, very upright old school, and the monster in his heart is an uncut wood.

Any rotten wood that can't be cut, for him, is a dispensable thing, shot to kill, but ended up clean.

"You really can't decide this kind of thing by yourself."

Vegeta sighed slightly: "Everyone has their own past, not just a human background. The outlook on life, the world view, and the past experience determine what camp that person will enter. It will not be given to you at all. The right to choose."

Zhen Yuanzi was startled slightly, and slowly nodded, agreeing with this statement.

"Tao is different, and you don't plan to each other. You didn't get incense after entering the temple, and you don't even have incense friendship. Why don't you just leave..."

Vegett shook his head: "The core point of the problem now is not the difference between us, but the ginseng fruit, what is it. What is the existence of the ginseng fruit tree that passed on the Three Realms."

"I think this has nothing to do with you. Okay, my patience has reached its limit. If you leave without wit, don't blame me for being rude."

Son Goku's body trembled slightly, the Dao rune was disillusioned, and the whole person's momentum was suddenly fierce: "You can try to be rude to us, but you may not be able to bear the ending."

Jin Yuanzi waved his sleeves, and the world in front of everyone instantly changed and came to the small world that Son Goku had seen before.

"What's in your sleeve?" Vegett narrowed his eyes and spoke softly.

Son Goku scanned the world with fiery eyes, saw through the sky and Wang Yang, but never found Jin Yuanzi's trace.

"Yes, and not. This world is just like a real world, not magical."

Looking at the turbulent sea, a flash of inspiration flashed in Vegett's mind, summoning a shining Qibao tree, and handing it to Son Goku next to him: "Use this, maybe it will have a miraculous effect."

A treasure of the level similar to Qibao Miaoshu, used in the hands of Taiyi Golden Immortal and Da Luo Jinxian, is completely two concepts.

Taiyi Jinxian driven, almost entirely dependent on the power of the Supreme Treasure itself, making its own combat effectiveness soaring.

The big Luo drive directly controls the law in the treasure, like a tiger with more wings.

Son Goku held the wonderful branch tightly with his right hand, and the slender branch began to grow larger.

After a while, the branch stretched out into a stick.

When the sticks danced, the sky shook and the waves hit the sky.

The law of time and space faintly appeared, and the space was like a mirror that had been hit hard, cracking deep ravines.

In silence, Zhen Yuanzi's figure appeared, reaching out to freeze the broken space, and said in surprise: "Seven Treasure Tree, such a powerful method!"


Son Goku gave a low cry and tried his best to dance the wonderful branches. Between the brilliance and brilliance, the laws of time and space emerged in a piece, like a big knife, splitting the void. *

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