Chapter 603

"What a terrifying power, is this Golden Crow real or illusory?"

Son Goku flipped a somersault in midair, returned to the sky above the Golden Crow, and sat on its body, using the Seven Treasure Tree as a sword to stab its head fiercely.


After the Qibao Miaoshu penetrated into the Golden Crow's brain, a stream of fire suddenly rushed out of the wound, burning the fairy qi defenses hanging down from the Fantian Seal, and scalding Son Goku's body.

This flame is far more terrifying than the real fire in Laojun's Pill Furnace.

Son Goku swiftly retreated, and while galloping, countless avenues of gods were transformed into running water, and he tried his best to flush through the blazing flames on his chest.

It took a full river of divine water to barely flush out the golden flame the size of a fist.

Son Goku didn't dare to be careless anymore, and tried his best to spur the Qibao Miaoshu, swaying time and space power, and impacting the invisible imprisonment.

The three-legged golden crow wielded its huge wings to cover the sky, spouting golden flames from its mouth, and flew to Son Goku mightily.


Fan Tianyin absorbed a lot of Son Goku's essence and began to grow bigger.

The mist is hazy, and the hazy air of chaos emanates from the mountain, suppressing this domain.

The Liujin Flame came under the Fantian Seal, and was frozen in the air, motionless.

"Damn Fantian Seal, damn Seven Treasure Tree, just a low-level monster, why hold this kind of treasure!" In the huge valley, Zhen Yuanzi uttered his shawl and roared in a low voice.

Without the existence of these two treasures, he was sure that even if he couldn't kill Son Goku directly, he wouldn't let him gain the upper hand. He was actually beating the three-legged golden crow violently.

How absurd this is!

You know, the three-legged golden crow is not a fake, but a real golden crow.

"Blow yourself, as long as you can kill this nasty monkey, the rest is nothing to worry about!"

Zhen Yuanzi whispered, and the ginseng fruit tree rune on top of his head morphed, sending his orders.

When this decision was transmitted to the Golden Crow's mind through the power of the chain of magic runes, it made its body suddenly stiff, and it was slow to act.

"What's the matter?" Son Goku was a little surprised.

The divine consciousness keenly felt that there seemed to be a strange power awakening in the Golden Crow's body.


Over time, the flames rioted inexplicably.

The Golden Crow opened its mouth like a black hole, swiftly devouring the monstrous sacred fire.

Oops, the prohibition in the Golden Crow Spirit is broken again.

Zhen Yuanzi was shocked and tried his best to urge the ginseng fruit tree, trying to bring Jinwu back in first, waiting to seal the true spirit in it again.

The three-legged golden crow struggled in the void, and countless red-gold flames evolved in mid-air, as if igniting countless invisible threads, forming dense chains of golden fire locked on it.

"Help me..." Jin Wu looked at Son Goku and said through the voice.

When the opportunity is not to be missed, Son Goku made up his mind, even if this is the other party's method, he will crush it all the way.

The Qibao wonderful tree whizzed, and the dazzling colorful rainbow was like a blade, and it hardly cut the chains that had been manifested by the divine fire.

The golden crow roared, biting the twelve talismans in his mouth, and swallowing the divine fire at a faster speed.

At this moment, Son Goku suddenly felt that the power that confines time and space in the void disappeared.

"It's really unbelievable, dare to dream of rebirth."

The formation was broken, Zhen Yuanzi let out a muffled groan, and the body came to the front of the Golden Crow, the blue sleeves stretched out, and he wanted to put it into the sleeves of the universe.

However, a rainbow of light was faster than his speed and collected the Golden Crow into another time and space ahead of time.

"Son Goku!"

Zhen Yuanzi was extremely angry, his eyes cracked, and he pulled out a palm, the boundless waves of air surge, as if opening up the world, and rushing away.

Fan Tianyin drooped downside down with the chaotic aura, letting his giant palm hit the air, and it only trembled a few times, undamaged.

"Jin Motoko, just grab it with your hands." Son Goku said solemnly without expression.

"Wishful thinking, return my Golden Crow."

A piece of floating dust appeared in Zhen Yuanzi's hand, and during the wave, the sky shook and the earth cracked.

The sacred fire that was not impossible to cross was swept away, impacting in all directions, burning mountains and boiling the sea.

It burns wherever it falls, and there is no time to go out.

Starting from the floating dust, the void shattered into beautiful patterns like glass, like a blue dragon with its fangs, biting at Son Goku.

Son Goku's head was stamped with the sky, and he squeezed the void, and launched a fierce fight with Zhen Yuanzi, shaking with thunder.

The two sacred statues also have the defensive treasure, and the same attack weapon. It should be an unpredictable ending.

After all, Son Goku's combat power was not as good as the opponent, and after a thousand moves, he fell behind.

"Kill all the demon hunters, don't drop troops."

The flames guarding the giant valley dispersed, and the canopy driving the chariot waved the flag and gave orders loudly.

Thirty thousand demon races, according to the semaphore's change of formation, entered the giant valley with the word Long Snake, and waged a fierce war with the demon hunter who had been prepared for a long time.

In the rear of the tidal demon clan, only Vegett did not move.

He looked at the Seven Treasure Tree above Zhen Yuanzi's head, silently condensing anti-matter energy bombs.

"Monkey monkey, you might hear my voice?"

On the battlefield, an old call abruptly sounded in Son Goku's ear.

"You are... the Golden Crow?"

"Yes, it's me."

Inside the Qibao Miaoshu, the three-legged Golden Crow said, "I don't have time to talk to you, let me go out. Only my self-destruction can really hurt the Jianmu Devil Tree."

Son Goku resisted Jin Yuanzi's frantic attack, and refused, "Building the wood magic tree? Are you talking about the ginseng fruit tree? It seems that you know a lot of things. If that's the case, let's not let you die."

"I didn't say I was going to die."

The three-legged golden crow said helplessly: "What I said was to explode, just to explode this body. Then I will escape the remnant soul in the first place and get a new life."

Son Goku turned his eyes and said, "Before you blew yourself up, I have a few questions I want to know, lest you can't find your trace after you blew up."

"First of all, what is the ginseng fruit tree, which is the magic tree of Jianmu in your mouth? Second, where are you sacred? Finally, where is this town Yuanzi?!"

The three-legged Golden Crow explained: "The Jianmu Devil Tree was originally Jianmu, but it was a sacred tree in the heavenly court of the ancient demon clan that connected the heavens and the earth."

"Ordinary gas refiners, as long as they make up their minds to climb, they can reach the heavens and avoid the tragedy of being limited by their talents and being unable to become immortals."

"After the Lich War broke out, the Wu Clan stepped on Jianmu and continued to attack the Heavenly Court."

"There were too many killings between the two clans on Jianmu. Blood watered the roots of the tree, and resentment was buried in the tree. After years, hundreds of millions of grievances formed in the tree, and the sacred Jianmu began to change. Become a magic tree."*

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