Chapter 648

Whether it is the canopy or Sha Wujing, their combat power cannot be measured by their cultivation level.

For example, once they command their own soldiers and horses to form a battle formation, unless the opponent is a saint, they are not afraid to charge.

Therefore, the core point of this question is not whether it can help or not.

It is whether they are willing to spend a lot of money to help fellow travelers who are not friends at present.

Weighing the pros and cons is an innate talent of living beings, and they are better than anyone at this point.

Sanzang was well-informed and wise. At this time, just seeing the expressions on their faces, he guessed something vaguely.

Immediately said: "Canopy, don't forget what you said at the beginning. Wujing, don't you see it yet? Helping Vegett can make you better integrate into this group."

The two looked at each other, and Tianpeng sighed and said, "I haven't forgotten what I said, but a single sentence cannot be applied to all situations."

"Zhen Yuanzi is unfathomable. When Vegett and Yang Jian are united, they have been suppressed to such an extent. We can send our soldiers here, although we can help them too much, but who can treat our soldiers? Responsible?"

"Sanzo, Vegett and Yang Jian are creatures, and the soldiers under us are not illusioned."

"They have souls, ego, and even family children. Let them pay the price of death in exchange for the ease of Vegeta and Yang Jian. We can't do this kind of thing."

Sanzang was silent for a long time, and said: "I thought you were all people who ignored life and treated life as a set of cold numbers. It turned out that I was wrong. At least you are good to your own people."

The two were inexplicably ashamed, and Tianpeng said: "Sha Wujing, you guard Sanzang, and I will help Vegeta and them. Although it won't make them reverse the situation, the situation will definitely be better."

Sha Wujing shrugged and said, "How can I let you monopolize this kind of favored business? Let's go and let's go together."

The four people fought against Zhen Yuanzi, the light and shadow intertwined, and the void trembles. The meteorite fragments along the way were all bombarded into powder and fluttered.

Bailongma carried Sanzang fearfully, as far away as possible from the battlefield, avoiding the swordsmanship that flew over from time to time.

"Zhen Yuanzi, Hugh killed Sha Wujing's life!"

Just when everyone was red-eyed, Zhen Yuanzi was about to make the canopy first or Sha Wujing to ease the pressure, the Black Emperor's voice suddenly came in his ears.

He raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and saw that, beyond the starry sky, in the chaos, a war more intense than this one was going on.

"Why can't you kill Sha Wujing?" Zhen Yuanzi said through a voice transmission to retract the fatal attack he was about to send.

"I can't tell you the reason yet. In short, you can't kill him, otherwise, there will be great trouble." The Black Emperor replied.

Zhen Yuanzi frowned, feeling unsure in his heart, but finally chose to trust the other person.

This Sha Wujing is just a supporting role, and killing it will not do him much good.

On the contrary, if he has other big backgrounds, he will definitely suffer if he kills.

The gods roared, vomiting the world, and the huge sword swept across the sky, destroying everything.

In this case, no one kept their hands, and they were doing their utmost to fight to attack instead of defending.


With a broken hair crown and a shabby hair, Jin Yuanzi with an embarrassed face, holding a long sword that has grown countless times in both hands, swept away Vegett and others, and attacked the canopy with all his strength.

After several times to ensure that the foolproof attacks were missed, Jin Yuanzi gave up the idea of ​​repelling the weakest first, and instead attacked Erlang Shen with all his strength.

He doesn't have the atmospheric protection of Westwalker, and he is the strongest on the opposite side.

If it can be defeated and suppressed, the end of this battle will be determined.

When Zhen Yuanzi tried his best to attack Erlang God regardless of other people's attacks, the battle situation changed drastically.

Erlang Shen was beaten back by his iron sword, hemoptysis, and his soul trembled.

"Damn it!"

Vegett guessed his intentions, but there was no good way to stop him. He could only watch Erlang being seriously injured step by step, hurting his origin, and then fighting again, fearing that he would really be in danger of death.

"Shen Erlang, don't fight with him, your Xianyuan is definitely not as majestic as his. Go to Goku and help the monkey defeat the Black Emperor first, and then you two will come together to kill Zhenyuanzi!"

Beijit opened his sword and slammed straight to Zhen Yuanzi, unstoppable.

"No, you will be more passive without me." Erlang Shen said firmly.

With helplessness, Vegett glanced at a snow-white planet, and moved in his heart, shouting to the white dragon horse who was hiding far away: "Go to the lunar star, please come to help the sword."

"If there is time, go to the palace again and invite Zhang Daoling and Nezha together. The safety of our group is all on you!"


Everyone fought fiercely for half an hour, and the white dragon horse, who had been placed in absolute hope, had not returned. Yang Jian's endurance had reached its limit, even his body was cracked, and golden blood flowed out.

"Erlangshen, leave, you are really not fit to fight anymore." Even the canopy couldn't stand it anymore, and he advised.

Erlang's expression was cold, without any words, the blade of the long sword in his hand was more prosperous, obviously using some secret technique to burn essence, qi, and blood.


Seeing him fighting to the end, Zhen Yuanzi was angry.

Regardless of all consequences, the start is getting heavier and heavier.

At a certain moment, it was actually the human and god body of the god Erlang who had been shattered, and his soul was severely damaged.

"Damn, it's a big deal now."

Vegett fiercely, ten arrows in a row, hit the blade that flew towards Yang Jian, knocking it away.

In the form of a Changhong, he flew over, grabbed the spirit of the god Erlang, stuffed it into a piece of spiritual wood, and instilled a lot of life potions.

"This is... what a pure life force!"

Erlang Shen was shocked, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

After a while, he reacted and said anxiously: "Beget, I can heal my wounds by myself, there is no need to waste it."

Vegett heard his voice, but did not reply.

"No more, I can't make it anymore."

Sha Wujing's chest was pierced by sword qi, and he tried his best to control his injuries and flew back.

His retreat caused the three-person front to collapse instantly.

Many scars appeared on the canopy in the blink of an eye, and Vegett's body was pierced by many celestial energy, which almost hurt the origin.

"What a Zhen Yuanzi, he has a good demeanor to bully his younger generation."

Ripples appeared in the sky, and the void suddenly became cold. Numerous cold frosts started from nowhere, spread quickly, and ice sealed all the blades.

"The God of Taiyin?" Zhen Yuanzi was startled, and his expression was slightly chaotic: "There is nothing wrong with you here, so I don't want to provoke right and wrong!"*

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