Chapter 667

Three ambassadors died overnight.

The method of death is the same, all is a big hole in the back, and there is no flesh and blood in the body.

It is said that someone heard the rustle of nibbling mulberry leaves in the dark.

At first I didn't care about it, but later I felt cold in my back inexplicably.

After resisting the discomfort for one night, such a shocking incident occurred early the next morning.

The embassy hall vibrated in a very short period of time, and it didn't take long for the entire imperial city to vibrate.

The Imperial Forest Army rushed to the embassy as quickly as possible, sealed off the rooms of the three corpses, and prohibited outsiders from visiting.

At the same time, various messages began to ring in the market.

Among them, the rumors that the five westbound people are monsters began to clamor.

As a result, the entire embassy, ​​except for the five westbound people, all moved out.

"Did you find out the cause?"

In the courtyard, feeling the desolation in the embassy hall, Sanzang raised his eyes to investigate the passing Veget and Son Goku.

"We went to see the corpse, the flesh and bone marrow were all eaten, and only a body was left."

Son Goku said, "For now, it is impossible to tell what is doing the crime."

Vegett then said: "Neither the Goku's divine minds all over the building, nor the Five Elements Domain I released, have found any abnormalities. From this, it can be inferred that the other party possesses extremely strong hidden magical powers or magic weapons."

"The land here has also been asked, and even he didn't find anything weird. Before we came, there was no such thing." Son Goku said.

Vegett twitched the corners of his mouth: "According to the rumors, some of us are the culprits. I heard that someone has gone to the Hidden World Immortal Gate and wants to invite the immortal to come and cast down the demons."

"Could this be the conspiracy of the false emperor?" Tianpeng said suddenly: "We want to deal with him with the people's will, and he will deal with us with the people's will first!"

Vegett pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said softly: "I don't know why, I always feel that things are not that simple. Among them..."


He hadn't finished his words, and there was a sudden sound of messy footsteps.

In a moment, the half-covered door of the small courtyard was kicked flying, and one of them slammed into everyone in a daze.

Vegett's face was dark, and he reached out and grabbed the door of the room, burning it into black smoke as the fairy gas surged.

"Break in... Do you want to die?"

"Such a murderous intention, it seems that you are indeed fairies."

In the crowd, a mortal with a trembling body holding a kitchen knife exclaimed inwardly.

"Yes, I am a fairy."

Under the gaze of everyone's eyes, Vegeta licked his pale lips, and a bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes.

No matter what reason they came here.

Then, be prepared to die because of offending him.

There is no lack of goodness in his heart, but he has never been a good person!

"Kill him, kill him, kill him..."

After a brief silence, countless noisy voices converged into the same shout.

Seeing the people whose eyes were reddening and might pounce on at any time, Sanzang put his hand on his forehead, and said helplessly, "Beget, don't make trouble..."

In Sanzang's gaze as bright as a star, Vegett restrained his murderous intent, and flattened the palm of his hand that he wanted to summon the blood transforming sword, and pressed it on his thigh.

Sanzang is the forbidden hoop for him and the rest of the Westwalkers. This guy who looks ordinary, even like a broken household beggar, has rules and rights that the sage does not have.

On the westward road, even the existence of Son Goku, who can single-handedly challenge the whole god of the Xinghan, is no match for the monk's mind.

Therefore, in the Journey to the West world without Vegeta, the mighty Son Goku was expelled by Sanzang several times, and each time he had no choice but to leave.

"Don't be impulsive, dear donors, Beget is joking with you."

I'm afraid that worry will scare the people with tight heartstrings and cause the rise of killings.

Sanzang could only say helplessly: "What's more, think about it for yourself, are we so stupid, and committing such a clumsy evil deed makes it easy to suspect us."

The people holding various weapons hesitated slightly. They were not unconscious puppets, but wise mortals, capable of independent thinking.

"Who knows if this is something you did deliberately, just to induce us to believe you."

In the silence of each other, someone shouted: "Someone died again, they were eaten to death... After you came, this kind of thing happened, even if it wasn't you who were committing the crime, I was afraid that it would be impossible to escape from you. Interaction."

Sanzang was shocked, and his scalp was slightly numb in the hateful eyes of countless people.

"This city has a population of more than one million, and the number of people who come in and out every day is countless. Why do you just keep your eyes on us? Donors, there must be someone who is secretly contributing to the situation, trying to hide the real murderer."

"We can't show proof that you are a murderer, but can you show proof that you are not a murderer?"

Vegett sneered and said, "Of course, do you want to try it?"

Xu Ye's expression was too cold, his voice was too cold, and the crowd took a step back with a rush.

"A fairy is here, get out of it, get out of it."

Accompanied by shouts of surprise, the crowd suddenly separated. Three handsome sword immortals, dressed in white and carrying long swords, came slowly.

Like the gods above the nine heavens, countless people have the urge to worship.

"This dress is so familiar..."

Looking at these three people, Son Goku chirped, then turned to look at Vegett.

The corners of Vegett's mouth twitched, and he shrugged and said, "This is fucking embarrassing..."

"he is……"

Vegeta and Son Goku felt that the costumes of the three sword immortals were familiar, while the three sword immortals felt that Vegeta's face was a bit familiar, as if they had seen many faces.

However, there is no memory of contact with him in their memory.

"I implore Master Jianxian to cast down demons and exorcise demons!" At this moment, someone knelt and shouted.

"I implore Master Sword Immortal to cast down demons and exterminate demons!"

As if a domino effect had occurred, the crowd fell to their knees, and after a while, they knelt all over the ground.

In the shouts of the mountain whistling and tsunami, the three of them finally remembered where they had seen this person, their faces turned green all of a sudden, and their bodies trembled violently, like chaff.

"Uncle, Lord Sword Immortal, is this excited? Excited because he wants to kill the evil spirit?"

Among the kneeling crowd, a girl quietly raised her eyes and asked softly.

"Don't make random guesses, Master Sword Immortal may be in luck." A middle-aged man replied in a low voice.

"Recognized?" Beijit looked at the three sword immortals in white with trembling calves. *

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