Chapter 772

Inside the Jindou Cave, listening to Vegett’s screams of shaking the mountains, Du Jiao Si sneered and said, “Is he a more frustrated and courageous? Not to mention, Tao Xingxian, how did we suppress him this time? "

Dao Xingxian frowned, and said worriedly: "After the last setback, he always feels that he has other support for his screaming this time."

The unicorn shook the diamond bracelet on his wrist, and said lightly: "As long as he doesn't bring out the fire treasure of the last time, no matter how powerful he is, it won't be able to match my golden bracelet."

His voice had just fallen, with a bang, and the door suddenly fell apart, and an extremely powerful fire dragon rushed in with its teeth and claws, and rushed toward the unicorn who was sitting on the main seat.

"Thief fucking!"

I was slapped in the face and not to mention it, the unicorn was almost frightened to pee by this sudden situation.

With a pale face and thunderous, he kicked the table over and smashed it at the fire dragon!


The stone table was directly ignited by the flame and burned into blue smoke.

The fire dragon went on castration, and hit the wall where a huge portrait of a green cow was hung. A big hole was burnt out, and the stubborn stone was burning with flames.

"How come there are so many fire-attribute treasures in Vegett's hands!" The unicorn stood dumbfounded by the big hole, and said blankly.

"Do you still refuse to come out? Then don't blame me for burning this mountain." At this moment, Vegett's stern voice floated from the entrance of the cave.

Dao Xingxian let out a long sigh, and said to the unicorn: "You deal with Son Goku by yourself, shouldn't it be a problem?"

The unicorn stared at him in surprise: "Are you going to deal with Vegett, Tianpeng, and Sha Wujing?"

"If you can handle it, I can give you two more." Dao Xingxian clenched the Absolute Immortal Sword in his hand.

"I'll take care of it as much as possible. As long as you can block the innate sacred fire released by Vegeta for me, the rest is nothing to worry about." Du Jiao said in a deep voice.

The two discussed a good countermeasure and walked out of the cave together, only to see Vegeta holding a huge banana fan in both hands, looking at them coldly.

"Yin-Yang Banana Fan..." Du Jiao Yi slammed in her heart, her face a little flustered.

"Monster, look at the sword." Dao Xingxian yelled, Jian Guang was clear and cold for ten miles, with a bone-chilling momentum, exploded in the void.

Vegeta didn't even look at him. With both arms, he lifted the banana fan high, and slammed it down at the unicorn.

The sky was full of flames flying, and the raging flames overwhelmed the sky, turning the routes they had traveled into a sea of ​​flames.

The unicorn wanted to avoid it, but it was too late, so she could only sacrifice the diamond bracelet, release the dazzling golden brilliance, and protect herself.

However, this sacred fire was originally dedicated to the magic weapon of gold. It didn't take long for the light of the diamond bracelet to dim, and it was constantly swaying in the air, precarious.

On the other side, Dao Xingxian really began to desperately, wielding an absolute sword to shake Dao Guo with Son Goku.

The fairy tale storm, the runes manifested, the laws shattered, and within the limit of the human world, the two big Luos hit a real fire.

The time and space near the two of them were completely confused. If someone approached this time and space at this time and moved their bodies at will, it would cause a crossing to appear.

"Lao Sha, you go help Vegett..." The canopy summoned a nine-tooth rake, his body gradually illusory in time and space.

Sha Wujing took out the crescent shovel, gave a low shout, and stepped on his right foot. A wave of air blasted in all directions on the mountain, and the sky was full of dust.

And his body is like a cannonball, with a touch of cold light, lasing towards the figure of the unicorn.


The cyan crescent shovel and the golden diamond bracelet collided violently. Under the slight manipulation of Vegett, the sea of ​​flames avoided Sha Wujing's body, constantly scouring the divine power within the diamond bracelet.

In this way, after a full quarter of an hour, the diamond bracelet suddenly returned to the light, extinguished all the flames, and then screamed, automatically slipping back into the skirt of the unicorn.

The treasure is alive, and it is known to seek advantages and avoid evil.


Without the guardianship of the diamond bracelet, the sky and sea of ​​fire immediately surrounded the unicorn.

Although he was still wearing a defensive blue scale armor, this armor could isolate knives, guns and sticks, and the cold water of flames, but it could not isolate the heat.

After a while, Du Jia Si felt that she was about to be steamed!

Vegett kept his wrists, constantly fanning the innate sacred fire.

The sacred fire spreads into the sea, and uses the aura in the void as nourishment to burn the world and endure for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, a strong smell of barbecue suddenly appeared in everyone's noses.

Dao Xingxian, who was desperately fighting Son Goku, changed his face drastically.

I don't know when the unicorn has a prototype, although there is a faint blue light around her body.

But judging from the smell, he has been thoroughly roasted, roasted thoroughly, almost to the point where he can eat.

"The end of the crossbow."

Inexplicably, Dao Xingxian flashed this sentence in his mind, and a retreat was already in his heart.

"When facing me, do you dare to be distracted?" Son Goku snorted coldly, dancing a huge iron rod with his hands, and the golden light rose up into the sky, making the day lose its color.


The golden cudgel and the absolute sword collided, and the extreme shock wave swept across the sky and the earth, knocking Vegeta and others into the air.


The Absolute Immortal Sword in Dao Xingxian's hand came out, his arms snapped in an instant, and the stubble was exposed.

A mouthful of essence and blood containing great spirituality was shot out, and after being separated from the body, it turned into a cloud and rained down fairy spirits.

The trend is over...

The thought in Daoxingxian's mind flashed through, and he controlled the Absolute Sword again with his mind, rushing towards him frantically, and then the man and the sword merged into one and quickly fled towards the blue sky.

Son Goku's heart was finally put down completely, and he forced the legendary Tianxian holding the ultimate immortal sword into this way. He has already done his best.

As for wanting to keep the other party, it is unlikely.


At a certain moment, the last bit of blue light on Unicorn Si finally disappeared completely, and the richer beef aroma kept stirring everyone's nasal cavity, which made the index finger move.

This one of Qing Niu is completely dead.

But in the congenital sacred fire, he was baked into a dish, but he did not have the fortitude to beg for mercy, which surprised Vegett slightly.

"Naughty animal, you stole my magic weapon and went down privately to harm one party. You really deserve this!"

Just as everyone was thinking about it, an old man wearing a cyan Taoist dress and carrying dust in his hand appeared out of thin air in front of the unicorn, and said with a loud voice.

Vegett stood on the spot, looking at the old man with cold eyes: "Old gentleman, the timing of your appearance is really amazing!"

The old man put his hand on the cow, pulled out the horned soul, and put it into the cuff.

"Wonder is beyond words, is the door to all. Vegett, I'm taking the unicorn away now, what's your opinion?"*

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