Chapter 774 I'm Going To Kill Now

Damn, his reputation is so bad?

The kind thoughts that arise on a whim must also be covered up with such a bad excuse?

It's just that Veget, who just wanted to cover up, never thought about how strong maternal love would be, let alone how much a mother could do for her own children.

"If, in the end, my child is really saved..."

Princess Iron Fan shuddered, bit her lip, and swallowed the salty blood: "So I am willing to be a slave and a servant."

Veget: "..."

While admiring the dedication of Princess Iron Fan, Vegeta wanted to laugh inexplicably, some pity, some distressed, and mixed emotions.

After taking a deep look at the woman, Vegett shook his head indifferently and said: "You'd better dispel this idea of ​​death, otherwise, you will be killed by another close maid of mine."

Princess Tiefan was stunned: "Another... a personal girl?"

Beiji nodded, "Yes, her name is Guan Shiyin, and she currently lives in Zizhu Forest in the South China Sea. Well, that girl is cruel and cruel. If you want to compete with her, what else can you do?"

"..." Princess Tiefan's heart was broken at this moment, and she deeply doubted whether the man in front of her was guilty of any evil.

Before you know it, the moonlight is getting faint and the starry sky fades away.

Vegett looked at the iron fan and said, "It's getting late, I should go back too. Finally, I would like to remind you that Huoyan Mountain can be there, but let's forget it for eight thousand miles. If you really do this, you will undoubtedly die."

Princess Tiefan blinked: "Will Sanzang..."

"No detour."

Before she could finish speaking, Vegett spoke bluntly.

Princess Iron Fan was relieved, and gave him a salute: "If that's the case, please..."

Saying goodbye to the complicated iron fan, Beiji specializes in the rainbow and returns to Jindou Mountain, but it is now that Sanzang and Xiaobailong have been found, and they are all unharmed.

With a few words of greeting, everyone packed up their horses, crossed the peaks, and came to the front of the daughter's country again soon.

Entering the territory of the daughter's kingdom silently, everyone obviously felt that the yang energy between the heaven and the earth had weakened by more than 90%.

Tomorrow's light is bright, but there is an inexplicable coldness sticking into their bodies.

Although the population of the daughter country is small, its territory is large enough.

After passing the end of the winter frost and welcoming the new arrival of the early spring, the people on the westward journey were able to walk out of the sparsely populated border.

Came to a big clear river with gurgling water.

"Several travelers, do you want to ferry?"

On the banks of the big river, several women who were chatting unintentionally discovered them, their eyes brightened up suddenly, and they shouted one after another.

Sanzang led the horse to the ferry and said seriously: "We only have five people and one horse. One boat is enough. Thank you for your kindness."

"I have been at the helm of this river for thirteen years, with first-rate water control ability. Master, you can get on my boat." A woman with a big waist said sincerely.

"I am the helm with the fastest ferry in this river. If you want to save time, please get on my boat." A short but too plump woman said eagerly.

"I am the most stable helm of the ferry in the mother and daughter river. If you want to cross the river more safely, please choose me." An old and frail woman said solemnly.

A total of five helmsmen, each reported their most outstanding merits, for the tripartite to choose.

It's just that he hasn't considered it clearly yet, and Vegeta spoke first, with indifferent eyes: "What's the matter? We have five people here. You happen to be five of you. One person sits in the same boat. "

Everyone was surprised, and Tianpeng laughed and said, "We are all on the same road. Where can we get on a boat like this? What's more, let Sanzang alone in a boat. In case something happens, I see how you can make it happen! "

Vegett shook his head and said, "If nothing happens to Sanzang, what is the use of God? Of course, you can rest assured that any decision I make is the result of thinking twice, no There will be no target!"

At Vegett's insistence, except for the white dragon horse, he still followed Sanzang, and the other four people boarded a boat each.

The five women sat at the end of the boat, exchanged glances with each other, nodded in a tacit understanding, and placed their hands on the scull.

In the breeze, the mist was wet and the scull swayed.

The women shone with a faint light, and the boat pierced the water like a sharp arrow.

Unconsciously, when he came to the river, the fast and thunderous boats gradually stopped.

"Is the true essence exhausted?" Canopy turned around and said.

From the very beginning, he knew that these women were all warriors, almost immortal.

The woman's expression was slightly cold, she stood up from the futon, slipped a steel dagger from her cuffs, and came to the canopy step by step: "It's not that the true essence is exhausted, but the true yang is exhausted. Can you please help me? Add some real Yang?"

Tianpeng looked at her blankly and shook his head seriously: "No."


Because you are dying...

Canopy muttered to himself, shook his head, and turned to look at Vegett.

"The five of you are all in the same group, do you have the same plan?" San Zang sighed slightly and asked the woman on the boat.

The woman also held a stainless steel dagger in her hand and said: "We are not in the same group, but the purpose is the same. Let me talk less nonsense, take off the monk's clothes and lie flat in the cabin."

Such an overbearing president made Beijit a little bit amused, and said jokingly: "Sanzo, look at their dissatisfaction for a long time, do you want to show kindness to them?"

The corners of Sanzang's mouth twitched a few times, and his eyes were complicated: "That's why you let us take the boat separately...all in one net?"

Vegett nodded: "Because of the blood-smelling sword, I am very sensitive to the aura of blood evil, so when I first saw these five women, I smelled a strong blood evil aura on their bodies. "

"If I kill them directly based on these inferences, you must be the first to have an opinion. In order to prevent other troubles, I have to use this method."

Sanzang pursed his lips: "So, in your opinion, how many creatures did they have to mutilate in order to have their current evil spirit?"

"Each of them has three to five hundred lives in their hands!" Vegett said lightly.

The five women were not fools, and they understood what Vegett meant from his explanation.

However, they did not want to believe how powerful and sacred there would be in the ranks of ascetics or even beggars.

"Do you think this can scare us?" A woman's eyes flickered, pretending to be calm.

"Scare? You deserve it too!" Vegett gradually reduced his smile and said to Sanzang, "Now, I'm going to kill..."*

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