Chapter 779

Ruyi Zhenxian pressed his lips tightly, swallowed the blood flowing into his throat, stretched out his hand and summoned the golden sun in mid-air back and held it in his hand.

Only then did Veget discover that the golden sun was a four-foot-long wishful golden hook, which could be large or small, long or short, and its attack power should not be underestimated.

Son Goku's gaze was indifferent, and he took a step forward, and with a thud, boundless golden clouds appeared on his body, as if he was wearing a sacred battle suit.

The golden cudgel quivered slightly, spitting out a vast divine light, and the laws of heaven were woven into a net in the divine light, and one could feel the scalp numb.


Son Goku rounded the golden hoop and hit the golden hook repeatedly.

The two weapons are not the same, but the difference in the cultivation of their masters is too great.

After a while, the shining golden hook was beaten into a dark copper color, and at a certain moment it even shattered directly.

At the same time, Vegete bullied himself up and cooperated with Son Goku's attack. He cut off Ruyi Zhenxian's head with a knife, crushed his body, and held his soul tightly in his hands.

"Brother Zhenyuanzi, save me!"

Ruyi Zhenxian's pale golden soul was constantly twisting in Vegett's hands, and shouted loudly.

"Jin Yuanzi..."

Vegett's face changed slightly, looked around, and said with a sneer: "If you are really here, I would like to ask you, would you dare to show up?"

Under the night sky, the breeze was very refreshing, but Ruyi Zhenxian's heart was getting colder and colder.

Because they waited for a long time, Zhen Yuanzi, who had agreed to advance and retreat with him, didn't even show a shadow.

"It looks like you were being used and manipulated, idiot."

Vegett lowered his eyes to look at Ruyi Zhenxian, and said with a smile.

Ruyi Zhenxian's eyes were intertwined with viciousness and regret. At this moment, she didn't know what to say to refute.

"Now I am the sword and you are the fish. Let's just say, where is the abortion spring." Vegett said indifferently without any more sarcasm.

"Thirty miles to the north from here, there is a dry mountain, and within the dry mountain, there is a dry well that is covered by weeds and is level with the ground. In this dry well, there is the spring water from the fallen baby."

Beiji nodded and looked at Son Goku.

Son Goku's thoughts moved, and a huge somersault cloud appeared out of thin air, carrying the two souls and heading away from the sky.

After a while, somersault clouds landed in the dry mountain and came to the dry well.

With purple light shining in Veget's eyes, he looked into the dry well.


In an instant, his face changed slightly, and he said, "Ruyixian, you won't be so stupid to tell Zhenyuanzi this position too, are you?"

"Absolutely not!" Ruyi Zhenxian's heart was more shocked than the two of them, and his face was lost, and his mouth kept muttering: "It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this!"

Vegett looked at him pityingly, and said to his heart: "Is Jin Yuanzi too wise or you are too stupid? If you didn't say it, is it possible that this spring could still fly on his own legs? Playing like a fool without knowing it, you won’t be at a loss if you end up like this."

Thinking in his heart, Vegett secretly displayed his soul-searching powers, taking advantage of Ruyi Zhenxian's current situation that he was not in a state of soul, and completely inspected his life, but it also confirmed that what he said was true.

With force with his hand, he tore the pale golden soul to pieces, and disappeared into ashes.

Vegett said: "With the veteran and cunning nature of Zhen Yuanzi, he will definitely not show up by himself and threaten us to do something with the aborted spring water."

"The safest way is to hide as tightly as possible without being discovered by us. In this way, over time, the loser will definitely be us."

"Jin Yuanzi is not ordinary sacred, and it can even be said that he is not ordinary Da Luo. As long as he hides it carefully, we can't determine his position at all." Son Goku frowned.

Vegett rubbed his temples and said with a wry smile: "It's not that we are short-term, but that we have no move at all. To be honest, I am not embarrassed to return to the team now."

Son Goku paused slightly and said, "Compared to them, what I care more about now is your safety. After all, the River Swallowing Gu is like a throat, which is very dangerous."

Vegeta thought for a while, sighed and said, "No solution. Forget it, let's go to the Sanzang reconciliation first."

At the moment, Son Goku rides the cloud, Berget turns a rainbow, and quickly returns to the cloud boat.

"How's it going, did you get the water from the abortion spring?"

At this time, the stomachs of San Zang, Canopy, and Xiao Bailong had swelled to the size of six months, round and round, born on a man, so weird.

Vegett shook his head and said, "There was a little accident, and the water from the abortion spring was stolen in advance."

The canopy suddenly widened his eyes, clenched his fists and shouted: "A joke? We shouldn't be so tragic!"

"I didn't joking with you." Beijit said helplessly: "I don't have that leisurely mind."

Xiao Bailong said silently, "If there is no spring water for the birth of a child, what shall we do? Really, it is impossible to give birth to a child?"

Vegett said: "Maybe this is the case, there is no good way."

"I am the heir of the dignified Sihailong Palace, don't want to have children by yourself!" Xiao Bailong said, hitting his abdomen with a palm, his blood rushed back, and a cloud of blood sprayed out.

Beget frowned and said, "Don't do this. Otherwise, you won't be able to change the ending unless you kill yourself before the child is born."

Sha Wujing said, "What about you? You also have a River Swallowing Gu in your body. Even if you are strong, you probably won't be able to hold it for long."

Vegett turned his eyes to the direction of the Zimu River, and said softly, "It's a big deal...Drink some river water."

Sha Wujing's lips trembled twice, and he was silent.

Both Sanzang and Baima are pregnant, so naturally they can no longer rush as they used to.

Vegeta made a huge cart by himself, and let Kunpeng grab three tigers and put on the horse reins.

Everyone boarded the cart together, and Vegett did not speak, and Kunpeng standing on his shoulder let out a clear cry.

Suddenly, the three tigers rushed like their lives, bringing up smoke and dust all the way.

After half a day, villages began to appear in front of the road.

Countless women are carrying hoes, working at sunrise, and resting at daytime.

Three days later, towns began to appear in front of the road.

The Tiger Chariot was stopped by the female soldier holding the Golden Ge and was not allowed to enter the city.

Vegeta didn't want to cause people to empty alleys in the town, so he let go of three tigers and bought two good horses.

It's just that they are destined to be unable to keep a low profile.

Not to mention how weird it is that there are a few more men among the mighty daughters.

The big bellies of these men are enough to cause others to give pointers.

Vegete didn't care about this, but the canopy and others couldn't bear it, and said: "Or, let's just change to a closed carriage?"

Son Goku glanced at him and cast a spell to obscure the path of their group. *

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