Chapter 785 She Xiaoli, For Everyone

Son Goku nodded slightly, recalling that in the monster clan, countless little monsters were struggling to survive, yelling at the scene of going against the sky, and suddenly couldn't help but laugh.

"Go ahead, we are in the midst of changes, so what is unchangeable?"

After waiting for a long time, without waiting for Tiandao's next move, Vegett said seriously.

Son Goku took advantage of the situation and raised his arms, with both hands, the golden chain in the queen's soul suddenly radiated brightly, and stretched out a gold thread, gathered into a bunch, penetrated the queen's chest, and was dragged by Son Goku in his hand.

He warned: "This Red Luan star power is inseparable from your soul, so after I pull it out of your body, your soul will also leave a little bit."

"At that time, I will cut off those spirits and form another you. This process will be very painful. I hope you can be prepared and don't feel the pain."

The queen pursed her lips and said softly: "Even if it hurts so deeply, I will never regret it!"

Hearing that, Son Goku squeezed his hands and pulled the pink air ball out frantically.

The queen only felt her soul turbulent, as if she was about to split, and the pain was unbearable.

Unknowingly, he pulled out a little bit of the queen's soul, Son Goku's eyes were blazing, his mind moved slightly, and a magic knife appeared out of thin air in the void, and he slashed towards the queen's soul.

"His, ah..."

As if a knife cut through the tender tofu, the queen's soul was cut off in an instant, and it was completely integrated with the terrifying pink.

About to be done, Son Goku breathed a sigh of relief, preparing to seal the remnant soul.

At this moment, the sudden change occurred.

The remnant soul seemed to be blessed with inexplicable power, and suddenly broke free of Son Goku's rune chains and returned to the queen's body.

"Son Goku, stop, otherwise I will die with myself!"

The queen's body seemed to be controlled by the remnant soul, trembling and shouting.

"It's really a troublesome thing!"

Son Goku pursed his mouth, and inadvertently raised his eyes to look at the sky: "Don't say anything to die with yourself, you are just a remnant of the queen, but you have absorbed the power of the Red Luan star to strengthen yourself."

"Strictly speaking, you have no relationship with the queen anymore. Each is an independent individual. It's like the Sanqing made by a soul of Pangu."

The remnant soul was silent, without words to refute.

"Come out by yourself, we can not seal you, we can even find a body for you, and give you a chance to be born again." Vegett said seriously.

The Remnant Soul controlled the queen's body and looked at Sanzang deeply, with Chi Guoguo's love shining in the depths of his eyes.

"No, I can't agree to your terms. Once I leave this body, I will never be with Brother Yu."

Vegeta laughed, waved his hand and said, "Don't say that if you occupy this body, you can get the tripartite. Remnant soul, do you know that even your deity does not have this ability."

"No, it's not the same." The Queen's remnant soul said solemnly: "In the dark, it seems that someone is whispering to me, saying that you must get the seal of the country stamped by me sincerely to be able to leave the daughter country. Otherwise, you will be locked here for the rest of your life."

When Vegett frowned, there was a cloud under his step, and he rushed to the sky. When he entered Qingming three hundred miles, he suddenly felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire, and the flying cloud disappeared, making it difficult to move.

He breathed out a little, he turned and flew downwards, and the muddy confinement immediately dissipated.

"Heaven is not a pig, let us kill the merits."

Returning to the ground, Beget thought silently: "It seems that this difficulty is more sad than in the original book."

"Mountain Lord, take the customs clearance certificate with me, and follow me to the palace. I will stamp the national seal for you." At this moment, the queen seemed to have changed and said quickly.

"Don't be delusional!"

The queen's remnant soul's voice suddenly came out of her mouth: "But if I don't die, I won't let you succeed so easily!"

Listening to her solemn voice, Vegeta weighed the pros and cons in his heart, his eyes flickered, and looked at Sanzang: "What do you want to say?"

Sanzang put his hands together and said earnestly: "The monks don't admire beauty, and the little monk doesn't want to marry a wife."

Vegett said calmly: "But if you don't marry a wife, you can't leave this daughter country. If you can't leave this daughter country, how can you go to the west?"

Sanzang frowned and looked at him: "Your attitude is a bit wrong. Is it possible that you agree that I marry this daughter king?"

"It's not the daughter king, but her remnant soul." Vegett corrected and said: "They are just two creatures now."

"Why?" Sanzang looked depressed, and asked softly.

Although he did not clarify, Vegett knew what he meant and said: "I always feel that whether it is you or us, we must sacrifice small profits for everyone."

"The seal set by Tiandao himself can't even be broken by Goku. In order to continue westward, I have to temporarily wrong you."

"She Xiaoli, for everyone?" Sanzang murmured this sentence softly, wondering if Vegeta was controlled by Heaven, otherwise, how could he say such a thing?

After all, this kind of selfless dedication was completely scornful to him in the past.

Could it be... this is just an excuse?

In order to continue to obtain the merits of the heavenly path, he can sacrifice everything, even himself?

Thinking of this, Sanzang suddenly felt sad, his eyes were reddening, and his emotions were hard to control.

Son Goku pursed his lips and looked at Vegett calmly.

Although he didn't understand why the latter did this all of a sudden, he always firmly believed that Vegett would not be a cold-blooded and unforgiving villain when he treats his friends!

For thousands of years, has he ever disappointed?

Besides, Sanzang had no choice but to board the Baoxiang car and sat in the innermost corner of the car.

With an excited smile on her face, the queen sat in front of Sanzang: "Brother Yu, the relationship between you and me is a blessing destined by God, blessings from relatives and friends, and congratulations from all the people. Why do you still have a sad face?"

The corner of Sanzang's mouth twitched and he opened the curtains, but only saw that Vegeta handed Tang Jiu'er to the canopy and placed it in the cloud boat.

"Because I don't like you, how can I force my feelings?"

"After the big wedding, you will become a love of fish and water. Brother Yu will definitely like me." The queen winked and said confidently.

Thinking of being a monk, not only did he give birth to a child, but now he was even getting married, Sanzang couldn't help feeling sad, and his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Not long after, Xiangche left the post house and came to the palace, in front of the East Pavilion.

But I saw it here: Xianle was full of towers, and Fengque was kind. The spirit beast ran, and the peacock opened its screen, full of quiet and peaceful feeling.


The queen gave an order, and the entire East Pavilion quickly changed from extremely quiet to noisy. *

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