Chapter 792

Vegett's heart moved, and just about to speak, he saw Scorpion Jing suddenly summon a black and shiny barb, and it slammed into Son Goku's skull.

This extremely powerful defense of Bu Zhou Mountain, the vast immortal energy on Son Goku, and even his impervious body, did not stop this barb, and was easily broken through the defense.


The barb pierced deeply into Son Goku's skull, hurting his soul.

With his firm mind, he couldn't hold back under the severe pain, and he took a few breaths.

"Poisonous pile of horses!" Vegett's eyes narrowed slightly, and the purple light in his hand gleamed, transforming into a demon hunter's bow.

When the thunderbolt struck the string, Vegett let out a low cry, drew his bow like a full moon, and suddenly loosened the finger that held the arrow.


The thunderbolt hit Scorpion Jing's chest fiercely, smashing her clothes to pieces, and the exploded twin peaks were bloody, stopping her continuous attack.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Son Goku pulled out the black barb, flipped his hands and hit the scorpion sperm.


Scorpion Jing never thought that Vegett's combat power was so strong that he broke his own momentum with one arrow, making him unable to kill Son Goku with one blow.

He opened his mouth and exhaled a breath of celestial energy, enveloping the poisonous pile of the horse, and the scorpion spirit quickly retreated, able to evade the attack of the golden hoop.

"Princess, the big leader has taken control of the daughter country, and we have already won this battle."

At this moment, the four gods and ghosts of ghosts, ghosts and ghosts, came across hundreds of millions of time and space, and said on their knees.

Hearing this, Scorpion Jing breathed a sigh of relief, raised his eyes and said, "Son Goku, Vegeta, Tang Sanzang, the daughter country is now in my hands, and you have lost!"

Vegett said coldly, "Evidence."

"Mysterious mystery, prove it to him." The corner of Scorpion's mouth lifted up, revealing an extremely charming smile.

The demons and demons nod their heads, and use themselves as the eyes to communicate the space-time power in the void, and a long river evolves above their heads.

In the river, scenes are playing at this time.

"I want to know, why do you appear here? Because I want to help Scorpion meticulously think things out, and then share the merits?"

This was on the top of the city. The canopy looked up at the demon gods floating in the air, and asked seriously.

"In a certain way, you can understand it this way," Chi You replied.

The canopy paused for a moment, and solemnly said: "So...what is the relationship between you and the scorpion sperm?"

"In the ancient times, I was defeated in Zhuolu. Xuanyuan cut off my head and body, and sealed them in two places. Ten thousand years later, my followers rescued my head, and I took them to find my body. ."

"At this time, I discovered that my body had been eaten by a poisonous scorpion long ago, and my bones became her house."

"At that time, I was so angry that I wanted to wipe her out. But I never thought that her combat power was amazing. With a black hook, I actually did not dare to get close."

"I can't kill, I can only ask for peace. My blood is flowing in her body. I want to recognize her as a righteous daughter, but she doesn't want to."

"She said that the creatures who could not bear the poison of the poisoned horse could not convince her. My copper skin and iron bones did not block the poisonous pile of the horse, and I am not worthy of being her father."

"Later, I thought about her badly, and recognized her as a righteous sister, and named her the eldest princess of the Jiuli tribe."

"At that time, I gave her a name called Hui, but she is a very self-conscious person, and she is unwilling to accept this name. She has always regarded herself as a scorpion spirit."

When Chi You finished these last words, the scene changed again.

At this time, Xing Tian, ​​Xiang Liu, Widow, Po Suo and other demons had already invaded Rouge City, suppressing Canopy and Sha Wujing.

Chi You walked into the palace, bent down his huge body, and carefully hugged Tang Jiu'er in his arms.

I was afraid that I would use more strength to pinch this little life.

"Sanzang, Sanzang, your daughter is the most perfect creature I have ever seen since I was born. Just looking at it makes me very heart-stricken."

Chi You seemed to be afraid of shocking Xiaojiu, his voice was very soft, very soft: "Now, let's make a deal."

"If you take the initiative to leave with Scorpion, I can let everyone in this daughter's country, including your daughter."

"If you don't let her leave and continue to be your turtle, then your daughter will become my daughter."

"I will personally raise her up and teach her the magic scriptures that I spent my entire life groping out. Maybe in a few years, she will become the sharpest soldier in my hand, conquering the heavens for me, and dominating the heavens. Ten Thousand Realms!"

After his words fell, the scene changed again. A white-clothed Xiangliu stood in the dark hall, looking at the queen, the remnant soul, and the three worshippers tied to the pillar.

"Beget, don't interfere with Sanzang's decision. Otherwise, your gods will become the prostitutes of all demons, and they will vent the devil gods day and night until the moment they die."

Vegett's eyes were as calm as water, there was no anger, no complaints, or even a hint of strange emotions.

But it was this kind of performance that made the scorpion feel a little bit cold.

Ordinary creatures, in the face of this situation, even if they don't feel powerless and self-destructive in their hearts, their emotions will eventually fluctuate, right?

Why is he so calm?

"Are you thinking, why am I not angry?" Vegett turned his head and asked seriously, as if he had penetrated the scorpion spirit's heart.

Scorpion spirit hesitated for a moment, but still nodded and said, "Yes, I'm very curious."

"Sang Liu has no chance." Vegett shook his head and said, "I'm sure they will take the initiative to end their lives before they become prostitutes."

"So this kind of threat is useless to me. No, it can't be said to be useless. I will hate you for it. This hatred is not shared by nature, life and death are inextricable!"

The Jiuli Mozu wanted to threaten Vegett with the queen and others.

But never thought that Vegett's heart would be so hard.

I never thought that the queen and others had the courage to ignore life and death.

So that they are now stealing chickens and failing to lose their rice, and in turn, Vegeta threatens them severely.

Scorpion Jing was a little angry, but didn't show it.

She stared at the half-flooded mountain: "Beget is too cold-blooded, even if he is watching his disciples die, he is unwilling to compromise. Sanzang, are you like him, you can give up Tang Jiu'er? ?"

The Sanzang spirit shuddered slightly.

The emotional focus on her daughter turned this question into a false proposition, and it was not a choice at all.

"Sanzo, your decision now is very important, think twice before you act, and don't leave any regrets for the future." Vegett said seriously. *

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