Chapter 795

Too's upper eyelashes trembled slightly and opened his eyes: "Since you feel so, then send an oral message for me. Within the Three Realms, if anyone can shine in this battle between Buddhas and Demons, he can teach his disciples! "

From the ancient canonization period to the present, the Supreme Being has always been the first person in the holy throne. This has been the consensus in the hearts of all living beings.

There have been so many calamities throughout the ages, and the rest of the saints have survived the calamity.

He alone has always been aloof from disaster after disaster.

He has great wisdom for survival, and great wisdom for life.

As soon as my thinking turned, I came up with a brilliant idea.

As one of the three sacred religions of Taoism, human education has always been synonymous with few people.

It is precisely because of this that every creature that can join the teachings of others will have a great achievement that resounds through the heavens.

Even if it is not for this, being able to become a disciple of a saint can still get a lot of benefits.

For example, all kinds of miraculous medicines, magic weapons of the celestial scriptures.

It can be predicted that when this will spread to the Three Realms, how many fairy gods will be mad.

He just drew a big pie, but it was enough to manipulate countless immortals, and in the end he might actually pick out some good seedlings.

The wisdom and calculation between the plain words made the canopy speechless.

Outside the world, in the heaven.

The Jade Emperor stood outside the suspended Lingxiao Hall, looking down at the 90,000-li Tiangong.

"The demon gods in the Jiuli tribe are all lunatics. Once provoked, it is like a piece of brown candy stuck in it, and they can't get rid of it."

"Your Majesty, I'm dignified, do I need to worry about these?" Sha Wujing was dressed in blue armor and had a straight body, stopping behind the Jade Emperor.

"It's not a question of scruples, it's a multiple-choice question about pros and cons."

"We stand on the sidelines, not only can we consume the strength of both the Jiuli and Buddhism, but also the fisherman may benefit."

"If we don't, we can get more merit, but what we get is completely out of proportion to what we give."

Jun Wu joked, especially when it came to this kind of big event, Sha Wujing knew in his heart that he was afraid that he would return without success today.

At this time, the future of San Zang affects too many people.

It's just that the vast majority of these people couldn't penetrate the city of Jiuli, so they had to keep an eye on the news circulating in the world.

For the common good, Buddhism agreed to cooperate with Vegeta, and even worshipped him as a general to command the Thousand Buddhas against the Jiuli tribe.

The heaven did not want to wade into this muddy water, and kept silent all the time.

The Sihailong clan closely followed the steps of the Emperor of Heaven, not only persuading Xiao Bailong not to be too involved, but even almost confined him.

Unexpectedly, the progress on Son Goku's side is very good.

Within a few days, many wild demons and lone gods gathered, among them there were even masters of the fairy king level.

Of course, there is not a single demon soldier in Huaguo Mountain and Qingqiu Mountain.

He was still reluctant to use the lives of his own soldiers to resist the Jiuli tribe.

A few days later, early in the morning, Jinyang Wandao.

Vegett is holding the Yin Honghua blood knife and stepping on the tumbling blood waves, leading a group of Buddhist monks who shine in immeasurable light to visit her daughter's country.

The creatures in the daughter kingdom do not believe in the gods of heaven and earth, and serve only their own king.

Therefore, facing this spectacular scene, there was not much reaction at all.

Until, their queen lifted into the sky, knelt down in front of Vegett, and solemnly said: "Meet the mountain lord."

Millions of people watched this scene in surprise, their bodies stiff in place.

They suspect that they are mistaken, or that they are dreaming at all.

High above, how could your Majesty, who is as powerful as a mountain, kneel down in front of others?

Could it be because of the gods and Buddhas behind that person?

"Get up, your subjects don't understand your behavior now." Vegett said lightly.

The queen stood up, looked down at the capital, and said, "My people, you may not know that the daughter's kingdom belongs to the Qingqiu Mountain lineage, and is an independent kingdom from Qingqiu Mountain."

"The three consecrations who guard the daughter country Yijiazi are the disciples in Qingqiu Mountain, and I, your queen, are the saints in Qingqiu Mountain."

"The Jinyi Guardian who protects the people is an array in Qingqiu Mountain. And the adult in front of you is the mountain lord in Qingqiu Mountain, the god who protects you."

"You should be grateful, because of his existence, the daughter country has not been annexed."

"You should be grateful, because of his existence, the daughter country has not become a slave."

"Remember the Scorpion attacking the city a few days ago? If it weren't because of him, the daughter country has now been reduced to scorched earth."

"Now, I stand above the clouds and welcome the mountain lord on behalf of my daughter country, who is not convinced?"

Who is dissatisfied?

Seeing the queen with a solemn look and the faith in their hearts, millions of subjects looked at each other, and their mood was too complicated to speak.

In fact, they all know what should be known, and they know what should be clear.

But from the bottom of their hearts, they still cannot accept that the daughter country is a vassal of others.

"Welcome the mountain lord!"

Inside the palace, the three worshippers knelt down.

"Welcome to the mountain lord."

Inside and outside the palace, tens of thousands of Jinyiwei knelt to the ground.

"Welcome... Mountain Lord."

Millions of people hesitated, and gradually began to kneel down, connected together like a vast river.

At this moment, Vegett stood on top of the colorful clouds and knelt down at the imperial city.

At this time, he is the master of this country, mastering the luck of a country.

"I remember that Buddhism has a magical power that can wash away impurities in the human body, right?" Vegett turned his eyes to the thousand Buddhas.

"..." Thousand Buddha was speechless, vaguely aware of something.

Sure enough, Vegett followed up and said: "As the lord, I order you to clean the bodies and wipe the spiritual platform for the millions of subjects in this city."

As he said, he paused slightly, his eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "This should be... not a chaotic life, right?"

At the beginning, Qianfo felt that the standard of chaos is a good thing for them.

Because of this, once Vegett's request touches their interests, or puts them in danger of life and death, they can justly refuse.

But only now did they really realize that ambiguous standards are a double-edged sword.

Now that Vegett’s request has not harmed their interests, has not caused them a crisis, then should you refuse? What reason can you refuse?

"Stop thinking about reasons."

Vegett said seriously: "Don't forget that when you descended to the world, Tathagata would ask you to obey my orders. Now you don't even want to obey his words?"

The Thousand Buddhas had no choice but to sway the golden Buddha light in grief and anger, washing the scriptures and bones for millions of people, and wiping the spiritual platform. *

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