Chapter 799

Fate is a very magical thing.

It is within the control of the Dao of Heaven, but it develops in an unconscious state.

Heaven can change the destiny of sentient beings, but when it does not pay attention to one, the destiny may be biased in another direction.

Sanzang drank the poison that Vegett had hidden. This happened between the scorpion's thoughts. No one could know in advance, let alone control it.

Under the clear water, the Red Luan star burst into force, and thousands of scarlet stars burst out, shining into the Sanzang Soul.

In a trance, scenes of passing scenes with Vegett began to flash in his mind.

It took them more than ten years from being wary of each other, to understanding and understanding each other, and gradually becoming like-minded friends.

Thousands of scenes of getting along day and night, originally looked very monotonous and boring.

But Sanzang recalled now, it was full of warmth, as if it carried the smell of him...

This extremely rapid and unstoppable change made San Zang clearly aware of what was in the porcelain bottle.

However, in the current situation, even if he was pitted by Vegett, he had to help the other party to complete the plan.

Having said that, Vegeta left so simply that he was afraid that he would make this choice.

"How does it feel?"

After waiting for a while, seeing that San Zang was still intact, Xie Zijing asked seriously.

San Zang shook his head, unwilling to speak falsely.

Scorpion Jing pressed his white palms on San Zang's forehead and scanned his body again and again with vast spiritual thoughts, and found nothing strange.

"Do you still have memories of the past?"

"Yes." Sanzang said after a slight pause.

Xie Zijing frowned: "There are still memories? That means this Wangchuan River is fake?"

Sanzang sighed: "I still have my memory, but I have lost my love for those in the past."

It turns out that this is not Wangchuanshui, but Wangqingshui.

Scorpion Jing muttered to himself in his heart, and said: "Emotions are not worth mentioning to the truly strong."

Chi You's eyes fluctuated violently, and he raised his eyes to look at her closely, without saying a word.

After checking Sanzang's body again and again, Scorpion Jing raised his head and poured the remaining half bottle of Red Luan Star Force into his mouth.

The weird and majestic power ignored her immortal power and merged into her soul.

At the same time, Vegeta's face kept flashing in front of her eyes, making her uncontrollable heart flower blooming, and her heart rippling.

"Red Luan Star Power!"

As a long-standing ancient immortal king, Scorpion is very knowledgeable and understands instantly.

"Tang Sanzang, you actually lied!"

"I didn't lie." Sanzang said: "For those people and memories in the past, I really don't have the feeling and affection. Of course, this is not because of this half bottle of potion."

Red Luan Star Power is one of the strange poisons of heaven and Dao. Anyone who catches a trace will be dragged into the quagmire of erotic desire.

No matter how powerful creatures are, they are not immune.

So far, the only way to deal with this strange poison is to differentiate a second personality.

That is to say, cut out part of one's own soul and condense into a new soul.

"Brother, save me."

In the fight against Hongluan Xingli, Scorpion Spirit had no extra power at all, and could accomplish this goal, only to get Chi You's head.

Looking at the hopeful light in her bright eyes, Chi You sighed and said, "I can't save you..."

Scorpion's breath was slightly stagnant, and his eyes were sharp: "Because I don't care about your feelings, so you choose to sit on the sidelines now?"

Chi You's heart trembled, and he felt that Scorpion Jing said something extremely right.

She is a very selfish and selfish person, and she does not worry about treating her friend with the greatest malice.


Grasping his shirt with both hands, he tore it forcibly.

Chi You pointed to the deep bone scars on his chest, as well as the gold rune chains, and his voice was slightly cold: "This is the real reason."

"Although there was a small accident midway, the final result met my expectations." The door was pushed open, and Vegeta slowly entered.


He should have hated him deeply, but when Scorpion Spirit saw him in person, uncontrollable love emerged in his heart.

Just like Her Majesty the Queen's love to Sanzang, the feelings of love, go and deepen.

"Scorpion, come here."

Vegeta smiled slightly, causing Xie Zijing and Tang Sanzang to lose their minds together.

Before long, the scorpion spirit struggled to get out of that nympho state.

The will wants to resist, but the heart has surrendered.

As for the body, she betrayed her completely, and came to Vegett wisely.

Vegett reached out and touched her cheek, only feeling warm and moist, and it felt great.

"Do you feel the temperature on the palm of my hand? Isn't it warm?"

The scorpion meticulously smashed the already riddled armor, so far completely shattered, and immersed himself in the warmth given by Vegett.

Looking at this seemingly harmonious scene, Canopy, Sha Wujing, and even Chi You, Son Goku, did not feel any good feelings, but a little creepy.

This power that can directly distort the soul is so evil that it makes the scalp numb.

Fortunately, only Heaven has such a reserve of power, otherwise, the Three Realms will be completely chaotic.

"Sanzo, are you... okay? I didn't expect that Scorpion Scorpion would feed you Red Luan Star Power."

Vegett took hold of the shoulders of the scorpion spirit, causing the Red Luan star power in the opponent's body to burst and expand, affecting the entire spirit.

Having dealt with this power over and over again, Vegett was already familiar with some of its attributes.

After this star power is planted in a person's body, if two people are together and have physical contact, the star power will be violent, constantly transforming the soul of the planted person.

But if the two are not together, this star power will accumulate in the soul of the planted person, and will affect each other subtly, and will not swallow the other's sanity.

Veget will not give Scorpion Spirit a chance to regain his sanity!


Sanzang said calmly: "Red Luan Star Power has twisted my soul, making me like the Scorpion Spirit, poisoned by you."

Vegett smiled helplessly and said: "No, although your combat power is not strong, but your mind is strong enough, resisting the red star power shouldn't be a problem, right?"

"Why did Yu Da Yu dredge the river instead of building dams high to block the raging waves of the raging sea?" Sanzang asked rhetorically.

Blocking is worse than sparse, and Vegeta understands what he means.

But in the current state, there is no way to ease it.

After all, no matter from which aspect, he can't give a man a loving response. *

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