Chapter 801

More than a hundred horse bandits were killed, and everyone continued to climb.

After walking slowly for a long time, they passed the top of the mountain, descended to the west, and came to a section of Pingyang. They saw a small small village.

Before the cottage, dozens of skinny and yellow-faced children were looking forward to it, as if waiting for something.

Seeing this picture, Vegett's heart trembled inexplicably, and said: "This village is evil, it is not suitable to enter."

Sanzang said earnestly: "The heart is righteous and the body is upright, so why be afraid of evil spirits? Having said that, if there are evil spirits, you have to rely on you to eliminate them."

Seeing strangers coming, more than a dozen guards armed with steel guns walked out of the village, drove the children back, and looked at them with guard.

"Who are you waiting for, what can I do in Qinghe Village?"

A gray-haired old man pushed aside the crowd, walked in, and asked.

"We came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, passing by Baozhai, only to borrow the way." Sanzang dismounted, folded his hands together.

The old man nodded, looked up at the dark sky, and said, "It's getting late, I'm afraid it will be difficult to drive. If you don't dislike it, you can take a rest in the cold village."

"I don't dare to ask my ears."

The sun sets, and there is only the last ray of light on the sky.

The women in the entire village moved quickly, boiled water to cook, and cleaned their homes.

The people on the westward journey followed the old man to his home. Tianpeng recalled the figures he had seen along the way, and asked doubtfully: "Dare to ask the old man, why are there so few men in your stockade? It's the old man and the child."

The old man took them into a house and led them to a seat.

"There is no shortage of male power in our village. It's just that during the day, I followed the village owner to find food. Speaking of this, it's strange that they haven't come back? In the past, whether you can find it or not, this time period Will return home."

Sanzang snorted in his heart, and his face turned pale: "Dare to ask the elders, what are the men in your stockade usually dressed up?"

The old man hesitated for a moment, sighed slightly, and said with a guilty expression on his face: "I am ashamed, because the pests have been severe this year, so the entire stockade is not very good in Chengdu, and everyone has a hard time."

"In order to keep the villagers alive, the village master personally selected more than a hundred people, hunted horses in the mountains, looted swordsmen, and started a strongman business..."


It seemed that something exploded in San Zang's mind, swallowing all of his consciousness, so that he could no longer hear what the old man said later.

"Goku..." After a long time, San Zang turned his eyes and looked at the figure beside him.

Son Goku raised his eyes to look at him, his eyes calm, without words.

He didn't think he had done anything wrong, and he didn't even bother to explain.

Seeing his guilt-free gaze, San Zang felt uneasy and said, "Don't you want to say something?"

"There is nothing I want to say, I don't think I did something wrong."

The corner of Sanzang's mouth twitched, and secretly said: "Just now you also heard what the old man said, knowing that they were also forced to become a horse bandit. A good group of good people will let you kill all alive, and your heart will Not half ashamed?"

Son Goku was annoyed by his question and said, "No matter who they were before, when they picked up the swordsman and rushed to me, they were just my enemy. Monk, don't be so loud."

Sanzang was stunned by his breath, and his fingers trembled: "How is this different from killing indiscriminately? The status of living beings cannot be equal, but the weight of human life is the same. How can you kill if you say kill? ?"

Son Goku is proud of his bones, his heart is higher than the sky, and listening to his accusations at this time, he really feels angry.

Just as he was about to say something more radical to fight back, Vegett’s palm suddenly rested on his shoulder: "Monkey, just say a few words, this thing is a bit unusual!"

Son Goku swallowed the words rushing into his throat, glanced at Sanzang coldly, and stopped speaking.

Sanzang sighed softly in his heart, but he didn't want to criticize any more.

Everyone has different positions, different experiences, and different personalities, so it is impossible to make exactly the same decisions.

So he doesn't think he is wrong, and it is excusable, right?

It's just... why would I be so disappointed?

Vegeta's thoughts are exquisite, how can he not see the anomaly of Sanzang?

His eyes moved slightly, and he voiced his voice alone: ​​"Not to mention that there is nothing right or wrong about this matter, but just a little bit. Under what circumstances do you think that a hundred reincarnated good people will gather together?"

Sanzang was a little dazed, and then frowned in contemplation.

I had dinner at the old man’s house, and when the moon was in the middle of the sky, everyone went back to their rooms.

Before long, San Zang, Son Goku, Canopy, Drifting, and White Horse received Veget’s call and came to his room.

"Sanzo, let me ask you a question."

After setting up the soundproof barrier, Vegett said solemnly: "Are you dissatisfied with Goku and even us now?"

Sanzang was silent for a while, and slowly said: "I am majoring in the Heart Sutra, and I cultivate a kind of good thoughts, to complain about injustices, to save the suffering people, and I will never lightly hurt lives."

"And you, each have infinite magical powers. They treat mortals as ants, and you want to kill as much as you want. Therefore, I don't like it, I feel bored with my thoughts, and I feel unhappy with my thoughts."

Vegett said: "To put it simply and clearly, yes, right. Monkey, how about you, have you ever complained about Sanzang?"

"I can't speak of resentment, it's just a little depressed and angry."

Son Goku said seriously: "I still can't understand his thoughts. On the battlefield, where are there any good and bad people, cause and effect? ​​Only you live and die, fighting each other."

"I am strong and I killed the opponent, but I was wrong? Then I will let the opponent kill in the future, anyway, people will sympathize with the weak."

Vegett slapped him: "Don't be horny, Sanzo doesn't mean that. Two people, guys, you all listen to me. If, if I'm not here today, how would Sanzo, you and Goku quarrel?"

"Probably, I left without joy, maybe I will be kicked out of the westbound team." Son Goku sneered.

Sanzang thought for a while, and felt that with the mood he was just now, this is not impossible!

It's not maybe, it will definitely be! Just the same as in the original book!

Vegett whispered in his heart, raising his eyes and saying: "I'm sure ninety-nine percent of the time, this is a game against us, the purpose is to see us deviate from each other!"

"Is there any evidence?" Sanzang took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "In addition to what you said before, more than a hundred reincarnated good people gathered together."

Vegett said: "In terms of proof... the current state of you and Goku can be used as one of my proofs. From everything is well to each other, the confrontation between you has come too quickly, as if someone specializes in it. The script is designed to provide you with contradictory routes!"*

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