Chapter 822: A Powerful Divinity

She suddenly realized that she knew well about Vegett's layout, but Liu Er and the fake Vegett didn't know it, and would never believe that she didn't hurt them.

It may not be a good thing to let them go in this way.

"Evil Thought Guanyin, because of this lie, you don't have to be anything else to follow me."

When the dust settled, Vegett said softly in Guanyin's ear.

The heat from his breath exhaled in Guan Shiyin's ears, making her feel excited, and slapped her on his chest.

Because I couldn't mobilize the immortal energy, the power of this palm only pushed Vegett back a few steps, pulling the distance between the two.

Vegett held his arms and stood in place: "It seems that your ears are also your sensitive position?"

Avalokitesvara gave him a cool look, and didn't even bother to scold a word of shamelessness.

Vegeta smiled, a little bit like the way he feels now.

Human nature is the same in many ways.

For example, the less you can get, the more you want to get, and the more indifferent to you, the easier it is to inspire the desire to conquer.

For Avalokitesvara, Vegett no longer thinks about the final result, but only cares about the current process.

"It's getting late, we should rest too."

The night fell, and the heart lake was full of waves, Vegeta summoned the steel palace, placed it on the ground, lowered his body and carried Guanshiyin, and walked towards it step by step.

"Damn, don't forget what you promised me." Guan Shiyin struggled.

"Pop!" Vegett drew his backhand behind her, rubbing his fingers: "Relax, I'm not the kind of betrayal villain who said that I would not do anything else if I put my arms around you to sleep."

"Hold sleep?"

Avalokitesvara bit his neck with one bite, bit a deep tooth mark with a faint blood stain, and said vaguely: "Did I promise you?"

"If you don't sleep, shall we continue the previous game?"

When he came to the room and dropped it casually, Vegett spoke indifferently.

Guan Shiyin breathed suddenly, and then gradually calmed down.

Outside the palace, Son Goku shrugged and said to the others: "Good night, everyone."

"Good night."

Tang Seng, Tianpeng, Sha Wujing, and Xiao Bailong kept their stunned postures, and responded subconsciously, but they did not leave this state for a long time.

After a long time, San Zang took the lead in reacting, and said with a twitching heart: "Is the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who was carried in by Vegeta just now?"

"Impossible, not to mention that the Bodhisattva can't let him do this at all, just say that the life and death hostile relationship between the two people can't be so close." Canopy rubbed his eyes and said.

"Here, isn't there another insider?" Sha Wujing raised his eyes to Son Goku.

"It's a long story."

"Then speak slowly, we are not in a hurry." The canopy grabbed Son Goku's arm and said seriously.

In the palace room.

With her arms around Guanshiyin, Vegeta lay on the bed, buried her face in her black hair that exuded a faint fragrance, and muttered, "Why?"

"what why?"

"Why pretend?" Vegett narrowed his eyes and said softly.

Guan Shiyin said indifferently: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Vegett flipped her body over, keeping her body on top, her eyes facing each other: "Actually, you are not afraid of what I do to you. Even more do not care what I do to you."

Guan Shiyin said earnestly: "Why do you see it?"

Vegett stretched out her hand and stroked her soft long hair: "I have never forgotten Master's words, forcing you to do things you resist in your heart, there will be backlashes falling on me... And from my current experience, You obviously did not resist my behavior."

There is no doubt that Vegett is a very smart man.

And all smart people in the world have a common problem.

Whether it is sensitive or sensitive, it is not wrong to be suspicious.

They will always grab some small details in life, and hope to use these details to prove their observations.

For a figure like Guanshiyin who has stood at the top of the world and looked down on sentient beings, anyone who dares to underestimate the opponent can be classified as a fool.

Vegett wouldn't be like that, he kept guarding against each other and scrutinizing each other during getting along.

Gradually, she realized that no matter how resisting the emotion she showed, she never lost her mind.

The act of punching, kicking, and biting the teeth is just a means, not a sign of losing one's mind.

Facing Beijit's question, Guanyin paused slightly and gradually laughed.

"Do you know how it feels to have tens of thousands of clones? The life experienced by each clone is my personal experience."

"Young children will eventually grow into men, and young girls will eventually grow into women. They will marry and marry, not to mention some swingers who spend the night in a boat."

"I have seen or experienced more tricks than you think..."

"Actually, I thought about this, but I just feel that the clone and the real body are different after all. For example, the gap between YY and reality." Vegett sighed.

"It's no different. Except for the soul, whether it's a real body or a clone, it's just a skin." Guan Shiyin said lightly: "If it's dirty, throw it away."

Vegett said: "If that's the case, why do you pretend to be yourself?"

"Actually, it's not a disguise. It's just not as important as it shows." Guan Shiyin laughed: "In the final analysis, it's because I hate you so much. I hate it to my bones. I want to crush you. Soul and soul. Yongzhen Nether."

"When your palm touches my body, it will make me feel sick, as if it will leave behind dirty things that can't be washed away even with clean water. That's why I resisted it."


Vegett slapped her quiet face and said, "I'm relieved to hear that you hate me so much. I won't be holding you like a ghost with a mask at night."

"Pop!" Guan Shiyin sat on Vegett, slapped his face with a slap: "Since you have seen it through, I don't need to pretend any more. You are the humblest servant."

"Bha!" Vegeta smiled thinly, turned her over with a slap, turned to sit on her, and grabbed her raised palm: "It's okay if you don't want to be a slave girl. Then be my pet. Don't blow up. Mao, otherwise you will be in pain."


Guan Shiyin put one knee on his back.

When Vegeta couldn't prevent him, he leaned forward and lay on her.

Opening his mouth to bite her, biting out the dazzling blood, the tip of Vegett's tongue rolled a little in his mouth, and the body suddenly exploded with immeasurable light.

"What a powerful divinity."

Vegett squinted his eyes slightly and said, "If it weren't for fear that we would lose both sides, I would definitely not be able to resist the temptation to suck up your blood."*

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