Chapter 824

Yan Hui said: "The Great Sage is currently on the westbound road, and he is blessed by heaven because of his role as a protector of the law. This is the time of the day."

"Shushan Xuehai is ready for the canonization. This is a geographical advantage."

"The double sages of Confucius and Mencius, the 72 sages and great Confucian scholars have all returned to Shushan. The power of the entire Confucian school has been gathered together because of this matter. This is a harmony of people."

"The time, the place, and the people are well equipped, now is the best time for the great sage to enter the Confucian school."

Vegett was silent, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "I never try to conjecture others with the greatest malice. Isn't the Master afraid that I and Son Goku won't be able to make it to the end?"

Zhong Yu was furious when he heard this, and his heart rose.

But when Vegeta looked at him with cold eyes, the flame was extinguished.

He knew in his heart that when facing this demon saint, he couldn't be as unscrupulous as he used to be, it would really be deadly.

"Also ask the Great Sage Mo to doubt the sincerity of the Master."

Yan Hui said sincerely: "After thousands of years, the strength of Confucianism is incomparable with the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism, but it also holds an important place among the hundreds of schools of thought."

"The Master decides that at this moment, the canonization of Dao is more for your consideration. After all, on the next westward journey, with the help of Confucian luck, you will walk more smoothly."

Vegett pursed his lips, not commenting on this, and turned to look at his companion who had come out of the cabin at some unknown time: "What do you think?"

Son Goku frowned and said, "The Confucianist canonization is not trivial, and it is not something that can be accomplished in one or two days. If you leave like this, I am afraid that you will miss the next catastrophe... The gains and losses are very significant."

Yan Hui said: "The master has also thought about this problem and proposed a solution."

"He said that Master Sanzang is the beginning of all stories. As long as the Master leaves this westbound road, the story will not continue. Therefore, the monarchs of the west are invited to go to Shushan and Xuehai together to observe the ceremony."

The reason is very simple, everyone can think of it when they think about it.

It's just that the rest of the great teachers will selflessly allow this to happen?

Yan Hui saw the doubts on everyone's faces and said with a smile: "The master said that if it is before the difficulty of protecting the truth, the sects may still have opinions."

"But now, their tolerance for the Bodhi line is estimated to have risen several levels. Even if they don't want it in their hearts, they won't come out and stop them forcibly."

Confucius learned the secret of the Tathagata blockade...

There was a flash of light in Vegett's mind, and he realized something in a daze.

The right time and place is not the fundamental factor for the Master to make such a decision.

The most essential reason is that he has discovered that the Bodhi line is a very strong and sturdy golden thigh. He wants to buy them at a low price and wait for the appreciation.

There is no meaning to mock the power of the master, this is the decision-making power that a mature leader should have.

"Sanzo, what do you think?"

Vegett is very realistic, thinking that this kind of thing is good for him, so he deliberately ignored the other's careful thoughts.

This is life. Sometimes it is a good thing to pretend to be confused.

"Can I say no?" Sanzang spread his hands under the eyes of everyone, with a somewhat innocent expression.

To be honest, Vegett felt that Master Sanzang was a little cute at the moment.

"Before I set off, I have a question, where is Shushan Xuehai?" Canopy raised his hand and said, "As far as I know, it should not be within the Three Realms, right?"

Yan Hui nodded and said, "In another small thousand world. With books as boats, pens as oars, knowledge and learning as the driving force, and walking according to coordinates, we can travel through layers of time and space before reaching the sea of ​​study."

Books, pens, knowledge, learning.

These are the four major elements of going to the sea of ​​learning.

Among the six people traveling westward, Son Goku, the most powerful one, is the one who reads the most, full of scriptures.

It's just that he has already passed the stage of seeing mountains as mountains and seeing water as water.

With his current literary background, he can enter the sea.

Apart from him, the person who reads most is Sanzang.

The poor scriptures, Hao first, read through thousands of Buddhist scriptures, and gradually became blue and became a school of its own.

Calculated by his level of Tonggu Dajin, enrolling in the sea should be very simple.

As a result, the real situation is a bit bad for the remaining few.

Vegett simply didn't like reading, the canopy was really lazy.

Except for being reluctant to be diligent in food, color and spiritual practice, he almost didn't bother to think about other things.

Even the top Confucian scholars in the Confucian school must bow their heads and salute when facing him. In this case, what's the use of reading?

Sha Wujing is not interested in Confucianism. He has read a lot of military books, but it has not become a system.

As for Xiao Bailong... Forget it or, how did Prince Long San ever put Jingyi in his eyes?

Yan Hui's personality is introverted but not dull, and he still has the most basic ability to observe words and colors.

With a light cough, he said, "Me and Nakayu can take someone there."

On this day, Yan Hui turned into a boat with a full belly, carrying the canopy and sand monks into the turbulence of time and space.

Naka Yu turned his loyalty, righteousness, benevolence and courage into a sword without edge, and followed him with a small white dragon.

Son Goku was born in Chinese, smashed into the void, and turned to look at Vegett.

Vegett took Guan Shiyin's hand, smiled and said, "It's time for you to act."

Guan Shiyin didn't say anything, her body exuded a bright white light, pulling Vegett to follow the crowd.

When they all left, a pair of giant palms that covered the sky came across the space, pulling up the peak of the gods and bringing them into different time and space.

In fact, Liu Er didn't think it was wrong. This sacred peak was not owned by Vegeta and Son Goku, but by Subhuti, and now it is regarded as the original owner of the thing.

Within the turbulence of time and space, light and shadow are mottled and time is distorted.

The external manifestation of the entire world is like a colorful chaos, under the light, dangers are everywhere.

Generally speaking, no one wants to set foot here except for the saints.

The Three Realms say that small is not small, but not big, and immortals can ascend to the sky.

Where you want to go, you can spend some time at most, there is no need to travel through time and space, and bear the risk of getting lost in chaotic time and space.

I don't know how long it has passed, how many roads have been traversed, Yan Hui finally stopped in front of a time and space node, and opened a fairy door out of thin air with the writing and pen as the key.

Looking around, within the fairy gate is a vast ocean of smoke, the sea is clear and blue, sparkling in the sun.

Above the sea, thousands of scholars in Tsing Yi standing out of thin air, long shirts with wide sleeves, elegant and gentle, facing the hunting sea breeze, looking towards Beijit and others.

Beijit thought that these Confucian gentlemen were here to welcome him.

But I never thought that when he saw him face to face, a tall and extraordinary scholar stepped forward and walked out of the crowd.

He said indifferently: "For a long time, the Great Sage of the Armed Arms reads the Scriptures intensively, created the mind-learning, and became a school of its own. We have seen it, and felt that it is broad and profound, and there is a gathering of talents. But only based on this knowledge, can we really be holy?"*

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