Chapter 827


Guan Shiyin wanted to say something more, but was pulled from the ground by Vegeta and threw it into the cabin.

"Hong Yi, as much as the gap between you and Guanyin, and as much as the gap between you and Guanyin with evil thoughts. I don't think you seem to be able to control it. I advise you to wake up instead of daydreaming."

Hong Yi's eyes were sharp, and he stared at Vegett: "It looks like it is you, using some ulterior tactics to forcibly imprison the evil Guanyin by his side."

"Can you kill him?" Vegett opened his eyes, unable to see the depth of the opponent's cultivation, and turned to Son Goku.

"Can't kill." Son Goku shook his head and said, "There are sixty-four defensive circles sealed in his body. It is not easy to kill him."

If you can't drive away, you can't kill, then you can only ignore it.

Vegett summoned the Five Spirit Orbs and formed the Five Elements Realm, isolating everything about Hong Yi.

However, they still underestimated each other after all.

After making it clear that he would not be able to break the Five Elements Domain, Hong Yi stood in front of the waterfall and uttered wild words to Yunzhou, calling Vegett a waste, bold and afraid to face his challenge.

Gradually, the spokespersons of the two schools of Baijia and Buddhism and Taoism all came here and pointed to Yunzhou.

Telling a lie 10,000 times is enough to make people suspicious.

Hong Yi's arrogant attitude, and Vegett's ignorance of his performance, now proved that Vegett had no guts.

This matter is completely upset, and it has affected the progress of the canonization.

After all, if Vegett can't wash away the impression that outsiders have of him at this moment, then after the canonization, the entire Confucian school will become a laughing stock.

No one in Confucianism wanted to see this kind of picture, so the master announced that the time for the canonization had been postponed, and Yan Hui was ordered to enter the Yunzhou and explain the situation to Vegett.

"Someone is playing tricks behind!" Vegett said with a sneer: "Such a big fishing reel oppresses, relying on a pawn like Hong Yi, it can't support it at all."

"The current situation is very unfavorable for you." Yan Huitan said, "Celestial men raise hope, scholars raise energy, saint raises power. You have not been canonized, and you will be a timid and incompetent image, and you will be laughed at by everyone."

Vegett narrowed his eyes and glanced at the cabin.

He always felt that this matter had nothing to do with Guan Shiyin.

After all, who would spend a lot of energy laying down sixty-four defensive arrays in the body? It seems to be waiting for this moment!

"There is no way to avoid it, then you can only go upstream!"

As Vegett said, stepping on the void, stepping out of the radiation range of the cloud boat defense: "Hong Yi, come and die!"

Finally forced Vegett out of the Yunzhou, Hong Yi didn't use his supernatural powers to attack and kill, but solemnly said: "Beget, you are about to ascend the throne of the Confucianist, and you want to come to the world. In this mountain of books. In Xuehai, I won't meet you sharply either. How about our three literary fights?"

"If you win, my life will be yours. Life and death is up to you. If I win, don't be a sacred sacred heart. Give me the evil thoughts Guanyin and go back honestly to learn the scriptures." ."

On the day when I first arrived at Shushan, the Master said that something will happen at the canonization ceremony this time, and someone will come to make trouble.

Vegett originally thought that the opponent would choose the time after the ceremony, but the reality is that the opponent did not play the cards according to common sense at all, appeared in advance, and brought everyone into his rhythm.

This is really amazing. All the details, including the scrutiny and calculation of Vegett's character, are not bad enough to achieve this situation.

Many successes, seemingly accidental, are actually the "actors" who follow the script step by step.

Veget has no God's perspective, so he was a little confused for a while.

This guy named Hong Yi was sent by Guanyin to help her get out, or was it sent by some other force to prevent him from ascending the throne.

However, no matter which kind it is, it means that the other party is prepared, and the person who comes is not good!

Under the attention of all the people, Vegett had to step into the opponent's conspiracy trap: "Deal! How are you going to war?"

"There are three literary battles. In the first game, we compare the scriptures and the meanings to see who wrote the scriptures that can communicate the literary spirit in the waterfall and make the waterfall flow backwards."

"In the second scene, we compare poems and use poems to gather the literary spirit like a dragon."

"In the third scene, we compare our ambitions. We will use classical Chinese to see who can trigger the great alienation in the sea of ​​scholarship."

The sound of Hong Yi resounded like a golden stone, resounding between the mountain and the sea.

A cold light flashed in Veget's eyes and said, "As you wish."

So far, everything is under control.

A smile appeared on Hong Yi's face and said to Yan Hui, "Thank you to prepare paper and pen."

Yan Hui was expressionless, and between his sleeves, two green lotus platforms flew out of his cuffs, floating in the air.

On the lotus platform, there are tables, pens, inks, and inkstones.


Hong Yi was in a good mood, and smiled and gave Vegeta humbly.

Vegett's eyes were calm, he glanced at him, and Fei was on the lotus platform.

Hong Yi didn't care about this, and he didn't know whether he deliberately, step by step, came to Qinglian.

The ink on the desk was well-developed, and Vegett reached out and took out the medium brush hanging on the pen stand. The nib penetrated the black ink and stopped on the pure white and flawless rice paper.

In the ancient history of Vegett’s previous life, Wang Yangming was the last sage of the Confucian school. Since him, there has been no sage from the Confucian school.

Moreover, his thinking is different from that of the Confucian sages, and his academic research is also different.

Therefore, at this time, Vegeta couldn't copy other people's scriptures for his own use, and he couldn't help but pause for a while.

At the same time, Hong Yi has already begun to write, and it can even be clearly seen that he is in a state of prosperous writing at this moment, working hard and writing fluently.

As the characters leaped on the paper, the surging waterfall and river suddenly rose up with a large swath of mist, wrapping Hong Yi and the lotus platform under his feet, like a cloud of celebration, amazing.

In contrast, Begettton time was compared.

A faint ridicule began to appear among the hundreds of families, and his eyes would glance at the Confucian disciples around him from time to time, which was meaningful.

The Confucian disciples clearly did nothing wrong, but at this moment they were inexplicably ashamed.

The extroverted and hot disciple, enduring the guilty conscience, pretending to be angry, and staring back, at least not inferior in momentum.

And those disciples with introvert and kindness blushed, don't look too far, afraid to look at those questioning eyes.

Vegett's keen sense of consciousness also discovered this phenomenon.

"Hey, Vegett, can you do it? If you really can't write it, just get down and don't be ashamed of standing on it."

Huang Long, one of the representatives of Dao Sect, laughed ridiculously in the crowd of hundreds of scholars. *

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