Chapter 834

The red-robed man wanted to struggle, but he couldn't escape Son Goku's control.

A pair of black and white eyes are gradually covered with bloodshot eyes.


The man in the red robe uttered a scream that did not resemble a human, and one hundred and eighty black chess pieces pierced the space and arrived.

Just like a sharp black knife with one hundred and eighty-one handles, it cut off the controlling power from Son Goku's palm.

"You can't escape."

Beijit said quietly, shifting his shape and changing positions, and came to the front of the red robe in an instant, and delivered the blood-changing knife into his heart.

A stream of blood flowed from under the red robe man's mask, hitting Vegett with a palm, knocking him back.

Then his whole body turned into a puff of black smoke and rushed towards the door.


A green sleeve carrying a pure white light suddenly slammed in from outside the door, shot him heavily on the black smoke, and shot him back into the room again.

With the sound of subtle footsteps, the Master and Mencius came together.

The man in the red robe looked at the Four Saints and whispered, "Is this a trap?"

Beijit said: "Why don't you think? There really is Yan Ruyu in the book?"

The red-robed man was very angry and said sharply: "So you have always known that I am watching you, so you planned this calculation. The reason why Vegeta walks so slowly is to give Confucius and Mencius time to prepare... …"

"The process is not complicated, and you don't need to repeat it." Vegett's eyes grew cold, and he shouted: "Dare to stop my holy way, are you impatient or fearless?!"

Surrounded by the four great powers, the red robe calmed down instead, even smiling.

"Beget, anyway, if you didn't become the Confucian heart sage, you lost. As for the so-called Wenzong offering wine, tsk, if you put it bluntly, it is not to give the Confucian life for nothing, and you can't get the slightest essential benefit!"

Beijit said: "Have you ever thought about it. As long as I keep my current state, and will become stronger in the future, this position of the Confucian sacred heart will always be reserved for me."

Hongpao laughed loudly and said: "You form an alliance with the Confucian School. This is something that both Buddhism and Taoism and the various schools of thought cannot tolerate. Even if they have not expressed it now, if you are canonized again, you will still have Countless people like me have come forward to stop you."

Vegett pursed his lips and said, "Give you one last chance to tell who you are!"

"Last chance……"

Hongpao blinked and asked seriously: "If I said, would you let me make a living?"

"of course not."

Begett said affirmatively; "But you can send your bones to your teacher instead of feeding them to the dog."

The red robe was silent for a long time, and exclaimed, "It really is Vegett's style."


At this moment, Son Goku's brows suddenly clumped, his hands were sealed, and a bright moon came out of Qinghai, suppressing his opponent.

Visible to the naked eye, the red robe's gradually growing body shrank quickly in front of this supernatural power, and was suffocated back to the development of self-destruction.

The other party's attitude of seeing death as home made Beijit a little frightened, and slapped him on the head again. After slapped him and turned his head, he forcibly searched for his soul.


Unexpectedly, when Vegett's spirit power penetrated into the ancestral orifice of the opponent's eyebrows, there was a weird sound in it.

Afterwards, the spirit in this body disappeared.

"Is this a clone?" Mencius asked.

"This is the real body." Son Goku said, reaching out his hand to take off the blue ghost mask on the opponent's face, and his eyes were slightly surprised.

The face hidden under this mask is actually the real person of Yuxu Palace Huanglong.

"This is not Huanglong's real body." Vegett said affirmatively.

"It uses a secret technique similar to changing faces. Once it is changed, it cannot be restored to its original state." Son Goku said.

"Obviously trapped the man behind the scenes, but how do I feel that this matter is even more confusing?" Mencius frowned.

"Because the black hand behind the scenes is dead, but the soul is not dead, and we still don't know who he is." Vegett patted the man in the red robe and said softly.

"Next, the other party will definitely be more vigilant, and no matter what happens, they will not take the initiative to reveal their identity." The master slowly said: "Moreover, the Confucian school can't keep them for too long."

Vegett took a deep breath, met the gazes of the three, and said helplessly: "It's like you can't wake up a person who pretends to be asleep. Faced with this situation, I have nothing to do."

"For the present plan, I can only use the dumbest and most unsatisfactory method to swindle that person out. The enemy hidden in the dark is the most terrifying, like a nail deeply pierced in my heart, and I won’t pull it out. Sleeping and eating are troublesome."

"The plan will be set out." Son Goku asked softly.


The next morning, Su Qin, the walking representative of the political strategist, walked out of the house with a sword on his back, refused to be served by the strange servant, walked to the well, poured a bucket of clean water, and began to wash his hands and clean the face.

Just like his handsome face, his hands are very beautiful, white and slender, with distinct bones.

On Yunmeng Mountain, the six sages Guiguzi praised these hands more than once, saying that they could hold the six kingdoms and the world.

Later, he also used his talents to prove Guiguzi's motto.

This actually confuses all sentient beings. After all, it was Guiguzi who saw his future and knew that he could hold the Six Kingdoms.

Or is it because Guiguzi said this sentence that Su Qin worked hard for this and achieved this kind of result?

No one can understand the causal relationship, but it is indeed because of this achievement that he has become one of the most outstanding disciples in the line of strategists.

"Mr. Su, Master Jijiu invites you to a banquet."

After he dried the water stains on his face with a breeze, a bachelor in a green robe came to him and said with a bow.

For this great man who passed on through the ages, this bachelor is in awe of the heart.

Among them, fear is more than Jing.

Su Qin nodded, smiling mildly and brightly, with white and neat teeth, subconsciously feeling good.

"Your name is Zhang Min, right?"

The Bachelor was startled slightly, then his eyes brightened, his small face flushed with excitement: "Mr. Su knows my name?"

"I heard others talk about it, so I wrote it down."

Su Qin asked seriously: "Little brother Zhang, know who Wen Zong Jijiu invited to the banquet this time?"

Zhang Min smiled and said, "Buddhism and Taoism, representatives of the various schools of thought have been invited, and I have been sent to invite you to a banquet."

Seeing that he hadn't invited himself alone, Su Qin's smile was even brighter, and said, "Then let's go quickly, and don't let Wen Zong wait for a long time."

Not long after, Su Qin followed Zhang Min to Yunzhou.

The cloud boat has become dozens of times bigger. The cabin in the boat is a hundred meters in size, and there are tables full of tables. Hundreds of people walk around in it, talking and laughing. *

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