Chapter 837

Regarding the official position of Liangshan Dianke, Su Qinda refused in his heart.

But now as a slave, he has no choice but to accept orders.

As for rebellion, or violation of yang and yin, he dare not decide.

Even if he is a politician behind him, he can't hold these two mad kings.

Su Qin walked away with his sword on his back, and Vegett looked at his disappearing back, feeling inexplicable for a while.

For the time being, he didn't get the Heart Sacred Achievement, but he got a peerless wizard because of it, so it seemed that he had made some money in this deal.

Inexplicably very happy.

This is probably the beginning of the legendary tragedy and the end of the comedy?

"What are you laughing at?"

Seeing the corners of his mouth raised slightly, Son Goku was inexplicably happy, and asked with a smile.

Vegeta smiled and shook his head, and said, "I'm glad I was not caught by fate."

"By fate?" Son Goku asked suspiciously.

"No matter how hard we try, we will always be one step away from the truth. We can't find the black hand behind the scenes, and we can't pull out the nails in our hearts until the end."

Beget remembered some suspenseful stories, and shrugged: "I don't like this kind of routine very much, and my heart is tired."

Son Goku said: "You always think too much, and your mind is a little sensitive. Don't make yourself so tired, the sky is falling, there is me."

Vegett gave him a blank look and said, "I thank you for not saying that I am suspicious, jealous, and capricious."

"Hahaha..." Son Goku couldn't help laughing, his voice loud and loud.

In his laughter, Vegett was angry and couldn't express himself, and after a moment he laughed.

Accompanied by the laughter of the two, the representatives of the hundreds of families who remained in the cabin vanished and disappeared.

It turns out that this time Vegeta only entertained Su Qin himself, and the rest of the representatives were all changed by Son Goku.

The so-called red crystal that can test the real body of the black hand behind the scenes is naturally also fake.

From beginning to end, this was a trap set against Su Qin.

And this kind of trap, Vegett and the others have done it seven times before.

Seven hundred representatives were deceived here and encountered the same routine.

It's just that the fake can't be true after all, and the seven representatives saved their lives.

The memory was forcibly washed away by Son Goku and put it back.

This is what Vegett calls the dumb method, one temptation, although the effort is huge.

But their luck was obviously not bad, and they didn't finally try Su Qin.

"Finally got rid of a piece of heart disease."

The Master, Mencius, San Zang and others came together and sighed slightly.

Beijit said: "You still can't take it lightly. A Su Qin almost broke the development plan of the Confucian school. This sad reality reflects the essence of the Confucian school nowadays."

This is a bit rude, but neither the Master nor Mencius has a temper.

Although the personalities are different, from a full-time perspective, Master is more suitable for studying knowledge, and Mencius is more suitable for promoting justice.

Neither of them is suitable for intrigue, or even manage a stall as big as the Confucian school.

"Please follow us to the Confucian Temple and talk about the future development plan of Confucianism in detail." Mencius said.

Vegett glanced at the people walking westward, and said to the young Bodhisattva standing at the end: "You go out."

Guan Shiyin twitched his cheeks, and raised his eyes, "Just me?"

"Yes, it's you."

As Vegett spoke, he paused slightly, pointed to the canopy and the others and said, "They are my brothers."

Hearing that, Tianpeng, Sha Wujing, and Xiao Bailong are all hot in different degrees.

What is the nature of the westbound team is well known.

Trust is always the most dreamy and beautiful thing in a collective gathered together because of interests.

Even if they have lived and died together, even if they are still fighting side by side.

After all, unanimous external and internal disputes are two different relationship models.

Because of this, the three of them were moved by Vegett's trust at this moment.

"Let's go out."

Taking a deep breath, the canopy said with a complicated expression: "Don't disappoint Vegett's trust!"

Sha Wujing and Xiao Bailong understood the meaning of his words.

It is a good thing to be trusted, but in the chessboard, they are often involuntarily involuntarily.

Leaving is a good result for both parties.

The three walked out of the cabin with Guan Shiyin, but San Zang stayed, with a calm expression on his face.

He can guarantee that he will not fail Vegett's trust under any circumstances.

There is no outer ear here, Mencius solemnly said: "Please speak clearly."

Vegett smiled helplessly: "Yasheng, don't be so impatient. The rise of Confucianism is not short of this moment. What's more, I don't have a real understanding of Confucianism now. You think I have to be so wise to plan. layout?"

Mencius said sincerely: "The Master seldom directly manages the work of Confucianism. I have been alone until now, and I can't speak about all kinds of sadness, so I eagerly hope that someone can come up with a better policy to relieve the pressure on my shoulders. "

Vegett squinted at the master, with a faint smile, "Isn't this an exploitation? Good Yasheng, now you are driving him out of control."

The master smiled: "Isn't this you here? He can relax in the future."

Veget: "..."

Seeing that his gaze was getting more and more weird, the master gave a light cough and began to explain the current situation of the Confucian school.

After a few moments, the master gradually stopped talking.

Vegett was silent for a moment and said: "Your current way of thinking is correct. Transform Confucianism to make it more suitable for the superstructure of the secular dynasty. Over time, there will be a trend of advocating Confucianism from top to bottom, Confucianism. It will gradually become stronger."

"However, this method is too slow and has great drawbacks. Once the dynasty changes, all your previous efforts will turn into a bubble. Even if the new ruler accepts Confucianism, it will need to undergo a process of reshaping. ."

Mencius nodded all his thoughts and asked curiously: "Then what do you think is the future of Confucianism?"

Vegett paused slightly and said quietly, "The emperor and the scholar-officials rule the world together!"


A short sentence, a few dozen words, was like an axe, shattering everyone's thinking.

These three realms were not in the period of Shen Song, let alone the period of Ming Dynasty. The status of literati and officialdom was far less terrifying than in these two eras.

During the Song and Ming dynasties, the emperor and the scholar-official group were interdependent, mutually exploiting, common prosperity, and sharing rights.

Moreover, this relationship often has a pattern.

In the early stage of the empire, imperial power was the leading factor and the literati group cooperated.

In the middle period of the empire, the literati group was the dominant group, and the imperial power cooperated with co-governance.

In the later period of the empire, the literati group even surpassed the emperor's power.

From this, we can see how powerful scholars have in these two dynasties.

As for the Ministry of War in the empire, hehehe, any officer would dare to spit on the face of the leader of the Ministry of War. *

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