Chapter 844

"To make a long story short, I am not here to trouble you this time, but to take you across the Flame Mountain. Everyone, please let me go."

"If Vegett doesn't come out, we will never leave." Son Goku said solemnly.

Ox-King sighed slightly, and said, "Beget is really right. You won't listen to my opinion. Here is a letter written by him. You take turns to read it. After reading it, you may change your mind. NS."

Son Goku took the letter, but saw it read:

Seeing words like face, monkey, tripartite, canopy, Wujing, and Ryoma, there is no permanent banquet in the world. When we get here, we should say goodbye.

Sanzo, thank you for being an enemy of the whole world for me. However, this is not the ending I hope to see.

Don't twist it anymore, go west. Your mission is only halfway through, so you can't stop it halfway.

Monkey, thank you for your efforts. Protect San Zang, every day with you is my best memory.

Tianpeng, Wujing, Bailong, goodbye, the Three Realms are so big, there may be a chance to meet again in the future.

By the way, monkey, remember to study more and read more books in the future. There is a golden house in the book, and Yan Ruyu in the book...Beget left a pen.

Reading to the end in one breath, the sadness that had just been brewing in Son Goku's heart quickly disappeared.

Hmm...the book has its own golden house, and the book has Yan Ruyu. A familiar sentence reminds him of a memory.

Thinking of the pictures in his memory, Son Goku's mood gradually stabilized.

He passed the letter to Sanzo who opened his eyes somehow, and said, "Let's go."

Sanzang read the letter carefully, and if it weren't for the strong scent of Vegett in the handwriting, he would not believe that it was an autograph.

How could Vegett concede defeat to fate, give up traveling west and stay here?

What made him even more puzzled was Son Goku's indifferent attitude at the moment.

Within the Three Realms, anyone who has heard of the name of the Double Saints will know how much Son Goku values ​​Vegett.

"We waited for five months for the variable to appear, and Vegeta gave the signal."

In response to the suspicious gazes of the people traveling westward, Son Goku whispered in secret.

I see……

San Zang and others breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

"It's just a letter. There really is such a big power that can easily change the perseverance of Son Goku and Tang Sanzang? This is terrible, and Vegett's status in their hearts is too high."

After Vegett’s previous language guidance and suggestion, Ox-King successfully guided his thinking to Vegett’s influence, and did not think about whether the letter itself had any mystery.

A few moments later, in the middle of the night, Yun Zhou came to the front of Huoyan Mountain.

At this moment, the flame mountain was still burning the sky with golden flames, radiating dazzling golden brilliance, showing the shining details within a hundred miles, in sharp contrast with the rich ink color in the sky.

Ox-King breathed a breath of fairy air at the banana fan. The palm-sized banana fan quickly grew in size, measuring seven feet long and three feet wide. One side is flaming red and the other side is azure blue.

The people walking west got off the cloud boat and stood in front of Huoyan Mountain.

The canopy put the Yunzhou away smoothly and wiped the sweat from his face.

The high temperature here is still terrifying!

Aiming the azure blue fan at the Flame Mountain, Ox-King moved the Xian Yuan inside his body, his arms were hard, the veins were exposed, and he fanned fiercely.


The wind is colorless and tasteless, and most of the sounds it makes are just whirring sounds.

However, at this moment when the banana fan fell, a blue to deep hurricane suddenly appeared, colliding with the air and rumbling.

The overwhelming wind violently hit Law Jin Yan, like a bit of tofu in brine, without the extreme collision that everyone imagined, but directly blew the flames within a radius of ten meters into the mountains.

Although the sacred wind fanned by the banana fan is powerful, it can only do so when facing the law of Jin Yan, and it cannot be completely extinguished.

"Hurry up, it won't take long for Jin Yan to come out again."

As Ox-King said, he continued to wave the banana fan, fanning the flames that retreated ten feet, and blazing a trail in the sea of ​​flames.

The people walking westward followed him, and it took a full two months before they could walk across the Flame Mountain and arrive in front of a wild ridge.

"You have been sent out of Flaming Mountain, and my mission has been completed. Everyone, I hope we won't have the chance to see you again in the future."

Ox-King shrank the banana fan infinitely and placed it in the soul, and said slowly.

"Tell Vegett that I will be able to pick her back soon." Son Goku looked into Ox-King's eyes and said seriously.

Ox-King sneered: "I advise you to dispel this idea, do you know, in order for me to send you over, what did Vegett promise me?"

Son Goku's eyes sharpened suddenly, and he solemnly asked, "What did he promise you?"

"Be my subordinate!" Ox-King sneered.


The tyrannical aura radiated from Son Goku, rushing to the sky for nine days, and the gods and ghosts were shocked.

"This is impossible!"

"Whether you believe it or not, this is the truth." Ox-King said coldly.

Son Goku reached out and touched the letter in his arms, suppressed his anger, waved violently: "Wishful thinking! Go away, go away, I don't want to see you!"

Ox-King glanced at him pityingly, thinking that this monkey was going crazy.

However, he can understand his mood at the moment.

Thinking of this, Ox-King suddenly became excited, and his heart was filled with an inexplicable sense of pleasure and joy.

What if you let your magical power be overwhelming, supernatural powers, and aloft?

In the end, it's not just that you can cover your eyes, cover your ears, and not look or listen.

"Don't worry, I will let Vegeta give full play to his talents!" Ox-King's smile was a bit gloomy, and he emphasized the use of the two words to deepen his tone.

Son Goku could no longer control the anger in his heart, slamming the golden cudgel, and slamming it fiercely at Ox-King.

Ox-King had long been prepared for this, and raised the mixed iron rod to face the golden cudgel.

The two sticks collided, the air wave emptied, and Ox-King's arms almost dislocated, but with this counter-shock force, he distanced himself from Son Goku and Feitian fled.

He couldn't beat Son Goku, so he didn't want to stay desperately.

"I do not understand!"

Looking at the back of Ox-King leaving, the canopy said earnestly: "Great Sage, how can you agree to let him escort?"

Son Goku glanced at Guanshiyin and said, "I have a very important thing that I need to do right away, and I will explain it to you when I come back."

Canopy opened his mouth, trying to say something, but Son Goku had already faded away. *

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