Chapter 846

The arena is never pure, not black and white.

Those who are willing to come to the banquet with invitations are not all in a congratulatory attitude.

Even, there are countless people who want to see Ox-King embarrassed.

For example, the demon king who has attracted the attention of Manshan is the most typical example.

In full view, in order to maintain his fame and fame, Ox-King hated this person which pot or not to open, but he couldn't become angry, and he couldn't avoid this problem in the mist.

Those who want to rely on fame to win their positions will always be tired of fame.

"First of all, Hong Haier died in the mouth of a ferocious snake, and he could not blame Vegett. Secondly, the reason why Hong Haier died was because he actively provoked the people on the west, and became a contradiction in the catastrophe. , I can only blame the superficial blessings, how can I involve others?"

Ox-King knew in his heart that only by telling the truth can others' misunderstanding of him be reduced.

However, he was too aware of Vegett's influence in the Three Realms now.

If the truth is told, this wedding will definitely not go on.

Therefore, we can only just bite the bullet and justify Vegett.


Hearing this reason, the Demon King couldn't help but sneered: "Even such a brazen thing can be said!"

Ox-King said grimly, "Greece Bird, this king asks himself that nothing has offended you? Why are you so aggressive today?"

Gale Bird said solemnly: "You haven't offended me, so I need to give you face and resist the thoughts in my heart? What kind of truth is this!"

Ox-King said coldly: "If you don't want to participate, you can leave now."

"I can't go."

Gale Bird smiled weirdly and said: "I don't believe that Vegeta has suddenly changed his sex. There must be a big mystery in this, and maybe something very interesting will happen in a while."

Ox-King suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a deep voice, "Then we will wait and see!"

"Wait a moment."

The dazzling golden light burst from the sky above Cuiyun Mountain. A monkey wearing a golden chain mail and holding a golden hoop rod, stepped on the colorful auspicious clouds, and paused in the air, looking down at the wedding scene.

"Son Goku!"

The crowd was in an uproar, and there was a lot of discussion, with different expressions on their faces.

Some are excited, some are frightened, some are eager, some are worried...and so on.

"I know, I know, Son Goku will definitely appear at the most critical moment."

"You are so good, even a saint can't predict the future, can you still figure it out? What a lie!"

"The point is not this. The point is that the monkey has really come over. Ox-King is in trouble now."

"Not at all. Although Son Goku has great magical powers, he is only one person after all, and Ox-King has gathered more than 100,000 demon soldiers and demon generals. It is hard to say that he can get any benefits..."

Although Son Goku's binaural ears are not as powerful as the six-eared macaque, the monitoring party can still do it.

His eyes followed the voice and looked towards the person who was speaking, and in the midst of it, a general trend emerged from nothing, and it fell heavily on the person.


When he couldn't reach the defense, the bones of the man's body were smashed, and he collapsed to the ground, paying a great price.

"Where is the soldier!"

Son Goku retracted his gaze, looked at the tauren soldiers all over the mountains, and said softly.

Behind him, the void suddenly split, carrying a giant axe and a hip flask led by a burly god-man, a majestic great demon walked out of the crack, arrayed in the void.

I don't know how long it has passed, when the number of monster soldiers in the void has exceeded 300,000, the huge crack finally gradually closed and became invisible.

"Great God Wu Gang!"

The guests were stunned again, staring at the leading general in a daze.

Just as no one in the Three Realms didn't know Chang'e, no one didn't know Wu Gang either.

His story has been spread all over the world, and his bravery has spread everywhere.

Although many of the guests had known for a long time, Wu Gang was coaxed to Huaguo Mountain by Vegeta's servant, and what he did as a guest.

But now seeing him coming on the expedition with my own eyes is also shocking and inexplicable.

"Ox-King, want to keep Vegett, have you asked my opinion?"

Son Goku nodded at Wu Gang, then turned to look towards the top of the mountain.

Shocked in all directions!

Son Goku's words, like a thunderstorm, blasted into all sacred hearts.

At this time, he is domineering and awe-inspiring. He seems to be the king of ten thousand demons, high above him.

It made countless male fairies boiled with enthusiasm while shocked, and made countless female fairies flushed and their spring hearts wafted.

Many people in the world comment on how unbearable the nympho is, but if you don't take their role, you won't understand this feeling.

The person they believe in is like a beam of light, illuminating their lives and conquering their hearts.

There seemed to be no other colors in the world, only the other side's figure was left in the eyes.

Just as a gentleman likes to admire color, so slender ladies also adore heroes.

The male fairy admired and the female fairy admired, Son Goku became the focus of the audience. This situation completely angered Ox-King, who was supposed to be the protagonist.

"Pomon, why should I ask your opinion when I do something?! Even if Vegeta is in the same door with you, what does his choice do to you?"

Son Goku grinned and said: "It's not about it, it's not up to you. Bullhead, let Vegeta right away, otherwise, I will level the Cuiyun Mountain!"

Ox-King was overwhelmed by his domineering discourse and blood, and he screamed, like a golden slam and a jade sound, and the sound of a knife, beheading the demon soldier towards Huaguoshan.

Wu Gang was expressionless and snorted softly. The blade wave was blown away by the violent wind and disappeared quickly without a trace.


The ridicule and pity in the eyes of the guests deeply hurt Ox-King's extreme heart and hatred.

More than one hundred thousand cattle soldiers led the way, brandishing their swordsmen, forming a black torrent, rushing towards Wu Gang's figure.

"Don't leave the piece of armor!" Son Goku shouted.

The Huaguo Mountain demon soldiers got the order, and the spearmen at the forefront of the array raised their black spears, and took a neat step toward the dark tide of bull demon step by step.

Just like moths fighting the fire, the mighty bull monsters came before the pikemen and were shocked to find that their attack strength was not enough to break through the gun formation to attack and defend the defense.

Even, the team was forcibly torn apart in an instant, and countless bull demons were pierced by dark spears!

The Huaguoshan spearmen hurriedly stabbed nearly a thousand bull demon.

Decline again, forming a defensive spear array, suppressing the firepower of the bull monsters.

Three exhausted and gradually retreated.

The halberd soldiers holding the big halberds threw out from both sides, taking the place of the pikemen. The iron halberds shining with cold light in their hands were like a rainbow.

After a while, the unreserved euphorbia's morale was exhausted, and withdrawing back, the iron axe soldier holding the giant axe became the last straw to crush the camel.

Under the three waves of attacks by the angry waves, the Tauren completely lost the soul of the army, and screamed and turned to escape.

This also created a magnificent scenery. The enchanting soldiers of Huaguoshan chased and killed more than one hundred thousand tauren soldiers, as if they were herding sheep. *

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