Chapter 849: Is Vegeta Really Dead?


"Monkey, don't go on anymore, it's a foregone conclusion, why force it?" Vegett said flatly without expression.

Son Goku stretched his hand to Ox-King: "He is not worthy."

Ox-King: "..." Your uncle.

Vegett was almost laughed at by this sentence, but fortunately he had a solid basic skills in acting and never showed any extra expressions on his face.

"I know he is not worthy of me to surrender, but the matter is over, I can only blame myself for bad life, and I can't help it at all."

Ox-King: "..."

"Can you really stay with this smelly bison?" Son Goku asked seriously.

Begett paused, and said to Ox-King, "Come here."

Ox-King seemed to think of something in a daze, but he was always on guard, squeezing the banana fan in his hand, and step by step came to Veget.

Looking at Ox-King's burly body, Vegett raised his toes, wrapped his arms around his neck, and whispered: "Do you know how powerful a fairy explosion can be in a tightly sealed space?"

Ox-King's face changed suddenly, but he hadn't had time to react. Vegett, who had been preparing for a long time, had already summoned eight divine doors to form a completely sealed space. Then, he blew himself up.

A big Luo's body contained an unimaginable immortal essence, and it exploded, with disastrous consequences.

When Lingji Bodhisattva burst the dragon veins of Kyushu, it is a typical example.

Fortunately, unlike when Lingji blew himself up, when Vegeta blew himself up, there was too much sacredness on Cuiyun Mountain.

Headed by Emperor Donghua and Guanshiyin, everyone joined forces to send the power of the explosion to a small plane.

Then, the little thousand-dimensional plane was completely crushed again, turned upside down, and had no vitality.


When the aftermath dissipated, a stream of light quickly flew out around the banana fan and crashed into Son Goku's arms.

"Is that... Vegeta's remnant soul?" a fairy muttered to himself.

"Look, the streamer has collapsed!"

"The soul is gone!"

An old fairy king sighed and said: "He used his last strength to send the banana fan to Son Goku...This is to exchange his life for the other party's Ansheng."

Listening to what the old fairy king said, many people felt miserable, but Son Goku's heart was full of anger.

Although I had known it a long time ago, Vegett still has a drop of essence and blood that can summon the remnants of the soul scattered in the world to be reborn.

But after being reborn, Vegett, I am afraid that he is about to usher in the weakest moment of his life.

Even, suffered an unimaginable trauma.

After all, this time even the soul has exploded.

After taking a deep breath and calming down his overexcitement, Son Goku raised his eyes to the little thousand world.

He wants to confirm whether Ox-King is dead.

If not, make a cut and send him back to the west.


Accompanied by a shallow Buddha's name, an old monk wearing a glowing robes tore through the void, his aura suppressed thousands of miles, and instantly took everyone's color.

Even Emperor Donghua, before he deliberately released his ritual prestige, was bleak in front of the old monk.

"Old coffin board...Why are you here?" Donghua's voice was cold.

"Landing to worship the saint." The old monk ignored his question and put his hands together at the young woman Guan Shiyin.

"The ancient Buddha is well." Guan Shiyin said in reply earnestly.

Emperor Donghua sneered, and summoned a sword of the monarch with purple light in his hand, and slashed to the old monk in the air: "No one can ignore my voice, and posturing will eventually cost blood!"

The sword light was magnificent and mighty, with the law of indestructible power, slashed in front of Ran Lan.

As Emperor Donghua said, no one can ignore his existence. No one can ignore his offense.

The light of the burning lamp fluctuated violently, and the twenty-four divine beads evolved into the world of twenty-four heavens, blocking the front of the sword light.

"Boom boom boom..."

Like a broken bamboo, a sword barefoot pierced the nine heavenly worlds, and it gradually became invisible in the tenth world.

"The emperor calms down his anger."

The young woman Guanyin grabbed Donghua Dijun's wrist and said sincerely: "You are called the old coffin board, and the burning lamp is not easy to answer. There is no response. I hope you don't want to be impulsive."

Although Emperor Donghua is arrogant, his fruit status is not as good as Guanshiyin after all, and he needs to sell him a bit of face.

"I will let you off this time, but if there is another time, I will never forgive you."

Ran Deng didn't feel that the opponent could defeat him. On the contrary, he had complete confidence that he would win the opponent.

It's just that, after all, he didn't come to provoke him this time, but had a task in his hands, and it was not good to waste all his energy on Donghua.

"Shui Miao Niu, if it falls into the grass, it will pull its nostrils around, and then the inmate Miao Jia will be flogged."

"It's been a long time since I've been tuned in, and the poor life has been talked about by others, but now it has become an open white cow, always in front of you, all day long, never going away."

"Ox-King, you are the water cow, and I have a relationship with my Buddha. However, I have not practiced enough, my disposition is uncertain, and I can't transcend the identity of the demon and become a Buddhist monk."

"Now that you have gone through life and death, have you ever realized it?"

Burning lantern looked through the many sacred and stabilized time and space cracks, and looked towards the barren little thousand world.

Just like in the original book, the remnant soul of Ox-King flew out of the scorched black ground, shouting loudly: "Ancient Buddha, I have realized it, I have fully realized it, and I would rather submit to Buddhism!"

"Goodness, goodness!" Burning lamp ancient Buddha said with a smile.

"You're so big!" Son Goku squinted his eyes, looked up at the holy Buddha above him, and said seriously.

Burning lantern's moodless eyes swept over his body, and although there was anger in his heart, he did not dare to treat him.

When Subudi took these two evildoers to Lingshan to find a place, outsiders may not know it, but he saw the end from the beginning.

Na Subhuti is so powerful that it is a little weird, and the Tathagata is not necessarily an opponent.

What if he severely inflicted Son Goku and was killed by Subhuti in the name of bullying, wouldn't it be a tragedy?

Having said that, this kind of backstage goblin is really hateful!

Nian Deng dare not deal with Son Goku, and Son Goku will not be Nian Deng’s opponent in its heyday. Now that he is injured, he can’t make a move. The soul is collected into the world of the twenty-four heavens.

"My task is complete, saint, see you again in the future." After a while, he put away the light of the heavens and bid farewell to the young woman Guanyin.

Guan Shiyin nodded and said: "The ancient Buddha walks slowly..."

After burning the lantern, the fairy gods on Cuiyun Mountain did not leave one after another, but stayed in the void one after another, wanting to see the final outcome of this matter.

That traversed the world, the unparalleled sage with arms, really just so suffocated to death?

It's unbelievable.

"Goku, Vegeta... is it really dead?" After a long time, Emperor Donghua asked everyone's heart. *

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