Chapter 866

The old man chuckled and said, "Isolate and ignorant. Junior, do you know what the inner universe says?"

"This cave is my inner universe. I stand here, and I am the saint of heaven here. Immortality is just commonplace, and it's easy to control time."

Vegeter was startled and frowned slightly, doubting this.

The strength of the inner universe has long been proven in Subhuti, and Vegeta knows this well.

However, he couldn't believe that the tower guard in the third layer of the magic tower had such strength.

"We don't care if this is your inner universe, whether you have the strength of a saint."

After a long time, Vegett said solemnly: "We just want to know how to get through this third layer."

"Don't worry, let us introduce ourselves first?"

The old man said, waved his hand, and before Vegett refused, he said to himself: "I am a demon who had glorious years, but now I am old, so you can call me a demon. elder."

"I'm very pitiful, I'm going to die, but I haven't lived enough yet, and I don't want to die."

"For countless years, I have made countless transactions with countless people, and I have been living with the help of the life of the transaction, until now."

"This is my life, it's a story about me. You guys, would you like to tell me your own life story?"

"Talking to the heart demon about the past, about life, and therefore revealing the flaws in the soul, giving the other party a chance, what kind of brain-disabled person can do this kind of thing?" All of his routines are thoroughly familiar with him, and his face is mocking.

The conspiracy was unmasked, and the old man of the heart demon gradually reduced the gentle smile on his face.

"This is my inner universe. Without my permission, even if you can become holy on the ground, you will never find the way to the fourth floor..."

"Why speak so absolutely?" Vegett squeezed the narrow blood knife in his hand, winking secretly at the canopy.

The canopy saw the killing intent in his eyes, and there was a slight horror in his heart.

After all, this is in someone else's home, and the other person looks unfathomable.

However, based on the trust in him, the reaction speed of the canopy's body far exceeded the speed of the mind's thinking.

Vegett turned into a blood rainbow, like a flash of lightning, suddenly came to the sky above the old man of the heart demon, holding the blood-changing sword high, cooperating with the attack of the canopy, and slammed it down.


The overwhelming, rushing waves of attacks came surging, the old man of the heart demon raised his arm, his left hand pointed towards the canopy, and the right hand pointed towards Vegett.

The power of the law that is invisible to the naked eye is condensed out of thin air. The divine power on the nine-foot rake of the canopy and the blood glow on the Vegeta blood knife are vulnerable to the power of this law. They are easily dissolved and dissipated in this space. .

As soon as he shot, Vegett knew that even if he and the canopy were ten times stronger, they would not be the opponent of the old man in front of him.

It's just that he was very puzzled. Why didn't the opponent crush them forcibly, but instead wanted to fool them?

"Actually, you can't kill us at all, can you?"

With the wave of his hand, the attack of Veget and the canopy was resolved. The old man of the heart demon did not suppress them, but had an unpredictable face until Vegett spoke and said such a sentence.

"Why do you see it?" The old man of the heart demon gradually disappeared from the smile on his face.

Begett said: "The main purpose of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is to eat the tiger, not to pretend to be a pig. As long as you have that kind of strength, it is impossible for us as a group to live until now."

Facts are stronger than eloquence, the old man of the heart demon is irrefutable, and said with a sneer: "Yes, I can't kill you here, but you can't kill me either."

"However, without my help, none of you can enter the fourth floor. Therefore, I am inherently invincible and you must ask me."

Vegett took a deep look at him, and secretly spoke to the Sanzang on his shoulders: "Monk, you might surrender this monk?"

Sanzang said in his heart: "The other party's spirit is fusion with this world. If you want to surrender it, it's like surrendering this world. How easy is it?"

Vegett let out a long sigh, and solemnly said to the old man of the heart demon: "Just tell me, what do you want?"

The eyes of the old man of the heart demon suddenly brightened, and he pointed to the people: "Like a mortal, the heart demon will be old and even die."

"When I first started, I told you that I am very pitiful and will be dead, but I don't want to die. Over the years, I have been using other people's lives to live happily."

"Time flies, I don't know how many springs and autumns have passed in the blink of an eye, and the life I have traded has also come to an end. Fortunately, at this time, you are here and you have brought me a different hope."

"Everyone, are you willing to make a deal with me?"

"What is the content of the transaction?" Vegett asked solemnly: "We instill vitality into you?"

"There is no lack of vitality in my physical body, and even the vitality contained in my body is far higher than that of ordinary Taoism. What I lack is the essence of the soul, the essence of this kind of longevity."

The old man of the heart demon said, with an uncontrollable smile on his face: "Say straight to the point, how about giving me the prime of your life?"


The canopy categorically refused: "The breakthrough in the prime of life is the basis for determining the height of the future. Give you our prime of life, and our future will stop here."

"The devil old man, why don't you ask us to sacrifice your soul directly so that you can get more."

Seeing that the inner demon was about to speak again, bewitching people's hearts, Begett rolled his eyes and thought about it: "None of us can do anything about it. Everyone wants each other, so stop arguing with each other."

"Heart demon old man, don’t think about the origin of our souls, but we can promise you that he will make up six Da Luo soul origins for you in the next year as a reward for helping us go to the next level. How about your own compensation for leaving here?"

The old man of the heart demon was silent for a long time, his eyes fixed on Vegett's eyes, as if he wanted to see his heart through this window of the soul: "Why should I believe you?"

"We can jointly record a memory image for you." Vegeta summoned a memory crystal, hung in the air in front of him, and said lightly: "After going out in the future, you can rely on this image to seek debts from us. If we don't I think you can spread it to the Three Realms and ruin our reputation."

"The heart demon, I'm not afraid to tell you that we are all people who want to be holy. By then, do you think that we will choose to hunt down the six big Luos and maintain our reputation?"

At this moment, the heart demon was tempted. *

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