
The golden giant ape Kanba let out a beastly roar, and flew his hand towards Veget.

“Is consciousness confused again? I thought I could negotiate simply. Vegett sighed helplessly, and his figure flashed, and he had already circled behind the golden giant ape and stepped on it directly.


The golden giant ape was trampled on, and although it did not fall, it also stomped heavily on the ground with one foot, shaking out a big pit.

However, his reaction was extremely fast, one hand slapped the ground, the huge body soared into the sky, turned around, and a giant energy bomb erupted from his mouth.

“It looks like the body is so big, and the movements are quite agile.”

Vegett sighed in admiration, and a turtle pie qigong was also condensed in his hand.


The two energy bombs collided together, bursting out with earth-shattering power, almost making the entire prison star tremble.

On the surface, Vegett looks slightly at a disadvantage, but in the end the energy consumes each other, just pushing Vegett out for a long distance.

“Awesome! The energy intensity has reached 500 kyo! For you who have not become a god, it is indeed very rare. Vegeta did not choose to continue to transform upward, although he only had 400 kyo’s energy intensity in this state, it was enough to hit an unconscious giant ape.

Taking advantage of the fact that the other party did not have time to continue to condense energy bombs, Vegett directly dodged up and launched a hand-to-hand battle.

I have to say that because of its strong fighting power, the golden giant ape does not have a sense of bulkiness at all, but appears to be extremely flexible.

But no matter how flexible it is, body size is always a weakness, and Vegett uses the rules of time and space to flicker constantly around the golden giant ape, making the other party frequently cope with it, and there is almost no parrying power.

Bang bang…

Vegeta flashed repeatedly, using space restraint and time control from time to time, and the golden giant ape was completely beaten passively.

However, after transforming into a giant ape, Kanba’s physique was ridiculously strong, and even with Veget’s strength, it was still difficult to hurt him, but he hit his own hands painfully.

Attacking again and again, the powerful force continued to shake out, making the space not very stable, and constantly emitting a wail.

Click, click, click…

The aftermath of the collision between the two sides continued to spread, and the huge chain that bound the planet was finally overwhelmed and began to crack, and even the big lock that locked the chain began to crack.

Sun Wukong and the others have long been dumbfounded.

I thought that Kanba had transformed into a giant ape and his strength had increased so much, even Vegette would probably have a headache.

Who expected that in the end it would be such a result, the golden giant ape was almost pressed and beaten, and it was completely carried hard with a strong body.


The golden giant ape was constantly attacked, and finally became furious, and a powerful aura suddenly erupted from its body, and black-red energy soared into the sky.

Taking advantage of the moment Veget’s attack, the golden giant ape stiffened and jerked its tail towards Veget.

“Hey, I just said you forgot something, now I’ll tell you the answer!”

In the face of that tail’s attack, Vegett did not choose to retreat, and the tail behind him also flicked over, facing the thick tail of the golden giant ape.


The two tails, one big and one small, jerked together fiercely, making an explosion like thunder.

The incomparably powerful energy instantly swept in all directions, more terrifying than a dozen level typhoons, almost sweeping away Sun Wukong and the others who had already dodged away.

Fortunately, Bardos waved his scepter at the first time and set up a barrier, which was able to block these aftermath.

Click, click, click…

The giant chains that bound the planet have more cracks, extending densely, and it seems that they will break at any moment.

“Phew, it’s really worse than you!” Veget’s body has withdrawn for several kilometers.

The front is hard and rigid, compared to the golden giant ape, it still suffers a loss, after all, the energy intensity is not as high as the other party, and the strength is much smaller.

“I just don’t know, in the state of the god realm, can I also transform into a giant ape?” Vegette grinned and suddenly turned his gaze to the artificial moon high in the sky.

He was really curious that after transforming into a normal state, he would turn into a golden giant ape, and his strength was five hundred times that of the normal state.

So after reaching the realm of gods, what form will it be to become a giant ape, and how much can its strength be improved?

This question had not been expected before, and now it was the right time, and Vegett decided to do an experiment.

This frightened Sun Wukong and others in the distance, Veget’s current state has already come and gone with the golden giant ape Kanba, if he also becomes a giant ape, how terrifying will it be?

However, Veget’s wish did not come true because…

“Time Chop Cosmic Cave!”

The space split with a cross, and a light and shadow rushed out from it, and his target was the artificial moon.


Vegett just looked at the artificial moon, and the tail did react, but before it could absorb a sufficient amount of Bulz light, the artificial moon exploded!

Fu appeared through the door of time and space, and blew up the artificial moon as soon as he came.

Veget’s already erected tail returned to calm, and Kanba gradually returned from his golden great ape state to normal.

“You guy, you are quite fat, you dare to appear in front of me?” Vegette raised his eyebrows slightly.

At this time, Fu’s image is different from the last time they met, his hair stood upside down, and there was only a pair of bangs on his forehead, which looked like a Saiyan transformation into a super two, but there was no energy release around his body.

“So, this is my battle form!” Fu’s expression looked much more serious, not as pompous as when they first met.

“I’m sorry, but the experiment has been temporarily suspended.” He looked at Vegett and said, “I misjudged your strength, and it was my fault that I didn’t grasp the data properly.” Although it is very interesting, after all, it is still very troublesome to destroy the prison star. ”

Fu’s appearance is related to the crack in the chains, and if Vegett fights Kanba again, those chains will completely break, and then the seal of the prison star will be broken in advance.

Since Fu has engaged in such a drama, of course, he does not want to see the seal broken by the aftermath of the battle.

According to the script he wrote, the goal of these people should be to fight for the dragon balls, and when the seven dragon balls are finally collected, they can unlock the seal and leave the prison star.

“Having said all this, in fact, the point is, do you think this form can not put me in the eyes, right?” As soon as Veget’s words were finished, his figure flashed and appeared behind Fu, and he threw out with a heavy whip.


Fu turned around instantly, crossed his hands in front of him, and although he was pulled out by Veget’s leg, he completely blocked it.

“Can’t say that!” Fu’s expression did not change in the slightest, and said lightly: “It should be said that you are my experimental product from beginning to end.” As an experiment, you should follow my schedule! ”


An extremely terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Fu’s body.

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